90.95 |
🏆 |
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, canned
78.6 |
🏆 |
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, wild, cooked, moist heat
78.6 |
🏆 |
Mollusks, oyster, eastern (blue point), wild, boiled or steamed
64.33 |
🏆 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, RALSTON Enriched Wheat Bran flakes
53.6 |
🏆 |
Sò, nướng
53.6 |
🏆 |
Sò, hấp
45.15 |
🏆 |
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, farmed, cooked, dry heat
45.15 |
🏆 |
Mollusks, oyster, eastern (blue point), farmed, baked or broiled
45 |
🏆 |
European oyster, raw
39.3 |
🏆 |
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, wild, raw
39.3 |
🏆 |
Hàu (hào)
39.3 |
🏆 |
Hàu (hào) , nướng
39.3 |
🏆 |
Hàu (hào) , luộc
37.92 |
🏆 |
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, farmed, raw
37.92 |
🏆 |
Mollusks, oyster, eastern (blue point), farmed, raw
25.43 |
🏆 |
25.4 |
🏆 |
Fish, lake sardine, whole, dried,Engraulicypris breianalis, (Usipawowuma)
23 |
🏆 |
Incaparina, dry mix (corn and soy flours), unprepared
20.25 |
🏆 |
Oyster, Sydney rock, aquacultured, raw
19.9 |
🏆 |
Ready-to-use therapeutic food(RUTF), milk, maize, soya, sorghum(MSMS)
19.5 |
🏆 |
Ready-to-use therapeutic food(RUTF), milk-free, soya, maize,sorghum (FSMS)
18.75 |
🏆 |
Beverages, nutritional shake mix, high protein, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
18.62 |
🏆 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, GENERAL MILLS, LUCKY CHARMS
18.12 |
🏆 |
18.04 |
🏆 |
Oyster, Pacific, aquacultured, raw
18 |
🏆 |
Yeast, dry powder
17.46 |
🏆 |
Babyfood, finger snacks, GERBER, GRADUATES, PUFFS, apple and cinnamon
17.46 |
🏆 |
Babyfood, finger snacks, GERBER, GRADUATES, PUFFS, apple and cinnamon
17.42 |
🏆 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, GENERAL MILLS, KIX
17.37 |
🏆 |
Oyster, aquacultured, raw
17.31 |
🏆 |
Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST Shake Mix, powder, 3-2-1 Plan
12 Oz/ 340gm
17.29 |
🏆 |
Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST Shake Mix, high protein, whey powder, 3-2-1 Plan,
12 Oz/ 340gm
17.17 |
🏆 |
17.13 |
🏆 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, RALSTON Corn Biscuits
16.73 |
🏆 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, GENERAL MILLS, CHEERIOS
16.67 |
🏆 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, wheat germ, toasted, plain
16.67 |
🏆 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, wheat germ, toasted, plain
16.67 |
🏆 |
Grains, wheat germ, toasted, plain
16.62 |
🏆 |
Mollusks, oyster, Pacific, raw
16.62 |
🏆 |
Mollusks, oyster, Pacific, raw
16.6 |
🏆 |
Nutribon (PKL), Infant milk cereal, Rice/soybean/milk, From 6 months
16 |
🏆 |
Dagaa fish (omena), dried, raw
15.4 |
🏆 |
Beverage, instant breakfast powder, chocolate, sugar-free, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
14.8 |
🏆 |
14.8 |
🏆 |
14.8 |
🏆 |
14.4 |
🏆 |
Peanut butter, smooth, vitamin and mineral fortified
14.15 |
🏆 |
Babyfood, GERBER, GRADUATES Lil Biscuits Vanilla Wheat
14.05 |
🏆 |
Cereal, ready to eat, Honey Nut O's, Selection
13.8 |
🏆 |
Cricket, dried, raw
13.64 |
🏆 |
Beverages, OVALTINE, chocolate malt powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
13.64 |
🏆 |
Beverages, chocolate powder, no sugar added
12 Oz/ 340gm
13.6 |
🏆 |
Tomato, sundried
13.6 |
🏆 |
Chocolate drink powder, Ovaltine
13.57 |
🏆 |
Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Double Chocolate Nut Bar
13.46 |
🏆 |
Cereal, ready to eat, Toasted Oats, Selection
13.4 |
🏆 |
13 |
🏆 |
Yeast, dried
12.7 |
🏆 |
Naturuy (Baby/infant cereal)
12.68 |
🏆 |
Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, dry fortified
12.68 |
🏆 |
Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, dry fortified
12.5 |
🏆 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, GENERAL MILLS, CHEERIOS, Yogurt Burst, strawberry
6 oz/ 170ml / 170gm
12.4 |
🏆 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, KELLOGG, KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN Original
12.33 |
🏆 |
Babyfood, cereal, Oatmeal, dry, GERBER, SINGLE GRAIN, fortified
12.29 |
🏆 |
Wheat germ, crude
12.29 |
🏆 |
Grains, wheat germ, crude
12.28 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised
12.1 |
🏆 |
Agave, dried (Southwest)
12.1 |
🏆 |
Agave, dried
12.02 |
🏆 |
Veal, variety meats and by-products, liver, raw
12.02 |
🏆 |
Veal, liver, raw
12 |
🏆 |
12 |
🏆 |
11.99 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
11.99 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, lean, 0mm trim, braised
11.95 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised
11.9 |
🏆 |
Veal, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, pan-fried
11.9 |
🏆 |
Veal, liver, pan-fried
11.88 |
🏆 |
11.88 |
🏆 |
Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Energy Bar, all flavors
11.76 |
🏆 |
Lake sardine stew, with groundnutflour, (Usipa wotendera)
11.61 |
🏆 |
Seeds, cottonseed flour, low fat (glandless)
11.61 |
🏆 |
Seeds, cottonseed flour, low fat
11.6 |
🏆 |
11.5666666666667 |
🏆 |
Thịt bò, bắp, hầm
11.49 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, under blade pot roast, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised
11.46 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, blade roast, boneless, lean, cooked, braised
11.42 |
🏆 |
Beef, hip, sirloin tip steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, braised
11.32 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, under blade pot roast, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
11.32 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, under blade pot roast, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
11.3 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, blade roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8'') trim, cooked, braised
11.25 |
🏆 |
Fast foods, entree, oysters, battered or breaded, fried
11.25 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, blade steak, with bone, lean, cooked, braised
11.23 |
🏆 |
Veal, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, braised
11.23 |
🏆 |
Veal, liver, braised
11.2244897959184 |
🏆 |
Củ cái, luộc
11.21 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, under blade pot roast, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised
11.1 |
🏆 |
Ready-to-use therapeutic food(RUTF), peanut, milk (PM)
11.05 |
🏆 |
Oyster, native, aquacultured, raw
11.01 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, mock tender steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised
11 |
🏆 |
Beef, knuckle, boiled/cooked in water
11 |
🏆 |
Củ cái, sống
10.98 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised
10.94 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised
10.93 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, mock tender steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
10.92 |
🏆 |
Babyfood, cereal, Rice, dry, fortified
10.92 |
🏆 |
Babyfood, cereal, rice, dry fortified
10.91 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
10.76 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, mock tender steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised
10.7 |
🏆 |
Bledina, Phosphatine nutrijoy, Honey, 6+ months
10.7 |
🏆 |
Bledina, Phosphatine nutrijoy, Multicereals, 6+ months
10.67 |
🏆 |
