1197.3700000000001 |
🏆 |
Cá thu, chiên giòn
1197.3700000000001 |
🏆 |
Cá thu, chiên ngập dầu
1137.5 |
🏆 |
Cá thu, nướng
1123.4599999999998 |
🏆 |
Cá thu, xào
1096.3899999999999 |
🏆 |
Cá thu, lu?c
1096.3899999999999 |
🏆 |
Cá thu, h?p
1014.08 |
🏆 |
Tim gà, luộc
1011.1099999999999 |
🏆 |
Cá thu, kho
910 |
🏆 |
Cá thu
720 |
🏆 |
Tim gà
571.429 |
🏆 |
Gan lợn, luộc
510.87000000000006 |
🏆 |
óc l?n, lu?c
508.4 |
🏆 |
Egg, chicken, yolk, fresh or frozen, raw
505 |
🏆 |
Trứng cá muối
470 |
🏆 |
óc l?n
452.778 |
🏆 |
Gan gà, luộc
443 |
🏆 |
Beef, kidney, simmered
442.857 |
🏆 |
Lu?i bò, lu?c
440 |
🏆 |
Gan lợn
415.385 |
🏆 |
Lòng gà (cả bộ), luộc
415.385 |
🏆 |
Lòng gà (cả bộ), xào
397.05899999999997 |
🏆 |
Tim lợn, luộc
397 |
🏆 |
Beef, liver, braised
387.755 |
🏆 |
Thịt ngựa, nướng
366.66700000000003 |
🏆 |
Tr?ng v?t, rán
354.44399999999996 |
🏆 |
Tr?ng v?t lu?c
354.44399999999996 |
🏆 |
Tr?ng v?t, ch?n
350.549 |
🏆 |
Tr?ng v?t, xào
346.73900000000003 |
🏆 |
óc bò, lu?c
333.33299999999997 |
🏆 |
Gan vịt, luộc
333.33299999999997 |
🏆 |
Thịt ngựa, luộc
326.316 |
🏆 |
Cá trích, chiên giòn
326.316 |
🏆 |
Cá trích, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
326 |
🏆 |
Gan gà
319 |
🏆 |
óc bò
319 |
🏆 |
Tr?ng v?t
310 |
🏆 |
Lu?i bò
310 |
🏆 |
Cá trích, nu?ng
308.108 |
🏆 |
Bầu dục bò, luộc
308 |
🏆 |
Beef, liver, pan-fried
306.17299999999994 |
🏆 |
Cá trích, xào
298.79499999999996 |
🏆 |
Cá trích, lu?c
298.79499999999996 |
🏆 |
Cá trích, h?p
283.333 |
🏆 |
Thịt ngựa, hầm
281.481 |
🏆 |
Bầu dục bò, xào
275.55600000000004 |
🏆 |
Cá trích, kho
270 |
🏆 |
Lòng gà (cả bộ)
270 |
🏆 |
Tim l?n
260 |
🏆 |
Gan vịt
248 |
🏆 |
Cá trích
241.37900000000002 |
🏆 |
Thịt gà tây, nướng
234 |
🏆 |
Lamb, Canadian, foreshank, lean and fat, 3mm trim (1/8''), raw
228 |
Bầu dục bò
210 |
Đuôi lợn
205 |
Trai, luộc
202.899 |
Thịt gà tây, chiên, rán giòn
202.899 |
Thịt gà tây, chiên, rán ngập dầu
200 |
Cá chép, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
198 |
Pâté, country style herb, glazed
194.44400000000002 |
Thịt gà tây, hấp
194.44400000000002 |
Thịt gà tây, luộc
190 |
Thịt ngựa
190 |
Cá chép, nu?ng
188.235 |
Tim bò, luộc
187.654 |
Cá chép, xào
185.938 |
Thịt gà tây, hầm
184.5 |
Trai, hầm
183.13299999999998 |
Cá chép, h?p
183.13299999999998 |
Cá chép, lu?c
183.117 |
Gan bò, luộc
180 |
Ph?i l?n
180 |
Ph?i l?n, lu?c
178.5 |
Đuôi lợn, hầm
177.41899999999998 |
Thịt lợn mỡ, nướng
175.43900000000002 |
Thịt hươu, hấp
175.43900000000002 |
Thịt hươu, luộc
175 |
Cá hồi, chiên giòn
175 |
Cá hồi, chiên ngập dầu
175 |
Turkey bacon, cooked
170 |
Thịt gà tây, kho
168.889 |
Cá chép, kho
168 |
Pork, cured, bacon, cooked, pan-fried
166.25 |
Cá hồi, nướng
164.198 |
Cá hồi, xào
163.218 |
Tr?ng gà ta, rán
160.24099999999999 |
Cá hồi, hấp
160.24099999999999 |
Cá hồi, luộc
160 |
Thịt bồ câu ra ràng
160 |
Thịt bồ câu ra ràng, chiên, rán
160 |
Thịt bồ câu ra ràng, nướng
157.778 |
Tr?ng gà ta lu?c
157.778 |
Tr?ng gà ta, ch?n
156.04399999999998 |
Tr?ng gà ta, xào
155.93699999999998 |
Thịt trâu, hấp
155.79999999999998 |
Egg, chicken, whole, fresh or frozen, raw
154 |
Pâté, country style peppercorn, glazed
152 |
Cá chép
152 |
Sò, hấp
152 |
Sò, nướng
150 |
Sausage, Chorizo, dry
147.778 |
Cá hồi, kho
145.161 |
Thịt lợn nạc, nướng
144 |
Lamb, Canadian, foreshank, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked
143.846 |
Thịt lợn mỡ, hầm
142 |
Tr?ng gà ta
141.66699999999997 |
Thịt lợn mỡ, kho
141 |
Gan bò
140.23 |
Tr?ng chim cút, rán
140 |
Th?t gà tây
140 |
Phổi bò
140 |
Phổi bò, luộc
139.241 |
Thịt lợn mỡ, rán
138 |
Meat stick, mixed meats, refrigerated
137.931 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, nướng
137.931 |
Thịt gà ta, nướng
137.5 |
D? dày l?n, lu?c
136 |
Deli-meat, bologna (baloney), mixed meats
136 |
Th?t b? câu ra ràng, h?m
135.556 |
Tr?ng chim cút lu?c
135.556 |
Tr?ng chim cút, ch?n
135.50699999999998 |
Thịt lợn mỡ, rim
134.066 |
Tr?ng chim cút, xào
133 |
Deli-meat, salami (Genoa), dry cured
133 |
Cá h?i
131.81799999999998 |
Tôm biển, chiên
130 |
Veal, ground, pan-fried
130 |
Turkey, all classes, skin and separable fat only, roasted
129 |
Sausage, Kielbasa (kolbassa), turkey
128 |
Tim bò
126.31600000000002 |
Cá đối, chiên giòn
126.31600000000002 |
Cá đối, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
125 |
Deli-meat, mortadella
124 |
Sausage, Bratwurst, pork, cooked
123.958 |
Thịt trâu, hầm
122.449 |
Thịt dê, nạc, nướng
122 |
Trứng chim cút
121.429 |
Thịt dê, nạc, rim
121.429 |
Thịt dê, nạc, hầm
120 |
Cá đối, nướng
118.63600000000001 |
Tôm bi?n, rim
