215.448 |
🏆 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, lườn, nướng
215.448 |
🏆 |
Thịt gà, ta, lườn, nướng
211 |
🏆 |
Tahini, sesame seed pulp
189.671 |
🏆 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, lườn, kho
189.671 |
🏆 |
Thịt gà, ta, lườn, kho
181.101 |
🏆 |
Thịt gà, ta, lườn, chiên, rán ngập dầu
181.101 |
🏆 |
Thịt gà, ta, lườn, chiên, rán giòn
173.556 |
🏆 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, lườn, hấp
173.556 |
🏆 |
Thịt gà, ta, lườn, hấp
173.556 |
🏆 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, lườn, luộc
173.556 |
🏆 |
Thịt gà, ta, lườn, luộc
172.429 |
🏆 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, lườn, hầm
156.2 |
🏆 |
Thịt gà, ta, lườn, sống
156.2 |
🏆 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, lườn
154.384 |
🏆 |
Thịt gà, ta, lườn, hầm
149.4 |
🏆 |
Oil, wheat germ
149 |
🏆 |
Wheat germ oil
80.46 |
🏆 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, RALSTON Enriched Wheat Bran flakes
56.1 |
🏆 |
Oil, sunflower
51.92 |
🏆 |
Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST Shake Mix, high protein, whey powder, 3-2-1 Plan,
12 Oz/ 340gm
51.92 |
🏆 |
Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST Shake Mix, powder, 3-2-1 Plan
12 Oz/ 340gm
51.92 |
🏆 |
Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST Shake Mix, high protein, whey powder, 3-2-1 Plan,
12 Oz/ 340gm
51.92 |
🏆 |
Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST Shake Mix, powder, 3-2-1 Plan
12 Oz/ 340gm
49 |
🏆 |
Sunflower oil, unfortified
49 |
🏆 |
Sunflower oil, fortified with vitamin A, 600–1000 mcg/100g (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)
49 |
🏆 |
Sunflower oil, fortified with vitamin A, 1100–2400 mcg/100g (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
46.8158 |
🏆 |
Cá chim, chiên ngập dầu
46.8158 |
🏆 |
Cá chim, chiên giòn
45 |
🏆 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, GENERAL MILLS, Whole Grain TOTAL
44.475 |
🏆 |
Cá chim, nướng
43.9259 |
🏆 |
Cá chim, xào
43.9259 |
🏆 |
Cá chim, kho
43.2 |
🏆 |
Peanut butter, smooth, vitamin and mineral fortified
43.1579 |
🏆 |
Cá basa, phi lê, rán
42.8675 |
🏆 |
Cá chim, luộc
42.8675 |
🏆 |
Cá chim, hấp
41.21 |
🏆 |
Seed, sunflower
41.08 |
🏆 |
Oil, sunflower, fortified, local market,(Mafuta ophikira a mpendadzuwa)
41.08 |
🏆 |
Vegetable oil, sunflower, oleic (70% and over)
41.08 |
🏆 |
Oil, sunflower, fortified,supermarket, (Mafuta ophikira ampendadzuwa)
41.08 |
🏆 |
Oil, sunflower, linoleic, (approx. 65%)
41.08 |
🏆 |
Dầu hướng dương
41.08 |
🏆 |
Oil, sunflower, linoleic, (approx. 65%)
41.08 |
🏆 |
Oil, sunflower, high oleic (70% and over)
41.08 |
🏆 |
Oil, sunflower, linoleic, (partially hydrogenated)
41.08 |
🏆 |
Oil, sunflower, linoleic (less than 60%)
40.4938 |
🏆 |
Cá basa, phi lê, kho
39.5181 |
🏆 |
Cá basa, phi lê, hấp
39.2 |
🏆 |
Dầu hạnh nhân
39.2 |
🏆 |
Oil, almond
39 |
🏆 |
Ready-to-use therapeutic food(RUTF), milk-free, soya, maize,sorghum (FSMS)
39 |
🏆 |
Ready-to-use therapeutic food(RUTF), milk, maize, soya, sorghum(MSMS)
38.14 |
🏆 |
Spices, chili powder
38.14 |
🏆 |
Spices, chili powder
38.14 |
🏆 |
Chilli (chili), dried, ground
38.14 |
🏆 |
Spices, chili powder
37.22 |
🏆 |
Margarine-like spread, BENECOL Light Spread
36.9 |
🏆 |
Peanut butter, smooth, vitamin and mineral fortified
36.6354 |
🏆 |
Hạt hướng dương rang
36.33 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, oil roasted, with salt added
36.33 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, oil roasted, without salt
36.33 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, oil roasted, salted
36.33 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, oil roasted
35.64 |
🏆 |
Wocas, dried seeds, Oregon, yellow pond lily (Klamath)
35.58 |
🏆 |
Cá chim
35.3 |
🏆 |
Oil, cottonseed, salad or cooking
35.3 |
🏆 |
Oil, cottonseed, salad or cooking
35.3 |
🏆 |
Oil, cottonseed
35.3 |
🏆 |
Dầu bông
35.3 |
🏆 |
Vegetable oil, cottonseed
35.17 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dried
35.17 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dried
35.17 |
🏆 |
Hạt hướng dương
35 |
🏆 |
Ready-to-use therapeutic food(RUTF), peanut, milk (PM)
34.68 |
🏆 |
Margarine spread, polyunsaturated (70% fat)
34.1 |
🏆 |
Oil, safflower, salad or cooking, linoleic, (over 70%)
34.1 |
🏆 |
Vegetable oil, safflower, linoleic (70% and over)
32.8 |
🏆 |
Cá basa, phi lê
32.3 |
🏆 |
Vegetable oil, rice bran
32.3 |
🏆 |
Oil, rice bran
32.3 |
🏆 |
Dầu cám gạo
31.42 |
🏆 |
Nut, almond, with skin, raw, unsalted
30.8816 |
🏆 |
Cá chim trắng, chiên giòn
30.8816 |
🏆 |
Cá chim trắng, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
30 |
🏆 |
Cod liver oil
29.83 |
🏆 |
Spices, pepper, red or cayenne
29.3375 |
🏆 |
Cá chim trắng, nướng
29.1 |
🏆 |
Spices, paprika
29.1 |
🏆 |
Spices, paprika
29.1 |
🏆 |
Paprika, dry powder
29.1 |
🏆 |
Spices, paprika
29 |
🏆 |
Vegetable fat (margarine type), spreadable, 30-40% fat, light, unsalted, rich in omega 3
28.9753 |
🏆 |
Cá chim trắng, xào
28.9753 |
🏆 |
Cá chim trắng, kho
28.89 |
🏆 |
Chả cá basa
28.89 |
🏆 |
Chả cá basa, rán
28.58 |
🏆 |
Nut, almond, with skin, roasted, unsalted