Babyfood, Multigrain whole grain cereal, dry fortified
10.6 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck eye steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
10.54 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck eye steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
10.5 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck eye steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
10.49 |
🏆 |
Beef, shank crosscuts, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/4" fat, choice, cooked, simmered
10.46 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, mock tender steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised
10.44 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, mock tender steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
10.4 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, under blade center steak, boneless, Denver Cut, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
10.3582089552239 |
🏆 |
Thịt bò, bắp, hấp
10.3582089552239 |
🏆 |
Thịt bò, bắp, luộc
10.31 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, mock tender steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised
10.3 |
🏆 |
Seeds, pumpkin and squash seeds, whole, roasted, with salt added
10.3 |
🏆 |
Seeds, pumpkin and squash seeds, whole, roasted, without salt
10.3 |
🏆 |
Seeds, pumpkin and squash seeds, whole, roasted
10.3 |
🏆 |
Seeds, pumpkin and squash seeds, whole, roasted, salted
10.28 |
🏆 |
Beef, flank, flank steak, boneless, lean, cooked, braised
10.28 |
🏆 |
Beef, flank, flank steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, braised
10.27 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, blade roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
10.27 |
🏆 |
Game meat, bear, cooked, simmered
10.27 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, blade roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
10.23 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised
10.2 |
🏆 |
Watermelon seed, dried
10.19 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, under blade center steak, boneless, Denver Cut, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
10.05 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, under blade center steak, boneless, Denver Cut, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
10 |
🏆 |
Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk Light, powder
10 |
🏆 |
Ovaltine powder, fortified
10 |
🏆 |
Wheat flour, white, fortified with iron, zinc, folic acid and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B12 (Liberia)
10 |
🏆 |
Baby cereal, maize, 6 months, dry
10 |
🏆 |
Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk Light, powder
10 |
🏆 |
Lamb, with bone, shin, lean, casseroled, no added fat
9.97 |
🏆 |
Leavening agents, yeast, baker's, compressed
9.97 |
🏆 |
Leavening agents, yeast, baker's, compressed
9.97 |
🏆 |
Leavening agent, yeast, baker's, compressed
9.96 |
🏆 |
Formulated bar, POWER BAR, chocolate
9.96 |
🏆 |
Formulated bar, POWER BAR, chocolate
9.93 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck eye roast, boneless, America's Beef Roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, roasted
9.9 |
🏆 |
Seeds, hemp seed, hulled
9.88 |
🏆 |
Beef, shoulder top blade steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
9.85 |
🏆 |
Beef, shoulder top blade steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
9.85 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, under blade center steak, boneless, Denver Cut, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
9.85 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, under blade center steak, boneless, Denver Cut, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
9.85 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, under blade center steak, boneless, Denver Cut, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
9.82 |
🏆 |
Beef, shoulder top blade steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
9.8 |
🏆 |
Veal, grain-fed, shoulder, blade steak, lean, braised
9.77 |
🏆 |
Veal, grain-fed, shoulder, blade steak, lean and fat, braised
9.73 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck eye roast, boneless, America's Beef Roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, roasted
9.73 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
9.73 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm trim, braised
9.72 |
🏆 |
9.72 |
🏆 |
Ant, flying, dried
9.72 |
🏆 |
Termite, dried, raw
9.71 |
🏆 |
Beef, shoulder top blade steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
9.66 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, under blade center steak, boneless, Denver Cut, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
9.64 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised
9.63 |
🏆 |
Baking chocolate, unsweetened, squares
9.63 |
🏆 |
Baking chocolate, unsweetened, squares
9.63 |
🏆 |
Sweets, baking chocolate, unsweetened, square
9.61 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, shoulder clod, top blade, steak, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
9.56 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck eye roast, boneless, America's Beef Roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, roasted
9.55 |
🏆 |
Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Chewy Chocolate Peanut Bar
9.55 |
🏆 |
9.53 |
🏆 |
Beef, shoulder pot roast, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised
9.50684931506849 |
🏆 |
Thịt bò, bắp, rán
9.5 |
🏆 |
9.48 |
🏆 |
Beef, shoulder top blade steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
9.44 |
🏆 |
Beef, shoulder pot roast, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
9.41 |
🏆 |
Lamb, with bone, shin, semi-trimmed, casseroled, no added fat
9.40816326530612 |
🏆 |
Thịt ngựa, nướng
9.4 |
🏆 |
Caribou, shoulder meat, dried (Alaska Native)
9.4 |
🏆 |
Caribou, rump meat, half dried (Alaska Native)
9.4 |
🏆 |
Beef, shoulder top blade steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
9.39 |
🏆 |
Beef, shoulder pot roast, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised
9.3 |
🏆 |
Hyacinth beans, mature seeds, raw
9.3 |
🏆 |
Beans, hyacinth, raw
9.28169014084507 |
🏆 |
Tim gà, luộc
9.28 |
🏆 |
Beef, shoulder pot roast, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised
9.28 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, under blade pot roast, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised
9.25333333333333 |
🏆 |
Thịt bò, bắp, nướng
9.24 |
🏆 |
Beef, shoulder pot roast, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
9.22 |
🏆 |
Beef, shoulder pot roast, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised
9.14 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, under blade pot roast, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
9.14 |
🏆 |
Beef, chuck, under blade pot roast, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
9.07 |
Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised
9.05 |
Beef, chuck, under blade pot roast, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised
9.05 |
Beef, chuck, shoulder clod, top blade, steak, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
9.05 |
Thịt bò, vai, hầm
9.05 |