118.519 |
Cá đối, xào
117.69200000000001 |
Thịt lợn nạc, hầm
117.69200000000001 |
Thịt lợn nửa nạc, nửa mỡ, hầm
117.284 |
Lươn, hấp
117.284 |
Lươn, luộc
117 |
Turkey, all classes, skin and separable fat only, raw
115.94200000000001 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, chiên, rán giòn
115.94200000000001 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, chiên, rán ngập dầu
115.94200000000001 |
Thịt gà ta, chiên, rán giòn
115.94200000000001 |
Thịt gà ta, chiên, rán ngập dầu
115.90899999999999 |
Thịt lợn nửa nạc, nửa mỡ, kho
115.90899999999999 |
Thịt lợn nạc, kho
115.663 |
Cá đối, hấp
115.663 |
Cá đối, luộc
113.92399999999999 |
Thịt lợn nạc, rán
113.92399999999999 |
Th?t l?n n?a n?c, n?a m?, rán
113.095 |
Lươn, chiên giòn
113.095 |
Lươn, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
113 |
Turkey, all classes, ground, raw
112 |
Deli-meat, pepperoni
112 |
111.842 |
Cá trê, chiên giòn
111.842 |
Cá trê, chiên/rán ng?p d?u (giòn)
111.111 |
Thịt gà ta, luộc
111.111 |
Thịt gà ta, hấp
111.111 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, hấp
111.111 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, luộc
111 |
Meat stick, pepperoni, refrigerated
110.86999999999999 |
Th?t l?n n?a n?c, n?a m?, rim
110.86999999999999 |
Thịt lợn nạc, rim
110.256 |
Mề gà, luộc
110.256 |
Mề gà, xào
110 |
Thịt lợn mỡ
110 |
Deli-meat, summer sausage
110 |
D? dày l?n
109.61500000000001 |
Lươn, hầm
109.61500000000001 |
Lươn, kho
109 |
Meat stick, chicken/turkey, refrigerated
108.10799999999999 |
Bầu dục lợn, luộc
107.143 |
Thịt dê, nạc, chiên, rán
107 |
Sausage, Oktoberfest, cooked
107 |
Sausage, smoked, with cheddar cheese, pre-cooked, reheated
106.667 |
Cá d?i, kho
106.579 |
Cá thu đao, chiên giòn
106.579 |
Cá thu đao, chiên ngập dầu
106.25 |
Cá trê, nu?ng
105.26299999999999 |
Thịt dê, nạc, hấp
105.26299999999999 |
Thịt dê, nạc, luộc
104.938 |
Cá trê, xào
104.478 |
Thịt trâu, luộc
104 |
Sausage, smoked, pork, pre-cooked
104 |
Spices, cloves, ground
103 |
Lamb, Canadian, leg, whole, lean, cooked
102.41 |
Cá trê, lu?c
102.41 |
Cá trê, h?p
101.25 |
Cá thu đao, nướng
101 |
Sausage, smoked, with cheddar cheese, pre-cooked
101 |
Lamb, Canadian, foreshank, lean, cooked
100 |
Beef, chuck, cross rib roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, braised
100 |
Beef, chuck, cross rib roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, braised
100 |
Beef, chuck, cross rib roast, boneless, lean, cooked, braised
100 |
Pork, side ribs centre cut (spareribs), lean and fat, simmered, roasted
100 |
Cá thu đao, xào
100 |
Wiener (frankfurter), regular, mixed meats
100 |
Wiener (frankfurter), European
100 |
Th?t huou
100 |
Thịt bê nạc, hấp
100 |
Thịt bê nạc, luộc
99 |
Sausage, chorizo, cooked
98.7654 |
Bầu dục lợn, xào
98 |
Deli-meat, pepperoni, turkey, reduced fat
98 |
Chicken, broiler, drumstick, meat, roasted
98 |
Chicken, broiler, wing, meat and skin, roasted
97.59039999999999 |
Cá thu đao, hấp
97.59039999999999 |
Cá thu đao, luộc
97.1429 |
Thịt gà ta, kho
97.1429 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, kho
97 |
Deli-meat, salami (Hungarian), pork and beef, cooked
97 |
Sausage, Italian, pork, cooked
96 |
Cá d?i
95.8904 |
Thịt trâu, rán
95 |
95 |
Lamb, Canadian, loin, lean, cooked
94.4444 |
Cá trê, kho
94 |
Sausage, breakfast links or rounds, pork, pre-cooked, reheated
94 |
Sausage, smoked, pork, pre-cooked, reheated
94 |
Deli-meat, bologna (baloney), beef
94 |
Veal, ground, raw
93.3333 |
Thịt bê nạc, nướng
93.3333 |
Thịt trâu, chần
93.22030000000001 |
Thịt lợn mỡ, luộc
93 |
Chicken, broiler, drumstick, meat, raw
93 |
Fast foods, breakfast, croissant with egg, cheese and sausage
93 |
Sausage, Chorizo, semi-dried (Spanish style), cured
92 |
Pâté, all flavours, reduced fat and sodium
91 |
Lamb, Canadian, rib, lean, cooked
90.6667 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, hầm
90.6667 |
Thịt gà ta, hầm
90 |
Th?t l?n n?c
90 |
Th?t l?n n?a n?c, n?a m?
90 |
Th?t chân giò l?n
90 |
Th?t chân giò l?n, lu?c
90 |
Fish, trout, brook, raw
90 |
Pork, back ribs, lean and fat, roasted
90 |
Pork, ground, medium, pan-fried
90 |
Chicken, broiler, thigh, meat, raw
90 |
Beef, hip, sirloin tip steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, braised
90 |
Pork, side ribs centre cut (spareribs), lean and fat, raw
90 |
Cá thu đao, kho
88.5417 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, hầm
88 |
Chicken, broiler, drumstick, meat, braised
87.5 |
Thịt bê nạc, rim
87 |
