Thịt lợn, mông, kho

Not all nutrients have documented microbiome impacts. We work from what we have. Some nutrients may appear multiple times -- there may be multiple sources.

Items marked as significant are used to estimate the microbiome impact of the food.

mg per 100 grams Significant amount Priority Nutrient
62519.696969696975 Water
29478.7878787879 Protein
6967.42424242424 Total lipid (fat)
4614.7 Significant Glutamic acid
3142.42 Fatty acids, total monounsaturated
2859.09 FATTY ACIDS, MONOUNSATURATED, 18:1undifferentiated, OCTADECENOIC (Oleic acid)
2734.85 Significant Aspartic acid
2651.36 Lysine
2408.33 Fatty acids, total saturated
2364.92 Leucine
1832.35 Arginine
1717.2 Alanine
1599.17 Valine
1532.5800000000002 FATTY ACIDS, SATURATED, 16:0, HEXADECANOIC (Palmitic acid)
1399.09 Glycine
1380.3799999999999 Isoleucine
1345.8300000000002 Threonine
1217.73 Serine
1184.6200000000001 Proline
1177.4199999999998 Histidine
1177.4199999999998 Phenylalanine
1034.09 ASH, TOTAL
1027.73 Tyrosine
780.1519999999999 👎 Methionine
746.97 👎 Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated
746.97 FATTY ACIDS, SATURATED, 18:0, OCTADECANOIC (Stearic acid)
605.303 FATTY ACIDS, POLYUNSATURATED, 18:2undifferentiated, LINOLEIC, OCTADECADIENOIC (Conjugated fatty acids)
375.682 Cystine
374.242 Tryptophan
307.5 Potassium, K
225.53 Phosphorus, P
218.939 FATTY ACIDS, MONOUNSATURATED, 16:1undifferentiated, HEXADECENOIC (Palmitoleic acid)
180.6219696969697 Energy
109.545 👎 Choline, total
103.03 Cholesterol
90.1515 FATTY ACIDS, SATURATED, 14:0, TETRADECANOIC (Myristic acid)
90.1515 FATTY ACIDS, POLYUNSATURATED, 20:4 undifferentiated, EICOSATETRAENOIC (Omega-6)
41.6667 Sodium, Na
25.7576 FATTY ACIDS, POLYUNSATURATED, 18:3undifferentiated, LINOLENIC, OCTADECATRIENOIC (Conjugated fatty acids)
24.6212 Magnesium, Mg
12.8788 FATTY ACIDS, SATURATED, 10:0, DECANOIC (Capric acid)
12.8788 FATTY ACIDS, SATURATED, 12:0, DODECANOIC (Lauric acid)
7.72727272727273 Calcium, Ca
4.04393939393939 Niacin
2.75151515151515 Zinc, Zn
1.53030303030303 Iron, Fe
0.609848 Pantothenic acid
0.596590909090909 Thiamin
0.340909090909091 Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6
0.259090909090909 👎 Riboflavin
0.218939 Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)
0.113636 Copper, Cu
0.0536364 Selenium, Se
0.0439394 Manganese, Mn
0.00954545 👎 Folic acid
0.00242424242424242 Retinol
0.00242424 👎 Vitamin A, IU
0.000727273 Vitamin D
0.000645455 Vitamin B-12

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© Copyright 2016-2022 Lassesen Consulting, LLC [2007], DBA, Microbiome Prescription. All rights served.