Beef, chuck, cross rib roast, boneless, lean, cooked, braised
8.95 |
Beef, chuck, cross rib roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, braised
8.93 |
Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised
8.92 |
Beef, chuck, top blade, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, broiled
8.92 |
Beef, chuck, top blade, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, broiled
8.91 |
Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
8.9 |
Mutton, boneless dice or strips, shoulder, lean, casseroled, no added fat
8.89 |
Pumpkin seed, kernel only, dried, raw
8.8 |
Spices, chervil, dried
8.8 |
Spices, chervil, dried
8.78 |
Beef, chuck eye steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
8.77 |
Beef, chuck, shoulder clod, top blade, steak, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
8.76 |
Mutton, boneless dice or strips, shoulder, semi-trimmed, casseroled, no added fat
8.74 |
Beef, chuck eye roast, boneless, America's Beef Roast, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, roasted
8.73 |
Lamb, with bone, shin, untrimmed, casseroled, no added fat
8.72 |
Beverages, Whey protein powder isolate
12 Oz/ 340gm
8.72 |
Mutton, boneless dice or strips, shoulder, untrimmed, casseroled, no added fat
8.7 |
Mushroom, dried, raw
8.68 |
Beef, chuck eye steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
8.66 |
Lamb, domestic, foreshank, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/4" fat, choice, cooked, braised
8.66 |
Lamb, foreshank, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/4" fat, choice, cooked, braised
8.66 |
Lamb, Canadian, foreshank, lean, cooked
8.64 |
Game meat, bison, chuck, shoulder clod, separable lean only, cooked, braised
8.64 |
Game meat, deer, shoulder clod, separable lean only, cooked, braised
8.64 |
Game meat, deer, shoulder clod, separable lean only, 3-5 lb roast, cooked, braised
8.64 |
Game meat, bison, chuck, shoulder clod, separable lean only, 3-5 lb roast, cooked, braised
8.64 |
Game meat, deer (venison), shoulder clod roast, lean, braised
8.64 |
Game meat, bison, chuck, shoulder clod, roast, lean, braised
8.63 |
Beef, chuck eye steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
8.62 |
Beef, lean, boiled (without salt)
8.6 |
Chinese sausage, dried
8.55 |
Beverage, instant breakfast powder, chocolate, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
8.55 |
Beef, chuck, cross rib roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, braised
8.54 |
Beef, chuck eye steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
8.53 |
Beef, hip, sirloin tip roast, boneless, lean, cooked, roasted
8.49 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, inside skirt, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
8.49 |
Beef, rib, rib roast with bone, lean, cooked, roasted
8.48 |
Beef, chuck eye roast, boneless, America's Beef Roast, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, roasted
8.47 |
CAMPBELL'S Red and White, Broccoli Cheese Soup, condensed
8.47 |
Beef, chuck for stew, separable lean and fat, select, cooked, braised
8.47 |
CAMPBELL'S, 98% Fat Free Broccoli Cheese Soup, condensed
8.46 |
Beef, hip, sirloin tip roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, roasted
8.43 |
Beef, shoulder steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
8.43 |
Beef, chuck, arm pot roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, braised
8.42 |
Beef, hip, sirloin tip roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, roasted
8.41 |
Beef, chuck eye steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
8.41 |
Beef, chuck, blade roast, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
8.4 |
Soup, oyster stew, canned, condensed
8.4 |
8.4 |
8.4 |
Locust, roasted, (Dzombe lokazinga)
8.4 |
8.39 |
Beef, chuck eye steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
8.33 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, inside skirt, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
8.32 |
Beef, chuck, arm pot roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
8.32 |
Beef, chuck for stew, separable lean and fat, all grades, cooked, braised
8.32 |
Beef, chuck, arm pot roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
8.32 |
Beef, chuck for stew, separable lean and fat, all grades, cooked, braised
8.32 |
USDA Commodity, beef patties with VPP, frozen, cooked
8.31 |
Beef, rib, rib eye steak, boneless, lean, cooked, broiled
8.29 |
Beef, chuck eye roast, boneless, America's Beef Roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
8.27 |
Beef, shoulder steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
8.27 |
Beef, chuck for stew, separable lean and fat, choice, cooked, braised
8.25 |
Beef, chuck eye roast, boneless, America's Beef Roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
8.25 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
8.24 |
Beef, chuck eye roast, boneless, America's Beef Roast, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, roasted
8.24 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, inside skirt, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
8.22 |
Beef, chuck, cross rib steak, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, braised
8.21 |
Beef, chuck eye roast, boneless, America's Beef Roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
8.2 |
Beef, chuck, arm pot roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, braised
8.2 |
Beef, chuck, arm pot roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, braised
8.2 |
Beef, rump steak, lean, grilled, no added fat
8.2 |
Beef, steak, boneless, round, lean, grilled, no added fat
8.19 |
Beef, shoulder steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
8.16326530612245 |
Thịt dê, nạc, nướng
8.15 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
8.15 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, lean, 0mm trim, raw
8.14 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
8.14 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, inside skirt, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
8.11 |
Snacks, beef jerky, chopped and formed
8.11 |
Snacks, beef jerky, chopped and formed
8.11 |
Snacks, beef jerky, chopped and formed
8.1044776119403 |
Thịt bò, vai, hấp
8.1044776119403 |
Thịt bò, vai, luộc
8.08771929824561 |
Thịt ngựa, luộc
8.07291666666667 |
Vừng rang
8.06 |
Beef, chuck, mock tender steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
8.06 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, inside skirt, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
8.06 |
Beef, round, knuckle, tip side, steak, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
8.06 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, inside skirt, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
8.04 |
Beef, shoulder steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
8.03 |
Beef, steak, boneless, round, semi-trimmed, grilled, no added fat
8.03 |
Beef, shoulder steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
8 |
Beef, chuck, mock tender steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
8 |
Beef, oxtail, boiled/cooked in water
8 |
Beef, chuck, mock tender steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
8 |