Tôm bi?n, lu?c
87 |
Tôm bi?n
87 |
Chicken, broiler, thigh, meat, roasted
87 |
Wiener (frankfurter), reduced fat and sodium
87 |
Wiener (cheesefurter), cheddar smokie
86 |
Sausage, Knackwurst (Knockwurst), cooked
86 |
Chicken, broiler, breast, skinless, boneless, meat, braised
86 |
M? gà
85.7143 |
Thịt bê, mỡ, luộc
85.7143 |
Thịt bê, mỡ, nấu canh
85.7143 |
Thịt bê mỡ, hấp
85 |
Thịt trâu, rim
85 |
Thịt trâu, kho, om
85 |
Chicken, broiler, breast, skinless, boneless, meat, grilled
85 |
Deli-meat, capicollo (cappocollo)
85 |
Lamb, Canadian, shoulder, whole, lean, cooked
85 |
Cá trê
82 |
Chicken, broiler, wing, meat and skin, raw
81 |
Fast foods, entree, chicken, breaded and fried, wing, meat only, skin and breading removed
81 |
Cá thu dao
80 |
Bầu dục lợn
80 |
Sausage, Polish, smoked, pre-cooked
80 |
Sausage, kielbasa (kolbassa)
80 |
Pork, shoulder, butt (blade, boneless), lean and fat, roasted
80 |
Pork, shoulder, butt, blade (boneless), lean and fat, raw
80 |
Turkey, all classes, back, meat and skin, raw
80 |
Pork, back ribs, lean and fat, raw
80 |
Chicken, broiler, thigh, meat, braised
80 |
Cretons, veal
80 |
Beef, chuck, blade roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8'') trim, cooked, braised
80 |
Beef, chuck, cross rib steak, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, braised
80 |
Beef, chuck, cross rib steak, boneless, lean, cooked, braised
80 |
Beef, chuck, blade roast, boneless, lean, cooked, braised
80 |
Th?t gà công nghi?p, s?ng
80 |
Th?t gà ta
80 |
Thịt bê mỡ, nướng
79 |
Sausage, Italian, pork, raw
79 |
Sausage, chorizo, raw
78 |
Sausage, smoked, with cheddar cheese, pre-cooked, reduced fat
77 |
Sausage, Knackwurst (knockwurst), raw
77 |
Lamb, Canadian, ground, cooked
77 |
Lamb, Canadian, leg, whole, lean, raw
76.2712 |
Th?t l?n n?c, lu?c
76.2712 |
Th?t l?n n?a n?c, n?a m?, lu?c
76 |
Lamb, Canadian, loin, lean, raw
76 |
Lamb, Canadian, foreshank, lean, raw
75 |
Lamb, Canadian, shoulder, whole, lean, raw
75 |
Sausage, breakfast links or rounds, pork, cooked
75 |
Wiener (frankfurter), turkey
75 |
Thịt bê mỡ, rim
74.62689999999999 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, chần
74.62689999999999 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, hấp
74.62689999999999 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, luộc
73 |
Wiener (frankfurter), chicken
73 |
Turkey, all classes, back, meat only, raw
72 |
Sausage, Bratwurst, pork, raw
72 |
Sausage, smoked, pork, pre-cooked, reheated, reduced fat
72 |
Wiener (frankfurter), Bavarian
72 |
Deli-meat, prosciutto (parma ham) dry-cured
71 |
Fast foods, entree, chicken, breaded and fried, thigh, meat only, skin and breading removed
71 |
Sausage, honey garlic, pork, cooked
71 |
Sausage, blood sausage (Blood pudding), cooked
70 |
Pork, ground, lean, pan-fried
70 |
Pork, ground, lean, raw
70 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round steak, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, braised
70 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round steak, boneless, lean, cooked, braised
70 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, braised
70 |
Tai lợn
70 |
Tai lợn, luộc
70 |
Th?t bê n?c
70 |
Th?t trâu
68.4932 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, rán
68 |
Sausage, smoked, honey garlic, pre-cooked, reheated
68 |
Sausage, smoked, with cheddar cheese, pre-cooked, reheated, reduced fat
67 |
Sausage, smoked, pork, pre-cooked, reduced fat
67 |
Sausage, Oktoberfest, raw
67 |
Sausage, ham, pre cooked
67 |
Lamb, Canadian, rib, lean, raw
67 |
Chinese dish, orange chicken, restaurant prepared
66.66669999999999 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, nướng
66 |
Deli-meat, mock chicken loaf
66 |
Meatball, Italian style, frozen
66 |
Sausage, smoked, honey garlic, pre-cooked
65 |
Pork, cured, back bacon, pan-fried
64.4737 |
Cá mòi (cá sardin), chiên giòn
64.4737 |
Cá mòi (cá sardin), chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
64 |
Deli-meat, chicken, cooked, sliced
62 |
Chicken, roasting, meat and skin, raw
62 |
Fast foods, entree, chicken, breaded and fried, skin and breading from all pieces
62 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm trim, braised
62 |
Sausage, honey garlic, pork, raw
61.25 |
Cá mòi (cá sardin), nướng
60.7143 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, kho, om
60.7143 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, rim
60.4938 |
Cá mòi (cá sardin), xào
60 |
Dạ dày bò, luộc
60 |
