Foods containing Lariciresinol

Day: Current Food Plan
1 teaspoon = 5 gm / .17 oz 1 tablespoon = 15 gm / .5 oz 1 oz = 30 gm 1 cup = 240 gm / 8 oz 1 pound = 454 gm / 16 oz
mg per 100 grams Significant Amount Food Serving Size Typical Serving
97.2 ## Broccoli, raw
59.9 ## Kale [Curly], raw
49.6 ## Cashew nut, raw
49.3 ## Brussel sprouts, raw
22 ## Green bean, raw
21.4625 ## Garlic, fresh
21.2 ## Common cabbage [White], raw
17.8 Common cabbage [Red], raw
16.4 Sweet pepper [Green], raw
15.5 Pear, whole
12.4 Cauliflower, raw
11.6156 Grape, raisin
11.6 Sauerkraut
11.455 Flaxseed, meal
10.6 Sweet pepper [Red], raw
10.5 Apricot, raw
10.3675 Sesame seed, meal
7.12572 Grapefruit
7.044 Strawberry, raw
6.4 Zucchini, raw
6.00237 Peach, whole
5.7 Tangerine
5.2 Grape [Black]
4.50052 Carrot, raw
4.42525 Cucumber, raw
4.4 Melon
4.1 Nectarine, whole
4.1 Peanut
3.5273 Orange [Blond]
2.8 Potato, raw
2.5232 Tomato, whole, raw
1.87655 Grape [Green]
1.2775 Kiwi
0.67 Sunflower seed, meal
0.65 Cloudberry
0.6 Chicory [Green], raw
0.4 Plum, fresh
0.36 Buckwheat, whole grain flour
0.32 Rye, whole grain flour
0.30034 Lettuce [Green], raw
0.24 Pineapple
0.18 Oat, whole grain flour
0.18 Common wheat, refined flour
0.15013 Maize, whole grain
0.15 Blackberry, raw
0.14333 Breakfast cereals, muesli
0.12 Pistachio
0.11 Date, dried
0.1 Common wheat, whole grain flour
0.1 Apple [Dessert], whole, raw
0.08 Barley, whole grain flour
0.06 Apricot, dried
0.06 Soybean, roasted
0.06 Eggplant [Purple], whole, raw
0.06 Collards, raw
0.05378 Bread, common wheat, whole grain flour
0.04 Asparagus, raw
0.04 Bilberry, raw
0.03983 Soy, tofu
0.03 Lingonberry, raw
0.03 Common cabbage [Green], raw
0.03 Olive [Black], raw
0.03 Almond
0.02 Soy paste, miso
0.01621 Bread, refined flour
0.01 Hazelnut, raw
0.01 Breakfast cereals, bran
0.01 Soy, yogurt
6 oz/ 170ml / 170gm
0.01 Poppy seed, meal
0.01 Spinach, raw
0.01 Radish, raw
0.01 Bread, rye, whole grain flour
0.01 Soy, tempe
0.0088 Peanut, butter
0.0084 Pecan nut
0.0078 Chestnut, raw
0.0074800000000000005 Wine [Red]
12 Oz/ 340gm
0.0073 Blackcurrant, raw
0.0072 Walnut
0.00617 Soy, milk
0.005 Olive, oil, refined
0.004125 Wine [White]
12 Oz/ 340gm
0.0039 Olive [Green], raw
0.0037 Pumpkin, raw
0.00343 Olive, oil, extra virgin
0.0023 Soy, burger, raw
0.0018 Cantaloupe
0.0011 Coffee beverage [Filter], decaffeinated
12 Oz/ 340gm
0.0011 Watermelon
12 Oz/ 340gm
0.0009 Peanut, dehulled, roasted
0.0009 Coffee beverage [Filter]
12 Oz/ 340gm
0.0007 Soybean, sprout, raw
0.00025 Banana, raw
0.0002 Tea [Black], infusion
12 Oz/ 340gm
0.0002 Orange [Blond], pure juice
12 Oz/ 340gm
0.0001 Tea [Green], infusion
12 Oz/ 340gm

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© Copyright 2016-2022 Lassesen Consulting, LLC [2007], DBA, Microbiome Prescription. All rights served.