Vacherin cheese or Mont d'or cheese, from cow's milk
8 |
Beef, steak, boneless rump or sirloin, lean, grilled, no added fat
7.97 |
Beef, lean, stewed (without salt)
7.95 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, inside skirt, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
7.94 |
Leavening agents, yeast, baker's, active dry
7.94 |
Meat alternative, mycoprotein/fungus base, cooked
7.94 |
Leavening agents, yeast, baker's, active dry
7.94 |
Leavening agent, yeast, baker's, active, dry
7.93142857142857 |
Thịt bò, bắp, rim
7.93142857142857 |
Thịt bò, bắp, kho, om
7.93 |
Lamb, Australian, imported, fresh, foreshank, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, cooked, braised
7.93 |
Beef, chuck, mock tender steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
7.93 |
Beef, chuck, mock tender steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
7.91 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round steak, boneless, lean, cooked, braised
7.9 |
Beef, shoulder top blade steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
7.9 |
Seed, poppy
7.9 |
7.9 |
Spices, poppy seed
7.9 |
Spices, poppy seed
7.89 |
Lamb, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, braised
7.89 |
Beef, shoulder steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
7.89 |
Lamb, liver, braised
7.87 |
Beef, steak, boneless, round, untrimmed, grilled, no added fat
7.86 |
Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
7.86 |
Beef, strips, lean, casseroled, no added fat
7.85 |
Beef, chuck, mock tender steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
7.84 |
Beef, shoulder top blade steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
7.84 |
Goat, meat, all cuts, lean, casseroled, no added fat
7.83 |
Beef, chuck, mock tender steak, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, broiled
7.83 |
Beef, chuck, mock tender steak, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, broiled
7.83 |
Beef, hip, eye of round steak, boneless, lean, cooked, braised
7.82 |
Beef, chuck, under blade pot roast or steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
7.81 |
Beef, strips, untrimmed, casseroled, no added fat
7.81 |
Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, dried
7.81 |
Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, dried
7.81 |
Beef, New Zealand, imported, chuck eye roll, separable lean only, cooked, braised
7.81 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, braised
7.8 |
Beef, steak, boneless, fillet or tenderloin, lean, grilled, no added fat
7.8 |
Breakfast cereal, puffed or popped rice, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, C & folate, Fe & Zn
7.8 |
Beef, sirloin steak, lean, grilled, no added fat
7.8 |
Beef, steak, with bone, T-bone, lean, grilled, no added fat
7.8 |
Beef, rump steak, semi-trimmed, grilled, no added fat
7.8 |
Beef, steak, boneless, scotch fillet, lean, grilled, no added fat
7.8 |
Whale, beluga, meat, dried (Alaska Native)
7.8 |
Breakfast cereal, puffed or popped rice, cocoa coating, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, C & folate, Ca, Fe & Zn
7.8 |
Veal, milk-fed, shoulder, blade steak, lean, braised
7.79 |
Beef, chuck, under blade pot roast or steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
7.79 |
Elk, free range, ground, cooked patties (Shoshone Bannock)
7.78 |
Lamb, Australian, imported, fresh, shoulder, arm, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, cooked, braised
7.78 |
Veal, milk-fed, shoulder, blade steak, lean and fat, braised
7.76 |
Beef, chuck, under blade center steak, boneless, Denver Cut, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
7.76 |
Beef, hip, inside (top) round steak, boneless, lean, cooked, braised
7.75 |
Seeds, sesame seeds, whole, dried
7.75 |
Vừng (đen, trắng)
7.75 |
7.74 |
Beef, chuck, under blade pot roast or steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
7.74 |
Beef, rib, rib eye steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, broiled
7.73 |
Egg, yolk, dried
7.73 |
Beef, hip, eye of round steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, braised
7.73 |
Egg, chicken, yolk, dried
7.73 |
Beef, hip, inside (top) round steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, braised
7.7 |
7.7 |
7.7 |
Wheat germ
7.68 |
Beef, loin, bottom sirloin tri-tip steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0'') trim, cooked, broiled
7.67 |
Fish, whole, dried
7.66 |
Beef, boneless dice or strips, lean, casseroled, no added fat
7.66 |
Beef, chuck eye roast, boneless, America's Beef Roast, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
7.65 |
Beef, shoulder top blade steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
7.64 |
Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, roasted, with salt added
7.64 |
Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, roasted, without salt
7.64 |
Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, roasted, without salt
7.64 |
Beef, steak, boneless, fillet or tenderloin, semi-trimmed, grilled, no added fat
7.64 |
Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, roasted
7.64 |
Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, roasted, salted
7.63 |
Beef, shoulder top blade steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
7.63 |
Beef, steak, boneless rump or sirloin, semi-trimmed, grilled, no added fat
7.61904761904762 |
Thịt dê, nạc, hầm
7.61904761904762 |
Thịt dê, nạc, rim
7.6 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, USDA Commodity Corn and Rice (includes all commodity brands)
7.58 |
Beef, chuck, under blade center steak, boneless, Denver Cut, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
7.58 |
Beef, chuck, shoulder clod, shoulder top and center steaks, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
7.58 |
Beef, boneless dice or strips, untrimmed, casseroled, no added fat
7.55 |
Beef, shoulder top blade steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
7.55 |
Goat, forequarter, lean, baked, no added fat
7.54 |
Beef, chuck eye roast, boneless, America's Beef Roast, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
7.54 |
Cereal, ready to eat, Crispy Rice, Compliments
7.53 |
Beef, hip, inside (top) round steak, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, braised
7.53 |
Beef, shoulder top blade steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
7.52 |
Beef, chuck eye roast, boneless, America's Beef Roast, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
7.52 |
Mộc nhĩ, nấu canh
7.52 |
Mộc nhĩ
7.51 |
Beef, chuck, under blade center steak, boneless, Denver Cut, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
7.5 |
Formulated bar, ZONE PERFECT CLASSIC CRUNCH BAR, mixed flavors
7.5 |
Beef, casserole meat, boneless or bone-in, shin, lean, casseroled, no added fat
7.5 |
Formulated bar, ZONE PERFECT CLASSIC CRUNCH BAR, mixed flavors
7.5 |
Cocoa powder
7.48051948051948 |
Gan lợn, luộc
7.47 |
Cardamom, seeds, ground
7.47 |
Spices, cardamom
7.47 |
Beef, chuck, shoulder clod, top blade, steak, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
7.47 |
Beef, chuck, under blade center steak, boneless, Denver Cut, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
7.47 |
Cardamom seed, dried, ground