Pork, shoulder, butt (blade boneless), lean, roasted
60 |
Pork, loin, tenderloin, lean and fat, raw
60 |
Pork, loin, tenderloin, lean and fat, roasted
60 |
Pork, loin, tenderloin, lean, raw
60 |
Pork, shoulder, butt, blade (boneless), lean, raw
60 |
Beef, chuck, blade steak, with bone, lean, cooked, braised
60 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
60 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round roast, boneless, lean, raw
60 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
60 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, raw
60 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round steak, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, raw
60 |
Beef, hip, inside (top) round steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, braised
60 |
Beef, hip, inside (top) round steak, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, braised
60 |
Beef, hip, inside (top) round steak, boneless, lean, cooked, braised
60 |
Pork, ground, medium, raw
60 |
Pork, leg, inside, boneless, lean and fat, raw
60 |
Pork, loin, centre cut (centre steak), boneless, lean and fat, broiled
60 |
Pork, loin, centre cut (centre steak), boneless, lean and fat, raw
60 |
Pork, loin, centre cut (centre steak), boneless, lean, broiled
60 |
Pork, leg, inside, boneless, lean, raw
60 |
Pork, loin, rib roast, boneless, lean and fat, raw
60 |
Th?t bê m?
60 |
Th?t dê, n?c
59.0361 |
Cá mòi (cá sardin), luộc
59.0361 |
Cá mòi (cá sardin), hấp
59 |
Sausage, Italian, turkey, cooked
58 |
Chicken, broiler, breast, meat, cooked, rotisserie, with seasoning
58 |
Deli-meat, Old fashioned smoked brisket, sliced
58 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, lean, 0mm trim, braised
57 |
Deli-meat, bologna (baloney), chicken
57 |
Sausage, spicy beef and roasted red pepper, raw
55 |
Cua b?
55 |
Cua b?, h?p
55 |
Cua gh?
55 |
Cua gh?, h?p
55 |
Th?t cua
55 |
Th?t cua, n?u canh
54.444399999999995 |
Cá mòi (cá sardin), kho
54 |
Meat stick, beef, refrigerated
53 |
Deli-meat, prosciutto (cotto ham), extra lean
53 |
Deli-meat, turkey breast, cooked, sliced
53 |
Sausage, Italian, turkey, raw
52 |
Sausage, breakfast links or rounds, pork, raw
51 |
Turkey, broiler, breast, meat and skin, raw
51 |
Wiener (frankfurter), beef
51 |
Deli-meat, corned beef, shaved
50 |
Deli-meat, black forest ham
50 |
Pork, leg, inside, boneless, lean, roasted
50 |
Pork, loin, centre cut (centre steak), boneless, lean, raw
50 |
Beef, chuck, cross rib roast, boneless, lean, raw
50 |
Beef, fat, cooked
50 |
Beef, fat, raw
50 |
Beef, chuck, blade roast, boneless, lean, raw
50 |
Beef, chuck, blade steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
50 |
Beef, chuck, blade steak, boneless, lean, raw
50 |
Beef, chuck, cross rib roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, raw
50 |
Beef, chuck, cross rib roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
50 |
Beef, chuck, blade roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8'') trim, raw
50 |
Beef, hip, sirloin tip steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
50 |
Beef, hip, sirloin tip roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, roasted
50 |
Beef, hip, sirloin tip roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
50 |
Beef, hip, sirloin tip roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, roasted
50 |
Beef, hip, sirloin tip roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, raw
50 |
Beef, hip, sirloin tip roast, boneless, lean, cooked, roasted
50 |
Beef, hip, sirloin tip roast, boneless, lean, raw
50 |
Beef, loin, bottom sirloin tri-tip roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
50 |
Beef, loin, bottom sirloin tri-tip roast, boneless, lean, raw
50 |
Beef, loin, top sirloin roast, boneless, lean, cooked, roasted
50 |
Beef, loin, top sirloin roast, boneless, lean, raw
50 |
Beef, loin, top sirloin steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, broiled
50 |
Beef, loin, top sirloin steak, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, broiled
50 |
Beef, loin, top sirloin steak, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, raw
50 |
Beef, loin, top sirloin steak, boneless, lean, cooked, broiled
50 |
Beef, loin, top sirloin steak, boneless, lean, raw
50 |
Veal, foreshank, osso buco, lean, braised
50 |
Ếch (thịt đùi), luộc
50 |
Ếch (thịt đùi), chiên, rán
50 |
Pork, loin, tenderloin, lean, roasted
50 |
Pork, loin, rib roast, boneless, lean, raw
50 |
Th?t bò, lung, n?c và m?