7.47 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round steak, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, braised
7.47 |
Spices, cardamom, ground
7.46 |
Beef, rib, large end (ribs 6-9), separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, roasted
7.46 |
Beef, sirloin steak, semi-trimmed, grilled, no added fat
7.45 |
Beef, diced, lean, casseroled, no added fat
7.44 |
Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
7.44 |
Beef, rib, rib eye roast, boneless, lean, cooked, roasted
7.43835616438356 |
Thịt bò, vai, rán
7.43 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, RALSTON Crispy Hexagons
7.43 |
Beef, plate, inside skirt steak, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, broiled
7.41 |
Beef, round, knuckle, tip center, steak, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
7.4 |
Beef, chuck, under blade center steak, boneless, Denver Cut, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
7.39 |
Beef, brisket, point half, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
7.39 |
Veal, shoulder, blade, separable lean only, cooked, braised
7.39 |
Dagaa fish (omena), dried, stewed (without salt)
7.39 |
Veal, shoulder, blade, lean, braised
7.38 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, outside skirt, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
7.37 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round roast, boneless, lean, cooked, roasted
7.37 |
Beef, steak, boneless, fillet or tenderloin, untrimmed, grilled, no added fat
7.37 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, roasted
7.36 |
Beef, chuck eye steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
7.36 |
Beef, diced, untrimmed, casseroled, no added fat
7.34 |
Beef, rump steak, untrimmed, grilled, no added fat
7.32 |
Beef, chuck, under blade center steak, boneless, Denver Cut, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
7.3 |
Lamb, domestic, shoulder, arm, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/4" fat, choice, cooked, braised
7.3 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, MALT-O-MEAL, GOLDEN PUFFS
7.3 |
Beef, chuck eye steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
7.3 |
Sesame seed, paste
7.3 |
Chicken, heart, all classes, cooked, simmered
7.3 |
Lamb, shoulder, arm, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/4" fat, choice, cooked, braised
7.3 |
7.3 |
7.3 |
Chicken, broiler, heart, simmered
7.3 |
Veal, grain-fed, shoulder, whole, lean, roasted
7.29 |
Beef, hip, inside (top) round roast, boneless, lean, cooked, roasted
7.29 |
Veal, grain-fed, shoulder, whole, lean and fat, roasted
7.27 |
Wheat bran, crude
7.27 |
Beef, hip, outside (bottom) round roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, roasted
7.27 |
Wheat bran, crude
7.27 |
Grains, wheat bran, crude
7.26 |
Beef, chuck eye steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
7.25 |
Beef, round, knuckle, tip side, steak, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
7.25 |
Beef, rib, rib roast with bone, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, roasted
7.24 |
Thịt bò, vai, nướng
7.24 |
Seed, pumpkin, hulled & dried, unsalted
7.2 |
Wheat bran, unprocessed, uncooked
7.2 |
7.2 |
Beef, boneless dice or strips, lean, stir-fried, no added fat
7.2 |
Beef, stir-fry strips, lean, dry-fried, no added fat
7.2 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, outside skirt, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
7.2 |
7.2 |
Beef, diced, lean, dry-fried, no added fat
7.2 |
7.19 |
Beef, casserole meat, boneless or bone-in, shin, semi-trimmed, casseroled, no added fat
7.19 |
Beef, hip, inside (top) round roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, roasted
7.175 |
Beef, ground, lean, patty, pan-fried
7.17 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, outside skirt, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
7.17 |
Beef, steak, boneless, scotch fillet, semi-trimmed, grilled, no added fat
7.16 |
Seeds, sesame seeds, whole, roasted and toasted
7.16 |
Seeds, sesame seeds, whole, roasted and toasted
7.15 |
Beef, stir-fry strips, untrimmed, dry-fried, no added fat
7.15 |
Beef, ground, 97% lean meat / 3% fat, crumbles, cooked, pan-browned
7.14285714285714 |
Thịt dê, nạc, chiên, rán
7.14 |
Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk, powder
7.14 |
Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk, powder
7.14 |
Beverages, ABBOTT, EAS whey protein powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
7.13 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
7.13 |
Beef, boneless dice or strips, untrimmed, stir-fried, no added fat
7.12 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, outside skirt, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
7.12 |
Beef, rib eye roast, boneless, lip-on, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, roasted
7.11 |
Beef, diced, untrimmed, dry-fried, no added fat
7.1 |
Bledina, Bledine, Garden vegetables, 6-36 months
7.1 |
Spices, basil, dried
7.1 |
Spices, basil, dried
7.1 |
Spices, basil, dried
7.09 |
Beef, chuck, shoulder clod, shoulder top and center steaks, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
7.09 |
Beef, chuck, arm pot roast, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, braised
7.09 |
Lamb, New Zealand, imported, fore-shank, separable lean only, cooked, braised
7.09 |
Beef, chuck, arm pot roast, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, braised
7.09 |
Beef, rib eye roast, boneless, lip-on, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, roasted
7.09 |
Lamb, New Zealand, foreshank, lean, braised
7.08 |
Pumpkin, leaves, dried
7.07 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
7.07 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm trim, raw
7.06 |
Beef, ground, 95% lean meat / 5% fat, crumbles, cooked, pan-browned
7.06 |
Beef, rib, rib eye roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, roasted
7.05 |
Beef, rib eye steak, boneless, lip-on, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, grilled
7.05 |
Beef, rib eye roast, boneless, lip-on, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, roasted
7.05 |
Beef, rib eye steak, boneless, lip off, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, grilled
7.05 |
Beef, loin, strip loin (new york) steak, boneless, lean, cooked, broiled
7.04 |
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
7.04 |
Meal replacement (cereal), ready to eat, Vector, Kellogg's
7.03333333333333 |
Thịt bò, mông, hầm
7.03 |
Con trùng trục
7.03 |
Beef, steak, with bone, T-bone, semi-trimmed, grilled, no added fat
7.03 |
Con trùng trục, luộc
7.025 |
Beef, ground, extra lean, patty, pan-fried
7.02 |
Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
7.01754385964912 |
Thịt dê, nạc, luộc
7.01754385964912 |
Thịt dê, nạc, hấp
7.01 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, outside skirt, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
7.01 |
Beef, loin, strip loin (new york) steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, broiled
7 |
Veal, shoulder, whole (arm and blade), separable lean only, cooked, braised
7 |
Rusk, unsalted
7 |
Breakfast cereals, puffed/popped rice, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
7 |
Beef, rib eye steak, boneless, lip-on, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
7 |
Veal, diced, lean, stir-fried, no added fat
7 |
Beef, rib eye steak, boneless, lip-on, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
7 |
Beef, rib eye steak, boneless, lip off, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
7 |
Nutribon (PKL) Farinor (Baby/infant cereal), Infant milk cereal: Strawberry (6+ mo)
7 |
Veal, shoulder, whole, lean, braised
6.99 |
Beef, chuck, under blade pot roast or steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
6.99 |
Beef, chuck, under blade pot roast or steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
6.98 |
Beef, chuck, under blade pot roast or steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
6.98 |
Beef, chuck, arm pot roast, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
6.97 |
Beef, rib eye steak, boneless, lip off, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
6.97 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, outside skirt, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
6.97 |
Beef, ground, 93% lean meat / 7% fat, crumbles, cooked, pan-browned
6.97 |
Beef, rib eye steak, boneless, lip-on, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
6.97 |
Veal, grain-fed, shoulder, shank, lean and fat, braised
6.95 |
Beef, shoulder pot roast or steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
6.94 |
Beef, shank crosscuts, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/4" fat, choice, raw
6.94 |
Beef, ground, 97% lean meat / 3% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
6.94 |
Thịt bò, bắp, sống
6.93 |
Spices, celery seed
6.93 |
Spices, celery seed
6.93 |
Spices, celery seed
6.91 |
Beef, composite of trimmed retail cuts, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked
6.9 |
Veal, grain-fed, shoulder, shank, lean, braised
6.9 |
Wheat, bran, selected (Deya watiligu)
6.9 |
Beef, steak, with bone, T-bone or blade, lean, grilled, no added fat
6.9 |
Cerelac, Infant cereal with milk, Fruits with milk, From 8 months
6.89 |
Beef, steak, boneless rump or sirloin, untrimmed, grilled, no added fat
6.89 |
Beef, New Zealand, imported, flank, separable lean only, cooked, braised
6.89 |
Beef, mince, lower fat, stir-fried, no added fat
6.89 |
Beef, brisket, whole, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
6.88 |
Beef, chuck, shoulder clod, top blade, steak, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
6.88 |
Beef, shoulder pot roast or steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
6.875 |
Beef, ground, extra lean, crumbled, pan-fried
6.87 |
Beef, chuck, arm pot roast, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, braised
6.86 |
Beef, shoulder pot roast or steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
6.86 |
Beef, ground, 95% lean meat / 5% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
6.85 |
Veal, diced, untrimmed, stir-fried, no added fat
6.85 |
Beef, chuck, shoulder clod, shoulder top and center steaks, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
6.85 |
Trai, hầm
6.85 |
Trai, luộc
6.84 |
Beef, ground, fried
6.84 |
Beef, ground, 90% lean meat / 10% fat, crumbles, cooked, pan-browned
6.84 |
Beef, round, knuckle, tip center, steak, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
6.84 |
Beef, round, knuckle, tip side, steak, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
6.83 |
Shrimp (crayfish), whole, dried
6.83 |
Kangaroo, tail, cooked, no added fat
6.83 |
Beef, loin, top sirloin roast, boneless, lean, cooked, roasted
6.82 |
Beverages, Chocolate-flavor beverage mix for milk, powder, with added nutrients
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.82 |
Beverages, Chocolate-flavor beverage mix for milk, powder, with added nutrients
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.81 |
Cocoa, dry powder, unsweetened
6.81 |
Cocoa, dry powder, unsweetened
6.81 |
Beef, shoulder pot roast or steak, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
6.81 |
Veal, shank (fore and hind), separable lean only, cooked, braised
6.81 |
Beef, steak, boneless, scotch fillet, untrimmed, grilled, no added fat
6.81 |
Bột ca cao
6.81 |
Sweets, cocoa, powder, unsweetened
6.8 |
Melolac, Baby cereal with milk, From 6 months
6.78 |
Beef, shoulder pot roast or steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
6.78 |
Beef, ground, 93% lean meat / 7% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
6.77 |
Breakfast cereal, wheat bran, pellets, added vitamins B1, B2 & folate, Fe & Zn
6.75 |
Beef, loin, bottom sirloin tri-tip roast, boneless, lean, cooked, roasted
6.75 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc, hầm
6.75 |
Beef, chuck, blade roast, boneless, lean, raw
6.73 |
Beef, chuck, blade steak, boneless, lean, raw
6.73 |
Seeds, sesame seed kernels, dried (decorticated)
6.73 |
Seeds, sesame seed kernels, dried (decorticated)
6.73 |
Seeds, sesame seed kernels, dried, shelled
6.725 |
Beef, ground, lean, crumbled, pan-fried
6.72 |
Beef, shoulder pot roast or steak, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
6.7 |
Cocoa, dry powder, hi-fat or breakfast, processed with alkali
6.7 |
Cricket, fresh, raw
6.7 |
Smelt, dried (Alaska Native)
6.7 |
Beef, ground, regular, patty, pan-fried
6.7 |
Hot chocolate, cocoa, high fat or breakfast, processed with alkali, mix, powder
6.7 |
Fish, smelt, dried
6.7 |
Lamb, roasting piece, shoulder, lean, roasted, no added fat
6.69 |
Wheat, bran, raw
6.65 |
Beef, loin, bottom sirloin tri-tip roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0'') trim, cooked, roasted
6.65 |
Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
6.65 |
Beef, ground, 90% lean meat / 10% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
6.65 |
Beef, loin, top sirloin steak, boneless, lean, cooked, broiled
6.62 |
Goat, meat, all cuts, untrimmed, casseroled, no added fat
6.62 |
Peanuts, virginia, oil-roasted, without salt
6.62 |
Beef, ground, 85% lean meat / 15% fat, crumbles, cooked, pan-browned
6.62 |
Peanuts, virginia, oil-roasted, with salt
6.62 |
Beef, ground, 85% lean meat / 15% fat, crumbles, cooked, pan-browned
6.62 |
Beef, round, tip round, roast, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, roasted
6.62 |
Peanuts, Virginia, oil-roasted
6.62 |
Peanuts, Virginia, oil-roasted, salted
6.6 |
Beverages, Protein powder soy based
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.6 |
Beef, loin, top sirloin steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, broiled
6.6 |
Beef, casserole meat, boneless, chuck, lean, raw
6.59 |
Chicken, broiler, heart, raw
6.59 |
Tim gà
6.59 |
Chicken, heart, all classes, raw
6.58 |
Beef, chuck, shoulder clod, top blade, steak, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
6.56 |
Game meat, elk, ground, cooked, pan-broiled
6.56 |
Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Protein Performance Bar, Caramel Nut Rush
6.56 |
Beef, round, knuckle, tip center, steak, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
6.56 |
Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Protein Performance Bar, Caramel Nut Rush
6.56 |
Game meat, elk, ground, cooked, pan-broiled
6.55 |
Beef, ground, medium, patty, pan-fried