49 |
Cá mòi (cá sardin)
49 |
Pork, cured, back bacon (cornmeal, peameal), uncooked
48 |
Chicken, broiler, breast, skinless, boneless, meat, raw
48 |
Beef, ground, medium, broiled
48 |
Beef, ground, regular, broiled
48 |
D? dày bò
47 |
Beef, ground, lean, broiled
47 |
Deli-meat, ham, cooked, sliced
47 |
Fast foods, entree, chicken, breaded and fried, breast, meat only, skin and breading removed
46 |
Beef, ground, lean, crumbled, pan-fried
46 |
Beef, ground, regular, crumbled, pan-fried, rinsed
46 |
Beef, ground, medium, crumbled, pan-fried
46 |
Beef, ground, extra lean, crumbled, pan-fried
46 |
Sausage, Italian, pork, reduced fat and sodium, raw
46 |
Turkey, broiler, breast, meat only, raw
44 |
Sausage, Merguez, lamb, cooked
44 |
Deli-meat, turkey breast, oven roasted, sliced
43 |
Corn dog, wiener/sausage with cornflour coating, frozen, prepared
43 |
Beef, ground, extra lean, patty, pan-fried
43 |
Beef, ground, medium, patty, pan-fried
43 |
Beef, ground, regular, patty, pan-fried
43 |
Beef, ground, lean, patty, pan-fried
42.8571 |
Thịt cừu nửa mỡ, nướng
42.5 |
Thịt cừu nửa mỡ, rim
42.5 |
Thịt cừu nửa mỡ, hầm
42.5 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc, hầm
42.5 |
Ếch (thịt đùi), hầm
42.5 |
Ếch (thịt đùi), kho
42 |
Deli-meat, turkey breast, cooked, fat free, sliced
41 |
Deli-meat, bologna (baloney), low fat
41 |
Beef, ground, medium, baked
41 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, lean, 0mm trim, raw
41 |
Babyfood, meat, turkey, puree
41 |
Turkey, hen, breast, meat and skin, raw
41 |
40 |
Beef, flank, flank steak, boneless, lean, raw
40 |
Beef, flank, flank steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
40 |
Beef, hip, eye of round steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, braised
40 |
Beef, hip, inside (top) round roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, roasted
40 |
Beef, hip, inside (top) round roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
40 |
Beef, hip, inside (top) round roast, boneless, lean, cooked, roasted
40 |
Beef, hip, inside (top) round roast, boneless, lean, raw
40 |
Beef, hip, inside (top) round steak, boneless, lean, raw
40 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, roasted
40 |
Beef, hip, inside (top) round steak, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, raw
40 |
Beef, hip, inside (top) round steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
40 |
Beef, hip, eye of round steak, boneless, lean, cooked, braised
40 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round roast, boneless, lean, cooked, roasted
40 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, roasted
40 |
Beef, ground, regular
40 |
Beef, rib, rib eye roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, roasted
40 |
Beef, loin, t-bone steak (porterhouse), lean, raw
40 |
Beef, loin, tenderloin, roast, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
40 |
Beef, loin, tenderloin, steak, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, broiled
40 |
Beef, loin, tenderloin, steak, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
40 |
Beef, loin, tenderloin, steak, lean, cooked, broiled
40 |
Beef, loin, bottom sirloin tri-tip roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0'') trim, cooked, roasted
40 |
Beef, loin, bottom sirloin tri-tip roast, boneless, lean, cooked, roasted
40 |
Beef, loin, strip loin (new york) steak, boneless, lean, cooked, broiled
40 |
Beef, loin, strip loin (new york) steak, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, broiled
40 |
Beef, loin, t-bone steak (porterhouse), lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, raw
40 |
Deli-meat, ham, cooked, fat free, sliced
40 |
Beef, rib, rib roast with bone, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8 ") trim, raw
40 |
Beef, rib, rib roast with bone, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, roasted
40 |
Beef, rib, rib roast with bone, lean, cooked, roasted
40 |
Beef, rib, rib roast with bone, lean, raw
40 |
Fast foods, chicken tenders, breaded
40 |
Pork, leg, inside, boneless, lean and fat, roasted
40 |
Pork, loin, rib roast, boneless, lean and fat, roasted
39 |
Deli-meat, salami, cooked, beef
38 |
Bread, cornbread (also corn muffin mix), dry mix, prepared
113 grams / 2 oz
38 |
Chicken nuggets, dark and white meat, pre-cooked, frozen, not heated
38 |
Babyfood, meat, jarred and frozen, chicken, puree
38 |
Turkey, hen, light meat and skin, raw
38 |
37.5 |
Thịt cừu nửa mỡ, chiên, rán
37 |
Sausage, Merguez, lamb, raw
37 |
Babyfood, meat, pork, puree
36.8421 |
Cá ngừ, chiên giòn
36.8421 |
Cá ngừ, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
36.8421 |
Thịt cừu nửa mỡ, hấp
36.8421 |
Thịt cừu nửa mỡ, luộc
36 |
Turkey, broiler, light meat and skin, raw
36 |
Turkey, broiler, meat and skin, raw
36 |
Deli-meat, corned beef, extra lean, sliced
36 |
Fast foods, sandwiches and burgers, submarine sandwich on white bread with coldcuts, lettuce and tomatoes
35.8209 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc, hấp
35.8209 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc, chần
35.8209 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc, luộc
35 |
Deli-meat, chicken breast, cooked, extra lean
35 |
Beef, ground, medium, raw
35 |
Beef, ground, extra lean, raw
35 |
Turkey, hen, breast, meat only, raw
35 |
Sausage, spicy beef and roasted red pepper, cooked
35 |
Cá ngừ, nướng
34.5679 |
Cá ngừ, xào
34 |
Sausage, breakfast links or rounds, turkey, raw
34 |
Sweets, confectioner's coating / chips, butterscotch
34 |
Crustaceans, shrimp, mixed species, raw
33.734899999999996 |
Cá ngừ, hấp
33.734899999999996 |
Cá ngừ, luộc
33 |
Turkey, hen, meat and skin, raw
33 |
Wiener (frankfurter), low fat
33 |
Sausage, breakfast links or rounds, turkey, cooked
33 |
Chicken parmesan
33 |
Babyfood, meat, veal, puree
33 |
Turkey, all classes, breast, meat and skin, raw
32.8767 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc, rán
32 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc, nướng
32 |
Lemon chicken, restaurant prepared
32 |
Turkey, all classes, light meat and skin, raw
31.1111 |
Cá ngừ, kho
31 |
?ch (th?t dùi)
31 |
Tamale, cheese
31 |
Fast foods, sandwiches and burgers, cheeseburger, regular, double patty and bun, with condiments
31 |
Cake, pound, commercial, made with butter (includes fresh and frozen)
30 |
Beef, loin, tenderloin, roast, lean, raw
30 |
Chicken tenders, breaded, frozen, prepared
30 |
Beef, hip, eye of round roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, roasted
30 |
Beef, hip, eye of round roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
30 |
Beef, hip, eye of round roast, boneless, lean, cooked, roasted
30 |
Beef, hip, eye of round roast, boneless, lean, raw
30 |
Beef, flank, flank steak, boneless, lean, cooked, braised
30 |
Beef, flank, flank steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, braised
30 |
Beef, hip, eye of round steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
30 |
Beef, hip, eye of round steak, boneless, lean, raw
30 |
Beef, loin, t-bone steak (porterhouse), lean, cooked, broiled
30 |
Beef, loin, strip loin (new york) steak, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, raw
30 |
Beef, loin, strip loin (new york) steak, boneless, lean, raw
30 |
Beef, loin, strip loin roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, roasted
30 |
Beef, loin, strip loin roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, raw
30 |
Beef, loin, t-bone steak (porterhouse), lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, broiled
30 |
Beef, loin, bottom sirloin tri-tip steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0'') trim, cooked, broiled
30 |
Beef, loin, strip loin (new york) steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, broiled
30 |
Beef, loin, strip loin (new york) steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
30 |
Beef, loin, tenderloin, steak, lean, raw
30 |
Beef, loin, tenderloin, roast, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, roasted
30 |
Beef, rib, rib eye roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, raw
30 |
Beef, rib, rib eye roast, boneless, lean, cooked, roasted
30 |
Beef, rib, rib eye roast, boneless, lean, raw
30 |
Beef, rib, rib eye steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, broiled
30 |
Beef, rib, rib eye steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
30 |
Beef, rib, rib eye steak, boneless, lean, cooked, broiled
30 |
Beef, rib, rib eye steak, boneless, lean, raw
30 |
Quesadilla with cheese
30 |
Pork, loin, rib roast, boneless, lean, roasted
30 |
Turkey, hen, light meat only, raw
30 |
Veal, loin, lean, raw
29.1429 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc, rim
29.1429 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc, kho, om
29 |
Turkey, tom, wing, meat and skin, roasted
29 |
Turkey, broiler, wing, meat and skin, raw
29 |
Fast foods, sandwiches and burgers, cheeseburger, large, single patty, plain
29 |
Muffin, blueberry, commercial
113 grams / 2 oz
28 |
Turkey, all classes, meat and skin, raw
28 |
Cá ngừ
27 |
Turkey, hen, wing, meat and skin, raw
27 |
Turkey, all classes, wing, meat and skin, roasted
27 |
Turkey, broiler, wing, meat and skin, roasted
27 |
Turkey, all classes, breast, meat only, raw
26 |
Turkey, broiler, meat only, raw
26 |
Turkey, all classes, wing, meat and skin, raw
26 |
S?a m? (s?a ngu?i)
25 |
Fast foods, sandwiches and burgers, cheeseburger, regular, single patty, plain
25 |
Deli-meat, chicken breast, oven-roasted, sliced
25 |
Turkey, hen, dark meat and skin, raw
25 |
Turkey, hen, wing, meat and skin, roasted
24 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc
23 |
Turkey, hen, meat only, raw
23 |
Turkey, all classes, light meat only, raw
23 |
Chicken pot pie, frozen, prepared
23 |
Mozzarella sticks, fried
21 |
Fast foods, sandwiches and burgers, hamburger, regular, single patty, plain
21 |
Turkey, all classes, dark meat and skin, raw
21 |
Turkey, tom, wing, meat and skin, raw
21 |
Th?t c?u n?a m?