6.53 |
Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
6.5 |
Beef, ground, 97% lean meat /3% fat, patty, cooked, pan-broiled
6.5 |
Seed, pumpkin, hulled & dried
6.5 |
Cheese, parmesan, dried, finely grated
6.49 |
Meal replacement (cereal), ready to eat, Force Active, President's Choice
6.48 |
Lamb, shoulder, blade, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/4" fat, choice, cooked, broiled
6.48 |
Lamb, domestic, shoulder, blade, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/4" fat, choice, cooked, broiled
6.48 |
Cereal, ready to eat, All Bran Original, Kellogg's
6.47017543859649 |
Thịt ngựa, hầm
6.47 |
Beef, loin, tenderloin, steak, lean, cooked, broiled
6.46 |
Beef, steak, with bone, T-bone, untrimmed, grilled, no added fat
6.46 |
Beef, loin, strip loin (new york) steak, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, broiled
6.45 |
Beef, ground, 85% lean meat / 15% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
6.45 |
Nuts, pine nuts, dried
6.45 |
Beef, ground, 97% lean meat / 3% fat, patty, cooked, broiled
6.45 |
Beef, ground, 95% lean meat / 5% fat, patty, cooked, pan-broiled
6.45 |
Nuts, pine nuts, dried
6.45 |
Beef, casserole meat, boneless or bone-in, shin, untrimmed, casseroled, no added fat
6.45 |
Beef, ground, lean, loaf, baked
6.45 |
Nuts, pine nuts, pignolia, dried
6.44 |
Beef, sirloin steak, untrimmed, grilled, no added fat
6.44 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, inside skirt, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
6.43 |
Beef, ground, 95% lean meat / 5% fat, patty, cooked, broiled
6.42 |
Crab, flesh, purchased steamed or boiled
6.41 |
Beef, ground, 93% lean meat / 7% fat, patty, cooked, broiled
6.41 |
Beef, medium fat, without bones, boiled (without salt)
6.41 |
Goat meat, lean, stewed (as part of a recipe)
6.4 |
Beef, ground, 80% lean meat / 20% fat, crumbles, cooked, pan-browned
6.4 |
Veal, boneless dice or strips, lean, stir-fried, no added fat
6.4 |
Beef, ground, 93% lean meat /7% fat, patty, cooked, pan-broiled
6.4 |
Beef, ground, 80% lean meat / 20% fat, crumbles, cooked, pan-browned
6.4 |
Beef, loin, top sirloin steak, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, broiled
6.39 |
Beef, chuck, clod roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, roasted
6.39 |
Beef, chuck, clod roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, roasted
6.39 |
Beef, steak, with bone, T-bone or blade, semi-trimmed, grilled, no added fat
6.39 |
Lamb, liver, boiled (without salt)
6.38 |
Beef, New Zealand, imported, bolar blade, separable lean only, cooked, fast roasted
6.37 |
Cocoa, dry powder, unsweetened, processed with alkali
6.37 |
Beef, ground, 90% lean meat / 10% fat, patty, cooked, broiled
6.37 |
Beef, cured, breakfast strips, cooked
6.37 |
Beef, loin, tenderloin, roast, lean, cooked, roasted
6.37 |
Beef, ground, 90% lean meat / 10% fat, patty, cooked, broiled
6.37 |
Beef, cured, breakfast strips, cooked
6.37 |
Beef, cured, breakfast strips, cooked
6.37 |
Sweets, cocoa, powder, unsweetened, dutch process
6.37 |
Beef, chuck, blade steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
6.36 |
Desserts, rennin, tablets, unsweetened
6.36 |
Dessert, rennin, tablets, unsweetened
6.35 |
Uda (Ethiopian pepper), fruit/seed, dried
6.34 |
Beef, casserole meat, boneless or bone-in, blade, lean, casseroled
6.34 |
Beef, loin, tenderloin, steak, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, broiled
6.33 |
Beef, ground, 90% lean meat / 10% fat, patty, cooked, pan-broiled
6.33 |
Wocas, dried seeds, Oregon, yellow pond lily (Klamath)
6.325 |
Beef, ground, medium, crumbled, pan-fried
6.32 |
Lamb, Australian, imported, fresh, shoulder ,blade, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, cooked, broiled
6.32 |
Crabs, boiled, (Nkhanu/Nkhalazowilitsa)
6.31 |
Whey, acid, dried
6.31 |
Beef, ground, 85% lean meat / 15% fat, patty, cooked, broiled
6.31 |
Beef, ground, 85% lean meat / 15% fat, patty, cooked, broiled
6.31 |
Whey, acid, dried
6.31 |
Whey, acid, dry
6.31 |
Beef, ground, lean, broiled
6.3 |
BMS, premature, whey-predominantformula, PreNan powder
6.3 |
Veal, boneless dice or strips, untrimmed, stir-fried, no added fat
6.29850746268657 |
Thịt bò, mông, luộc
6.29850746268657 |
Thịt bò, mông, hấp
6.29 |
Beef, loin, t-bone steak (porterhouse), lean, cooked, broiled
6.28 |
USDA Commodity, beef, ground bulk/coarse ground, frozen, cooked
6.28 |
Beef, chuck, blade roast, boneless, lean and fat, 3mm (1/8'') trim, raw
6.26 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, inside skirt, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
6.25 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, inside skirt, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
6.25 |
Beef, ground, 80% lean meat / 20% fat, patty, cooked, broiled
6.25 |
Beef, ground, 80% lean meat / 20% fat, patty, cooked, broiled
6.25 |
Beef, liver, boiled (without salt)
6.25 |
Beef, ground, medium, broiled
6.24 |
Beef, ground, medium, baked
6.24 |
Veal, shoulder, shank, lean, braised
6.24 |
Beef, ground, 80% lean meat / 20% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
6.24 |
Veal, shoulder, arm, separable lean only, cooked, braised
6.22 |
Beef, loin, tenderloin, roast, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, roasted
6.20571428571429 |
Thịt bò, vai, rim
6.20571428571429 |
Thịt bò, vai, kho/ om
6.2 |
Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, ENFACARE LIPIL, with iron, powder, with ARA and DHA
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.2 |
Beef, rib eye roast, bone-in, lip-on, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, roasted
6.2 |
Lamb, New Zealand, imported, square-cut shoulder chops, separable lean only, cooked, braised
6.2 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, inside skirt, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
6.2 |
Beef, ground, 85% lean meat / 15% fat, patty, cooked, pan-broiled
6.2 |
Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, ENFACARE, with iron, powder, with ARA and DHA
6.19 |
Beef, ground, 75% lean meat / 25% fat, patty, cooked, broiled
6.19 |
Beef, ground, 75% lean meat / 25% fat, patty, cooked, broiled
6.18 |
Beverages, Protein powder whey based
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.18 |
Spices, thyme, dried
6.18 |
Spices, thyme, dried
6.18 |
Thyme, dried, ground
6.18 |
Spices, thyme, dried
6.17 |
Beef, ground, 75% lean meat / 25% fat, crumbles, cooked, pan-browned
6.17 |
Beef, ground, 75% lean meat / 25% fat, crumbles, cooked, pan-browned
6.15 |
Beef, flank, flank steak, boneless, lean, raw
6.15 |
Beef, New Zealand, imported, hind shin, separable lean only, cooked, braised
6.15 |
Beef, flank, flank steak, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, raw
6.15 |
Goat, leg, lean, baked, no added fat
6.14 |
Beef, ground, 70% lean meat / 30% fat, patty, cooked, broiled
6.14 |
Beef, rib eye roast, bone-in, lip-on, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, roasted
6.13 |
Lamb, roasting piece, shoulder, semi-trimmed, roasted, no added fat
6.125 |
Beef, ground, regular, crumbled, not rinsed, pan-fried
6.12 |
Goose, wild (Canada goose), native, liver, roasted
6.11 |
Beef, rib eye roast, bone-in, lip-on, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, roasted
6.11 |
Cowpeas, catjang, mature seeds, raw
6.11 |
Black-eyed peas (cowpeas), catjang, raw
6.1 |
Veal, milk-fed, shoulder, whole, lean, roasted
6.1 |
6.1 |
Pre Nan Stage 2
6.1 |
6.1 |
Beef, ground, regular, broiled
6.09 |
Beef, rib eye roast, boneless, lip-on, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, roasted
6.09 |
Beef, rib eye roast, boneless, lip-on, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, roasted
6.09 |
Beef, casserole meat, boneless, chuck, semi-trimmed, raw
6.09 |
Beef, rib eye roast, boneless, lip-on, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, roasted
6.09 |
Veal, milk-fed, shoulder, whole, lean and fat, roasted
6.08 |
Mustard, powder
6.08 |
Spices, mustard seed, ground
6.08 |
Lamb, Australian, imported, fresh, foreshank, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, raw
6.08 |
Spices, mustard seed, ground
6.08 |
Spices, mustard seed, yellow
6.07 |
Beef, ground, 80% lean meat / 20% fat, patty, cooked, pan-broiled
6.07 |
Moose, liver, braised (Alaska Native)
6.07 |
Beef, casserole meat, boneless, blade, semi-trimmed, casseroled
6.06666666666667 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, hầm
6.06 |
Sugars, maple
6.06 |
Game meat, dried, salted
6.05 |
Beef, flank, steak, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised
6.05 |
Beef, flank, steak, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised
6.04477611940298 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc, chần
6.04477611940298 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc, luộc
6.04477611940298 |
Thịt bò, lưng, nạc, hấp
6.04 |
Beef, ground, 75% lean meat / 25% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
6.04 |
Beef, ground, 75% lean meat / 25% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
6.04 |
Rice bran, crude
6.04 |
Grains, rice bran, crude
6.03 |
Beef, steak, with bone, T-bone or blade, untrimmed, grilled, no added fat
6.03 |
Beef, rib eye steak, boneless, lip-on, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, grilled
6.01 |
Lamb, stir-fry strips, lean, casseroled, no added fat
6.01 |
Lamb, boneless dice or strips, lean, casseroled, no added fat
6.01 |
Beef, medium fat, without bones, stewed (without salt)
6.01 |
Beef, rib eye steak, bone-in, lip-on, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, grilled
6.01 |
Lamb, diced, lean, casseroled, no added fat
6.01 |
Beef, hip, eye of round roast, boneless, lean, cooked, roasted
6 |
Seed, sunflower, unsalted, dry, raw
6 |
BMS, soy-based formula, Isomil® 1powder
6 |
Nido, Nido 1+ protection, Growing-Up milk, 1-3 years
6 |
Breakfast cereals, very rich in fibre, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
6 |
Emu, oyster, raw
6 |
Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, PROSOBEE LIPIL, with iron, powder, not reconstituted, with ARA and DHA
12 Oz/ 340gm
6 |
Preserved gizzards, duck, canned
6 |
Beef, hanger steak, grilled
6 |
Carré de l'Est cheese, from cow's milk
6 |
Beef, steak, boneless or bone-in, blade, lean, grilled, no added fat
6 |
BMS, follow-up formula, soy based,Infasoy 2 powder
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
Wheat flour, white, fortified with iron, zinc, folic acid and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B12 (Guinea)
6 |
Beef, rib eye steak, bone-in, lip-on, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
6 |
Beef, rib eye steak, bone-in, lip-on, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
6 |
Emu, oyster, raw
5.99 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, MALT-O-MEAL, Fruity DYNO-BITES
5.99 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, inside skirt, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, raw
5.99 |
Peanut flour, low fat
5.99 |
Beef, chuck, shoulder clod, shoulder top and center steaks, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
5.99 |
Peanut flour, low-fat
5.98 |
Beef, round, bottom round, steak, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, braised
5.97 |
Beef, plate steak, boneless, inside skirt, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, raw
5.97 |
Beef, mince, regular fat, stir-fried, no added fat
5.96 |
Rice, wild, uncooked
5.96 |
Wild rice, raw
5.96 |
Beef, brisket, whole, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
5.96 |
Wild rice, raw
5.96 |
Grains, rice, wild, dry
5.96 |
Beef, hip, eye of round roast, boneless, lean and fat, 0mm (0") trim, cooked, roasted
5.95 |
Lamb, foreshank, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/4" fat, choice, raw
5.95 |
Crustaceans, crab, alaska king, raw
5.95 |
Beef, round, bottom round, steak, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, braised
5.95 |
Lamb, domestic, foreshank, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/4" fat, choice, raw
5.95 |
Beef, ground, 70% lean meat / 30% fat, crumbles, cooked, pan-browned
5.95 |
Beef, ground, 75% lean meat / 25% fat, patty, cooked, pan-broiled
5.95 |
Goat, meat, all cuts, lean, baked, no added fat
5.95 |
Lamb, Canadian, foreshank, lean, raw
5.95 |
Crustaceans, crab, alaska king, raw
5.94 |
Goat meat, moderately fat, ca. 10% fat, stewed (as part of a recipe)
5.94 |
Lamb, stir-fry strips, untrimmed, casseroled, no added fat
5.93 |
Mutton, cooked, roasted (Navajo)
5.92 |
Beef, casserole meat, boneless, blade, untrimmed, casseroled
5.92 |
Lamb, boneless dice or strips, untrimmed, casseroled, no added fat
5.92 |
Camel meat, boiled (without salt), drained
5.91836734693878 |
Thịt cừu, nạc, nướng
5.91 |
Beef meat, lean, ca. 5% fat, boiled (without salt), drained
5.91 |
Beef, rib eye steak, boneless, lip-on, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
5.91 |
Beef, casserole meat, boneless, chuck, untrimmed, raw
5.91 |
Beef, rib eye steak, boneless, lip-on, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, grilled
5.91 |
Leaves, rape, raw, (Lepu)
5.9 |
Mutton, all cuts, separable fat, cooked
5.9 |
Beef, round, bottom round, steak, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, braised
5.9 |
BMS, acidified, follow-up formula,Nan Pelargon 2 powder
5.9 |
5.9 |
Mutton, roasting piece, with bone, leg, untrimmed, roasted, no added fat
5.9 |
Lamb, diced, untrimmed, casseroled, no added fat
5.9 |
Mutton, roasting piece, with bone, leg, lean, roasted, no added fat
5.9 |
Mutton, roasting piece, with bone, leg, semi-trimmed, roasted, no added fat
5.9 |
BMS, follow-up formula, Nan 3powder
5.89 |
Beef, chuck eye Country-Style ribs, boneless, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, raw
5.87 |
Beef, lean, grilled (without salt and fat)
5.85 |
Beef, loin, t-bone steak (porterhouse), lean and fat, 3mm (1/8") trim, cooked, broiled
5.84 |
Beef, rib eye steak, boneless, lip-on, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, grilled
5.84 |
Beef, ground, 70% lean meat / 30% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
5.84 |
Beef, rib, large end (ribs 6-9), separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, roasted
5.82 |
Elk, free range, ground, raw (Shoshone Bannock)
5.82 |
Beef, ground, 70% lean meat / 30% fat, patty cooked, pan-broiled
5.82 |
Beef, casserole meat, boneless, blade or chuck, lean, casseroled, no added fat