20 |
Spaghetti and meatballs, restaurant prepared
20 |
Fast foods, sandwiches and burgers, submarine sandwich on white bread, with tuna salad, lettuce and tomatoes
20 |
Fast foods, sandwiches and burgers, cheeseburger, regular, single patty, with condiments and vegetables
20 |
Chinese dish, chicken and vegetables, restaurant prepared
20 |
Babyfood, meat, lamb, puree
20 |
Beef, loin, tenderloin, roast, lean, cooked, roasted
19 |
Cheese, processed product, mozzarella, slices
19 |
Turkey, broiler, dark meat and skin, raw
19 |
Turkey, tom, dark meat and skin, raw
18 |
Turkey, all classes, meat only, raw
18 |
Peanut butter, smooth type, fat and sugar added
18 |
Peanut butter, smooth type, fat, sugar and salt added
17.3466 |
cá nục khô
17 |
Cookie, shortbread, plain, commercial
16 |
Peanuts, all types, dry roasted
16 |
Peanuts, all types, dry-roasted, salted
16 |
Turkey, hen, thigh, meat and skin, raw
15 |
Babyfood, meat, jarred and frozen, beef, puree
15 |
Babyfood, dinner, jarred or frozen, chicken with vegetables, all stages
14.0625 |
Mực tươi, chiên
14.0625 |
Mực tươi, hấp
14.0625 |
Mực tươi, nướng
14.0625 |
Mực tươi, xào
14 |
Fast foods, sandwiches and burgers, submarine sandwich on white bread with roast beef, lettuce and tomatoes
14 |
Doughnut (donut), cake-type, plain (includes unsugared, old-fashioned)
14 |
Turkey, hen, leg, meat and skin, raw
13 |
Turkey, tom, light meat and skin, roasted
13 |
Turkey, tom, meat and skin, raw
13 |
Turkey, all classes, back, meat and skin, roasted
12 |
Turkey, all classes, thigh, meat and skin, raw
12 |
Turkey, broiler, dark meat and skin, roasted
12 |
Turkey, hen, dark meat only, raw
12 |
Turkey, hen, drumstick, meat and skin, raw
12 |
Turkey, broiler, meat and skin, roasted
12 |
Turkey, broiler, light meat and skin, roasted
12 |
Turkey, broiler, drumstick, meat and skin, roasted
12 |
Snacks, popcorn, microwave, butter flavour
12 |
Turkey, tom, meat and skin, roasted
12 |
Turkey, tom, thigh, meat and skin, roasted
12 |
Turkey, hen, thigh, meat and skin, roasted
12 |
Turkey, tom, dark meat only, raw
12 |
Cookie, peanut butter, commercial
12 |
Babyfood, dinner, jarred or frozen, turkey with rice or barley and vegetables, all stages
12 |
Babyfood, dinner, jarred, chicken with cheese pasta and vegetables, all stages
11 |
Babyfood, dinner, veal with vegetables and barley
11 |
Turkey, all classes, leg, meat and skin, raw
11 |
Fast foods, mexican, nachos with cheese, beans, ground beef and tomatoes
11 |
Turkey, hen, leg, meat and skin, roasted
11 |
Turkey, tom, dark meat and skin, roasted
11 |
Turkey, tom, leg, meat and skin, roasted
11 |
Soup, cheddar cheese, canned, condensed
11 |
Turkey, broiler, leg, meat and skin, raw
11 |
Turkey, broiler, leg, meat and skin, roasted
11 |
Turkey, broiler, thigh, meat and skin, raw
11 |
Turkey, broiler, thigh, meat and skin, roasted
11 |
Turkey, hen, dark meat and skin, roasted
11 |
Turkey, broiler, drumstick, meat and skin, raw
11 |
Turkey, all classes, thigh, meat and skin, roasted
11 |
Turkey, all classes, meat and skin, roasted
11 |
Taquito, chicken and cheese, frozen, heated in oven
11 |
Turkey, all classes, dark meat and skin, roasted
11 |
Turkey, all classes, dark meat only, raw
11 |
Turkey, all classes, drumstick, meat and skin, raw
11 |
Turkey, all classes, light meat and skin, roasted
11 |
Turkey, all classes, leg, meat and skin, roasted
10 |
Turkey, all classes, drumstick, meat and skin, roasted
10 |
Turkey, hen, drumstick, meat and skin, roasted
10 |
Ravioli, cheese-filled with marinara sauce
10 |
Turkey, tom, light meat and skin, raw
10 |
Turkey, hen, light meat and skin, roasted
10 |
Turkey, hen, meat and skin, roasted
10 |
Cracker, standard snack-type
10 |
Cookie, sugar, commercial
10 |
Babyfood, dinner, jarred, pork with vegetables and fruit
10 |
Babyfood, dinner, jarred, chicken with pasta and vegetables, all stages
9 |
Snacks, potato chips, lightly salted
9 |
Spaghetti, with meatballs in tomato sauce, canned
9 |
Cookie, chocolate chip, commercial, regular, higher fat
9 |
Fast foods, mexican, burrito with beans, cheese and beef
9 |
Turkey, tom, drumstick, meat and skin, raw
9 |
Turkey, tom, drumstick, meat and skin, roasted
9 |
Turkey, tom, leg, meat and skin, raw
9 |
Turkey, tom, breast, meat and skin, roasted
9 |
Turkey, tom, thigh, meat and skin, raw
9 |
M?c tuoi
8.75 |
Cá nục, nướng
8.64198 |
Cá nục, xào
8.43373 |
Cá nục, luộc
8.43373 |
Cá nục, hấp
8 |
Soup, chicken chowder (a la king), ready-to-serve
8 |
Snacks, potato chips, barbecue flavour
8 |
Turkey, broiler, breast, meat and skin, roasted
8 |
Turkey, all classes, breast, meat and skin, roasted
8 |
Cheese, processed product, cheddar, slices
8 |
Soup, chicken noodle, canned, condensed
8 |
Refried beans
8 |
Babyfood, dinner, jarred or frozen, chicken with rice or barley and vegetables, all stages
8 |
Babyfood, dinner, lamb with fruit
7.77778 |
Cá nục, kho
7 |
Cá nục
7 |
Turkey, tom, breast, meat and skin, raw
7 |
Taquito, beef and cheese, frozen, heated in oven
7 |
Soup, chicken noodle, canned, condensed, reduced sodium
7 |
Soup, chicken vegetable (includes gumbo), ready-to-serve
7 |
Turkey, broiler, dark meat only, raw
7 |
Turkey, hen, breast, meat and skin, roasted
7 |
Turkey, broiler, light meat only, raw
7 |
Snacks, potato chips, dried potatoes, plain
7 |
Babyfood, dinner, jarred, turkey with vegetables, all stages
7 |
Babyfood, dinner, jarred, chicken with vegetables and fruit
7 |
Fish, fish sticks, frozen, prepared
7 |
Fast foods, mexican, nachos with cheese
6 |
Lasagna with meat and sauce, frozen
6 |
Cinnamon bun, with icing (honey bun)
6 |
Chinese dish, fried rice without meat, restaurant prepared
6 |
Cracker, standard snack-type, with whole-wheat
6 |
Cracker, wheat
6 |
Cracker, saltine (also oyster, soda, soup)
6 |
Snacks, corn-based, extruded, chips, plain
6 |
Snacks, tortilla chips, nacho
6 |
Soup, chicken noodle, ready-to-serve
6 |
Sauce, peanut (made from peanut butter, water, soy sauce)
6 |
Soup, cream, chicken, ready-to-serve
6 |
Turkey, all classes, ground, cooked
5 |
Soup, Italian wedding, ready-to-serve
5 |
Soup, chicken noodle, ready-to-serve, reduced sodium
5 |
Soup, chicken rice, canned, condensed
5 |
Soup, chicken rice, ready-to-serve
5 |
Soup, chicken rice, ready-to-serve, reduced sodium
5 |
Dessert, pudding, rice, ready to eat
5 |
Cookie, graham cracker, plain or honey (includes cinnamon)
5 |
Fast foods, breakfast, potatoes, hashed brown
5 |
Onion rings, breaded, par fried, frozen, heated in oven
4 |
Cookie, chocolate sandwich, cream filling, regular
4 |
Cheese, processed product, Swiss, slices
4 |
Biscuit, plain/buttermilk, refrigerated dough, higher fat, baked
4 |
Egg roll, vegetable, refrigerated, heated
4 |
Fast food, biscuit
4 |
Babyfood, dinner, jarred or frozen, beef with pasta and vegetables, all stages
4 |
Soup, bean with bacon, canned, condensed
4 |
Soup, vegetable with beef (and barley), canned, condensed
4 |
Soup, lentil with bacon, ready-to-serve
4 |
Soup, ramen noodles, any flavour, dry
4 |
Soup, ramen noodles, beef flavour, dry
4 |
Soup, ramen noodles, chicken flavour, dry
4 |
Toaster pastry, fruit, frosted (apple, blueberry, cherry, strawberry)
4 |
Turkey, tom, meat only, raw
3 |
Soup, split pea, ready-to-serve
3 |
Soup, wonton (won ton), canned, ready-to-serve
3 |
Toaster pastry, fruit (apple, blueberry, cherry, strawberry)
3 |
Refried beans, canned
3 |
Refried beans, canned, reduced sodium
3 |
Snacks, tortilla chips, plain, yellow corn
3 |
Cookie, chocolate chip, soft type, commercial
3 |
Indian, bread, naan
2 |
Chinese dish, lo mein, vegetable, without meat, restaurant prepared
2 |
Potato puff, frozen, unprepared
2 |
Ravioli, meat-filled, with tomato or meat sauce, canned
2 |
Bột mì
1 |
Sausage, breakfast links or rounds, beef, cooked
1 |
Sausage, breakfast links or rounds, beef, raw
1 |
Rice, Spanish rice
1 |
Rice, spanish rice mix, unprepared
1 |
Snacks, corn-based, extruded, puffs or twists, cheese
1 |
Grains, millet, flour
1 |
Rau câu tuoi