28.2771 |
🏆 |
Cá chim trắng, luộc
28.2771 |
🏆 |
Cá chim trắng, hấp
28 |
🏆 |
Cottonseed oil, fortified with vitamin A, 1100–2400 mcg/100g (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
28 |
🏆 |
Cottonseed oil, fortified with vitamin A, 600–1000 mcg/100g (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)
28 |
🏆 |
Cottonseed oil, yellow brown, unfortified
26.64 |
🏆 |
26.63 |
🏆 |
Margarine, 80% fat, tub, CANOLA HARVEST Soft Spread (canola, palm and palm kernel oils)
26.22 |
🏆 |
Oil, canola
26.22 |
🏆 |
Oil, canola
26.1 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dry roasted, with salt added
26.1 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed kernels from shell, dry roasted, with salt added
26.1 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dry roasted, without salt
26.1 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dry roasted, without salt
26.1 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dry roasted
26.1 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dry roasted, salted
25.97 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, unblanched
25.97 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, lightly salted
25.97 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, unblanched, salted
25.97 |
🏆 |
Hạt hạnh nhân rang
25.97 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, without salt added
25.97 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, lightly salted
25.97 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, with salt added
25.63 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almonds
25.63 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almonds
25.63 |
🏆 |
Hạt hạnh nhân
25.63 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almonds, dried, unblanched, unroasted
25.24 |
🏆 |
Spices, curry powder
25.24 |
🏆 |
Curry powder
25.24 |
🏆 |
Spices, curry powder
25 |
🏆 |
KASHI, H2H Woven Wheat Cracker, Original
25 |
🏆 |
Vegetable fat (margarine type), 70% fat, unsalted
25 |
🏆 |
KASHI, H2H Woven Wheat Cracker, Roasted Garlic
24.66 |
🏆 |
Babyfood, GERBER, GRADUATES Lil Biscuits Vanilla Wheat
24.21 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almond butter, plain, without salt added
24.21 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almond butter, plain, with salt added
24.21 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almond butter, plain, with salt added
24.21 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almond butter, plain
24.21 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almond butter, plain, salted
24 |
🏆 |
Formulated bar, ZONE PERFECT CLASSIC CRUNCH BAR, mixed flavors
24 |
🏆 |
Formulated bar, ZONE PERFECT CLASSIC CRUNCH BAR, mixed flavors
23.9 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almonds, dry roasted, unblanched, salted
23.9 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almonds, dry roasted, without salt added
23.9 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almonds, dry roasted, without salt added
23.9 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almonds, dry roasted, with salt added
23.9 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almonds, dry roasted, unblanched
23.75 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almonds, dried, blanched, unroasted
23.75 |
🏆 |
Nuts, almonds, blanched
23.47 |
🏆 |
Cá chim trắng
22.89 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed butter
22.89 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed butter, salted
22.89 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed butter, with salt added
22.89 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed butter, with salt added (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program)
22.89 |
🏆 |
Seeds, sunflower seed butter, without salt
22.62 |
🏆 |
Nut, almond meal
21.8 |
🏆 |
Oil, vegetable, Natreon canola, high stability, non trans, high oleic (70%)
21.7 |
🏆 |
Oil, olive
21.64 |
🏆 |
Oil, cooking and salad, ENOVA, 80% diglycerides
21.12 |
Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, 60% fat, tub, with salt
21.12 |
Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, 60% fat, tub, with salt, with added vitamin D
21.12 |
Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, 60% fat, tub, with salt, with added vitamin D
21.12 |
Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, 60% fat, tub, with salt
21 |
Cowpea, leaves, dried
20.8421 |
Cá điêu hồng, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
20.8421 |
Cá điêu hồng, chiên giòn
20.1 |
BMS, premature, whey-predominantformula, PreNan powder
20 |
Cod liver, raw
20 |
Vegetable oil, fortified with vitamin A, 600–1000 mcg/100g (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)
20 |
Vegetable oil, fortified with vitamin A, 1100–2400 mcg/100g (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
20 |
Vegetable oil, unfortified
19.8 |
Cá điêu hồng, nướng
19.76 |
Game meat, native, caribou (reindeer), liver, baked
19.5556 |
Cá điêu hồng, kho
19.5556 |
Cá điêu hồng, xào
19.34 |
Margarine-like spread, SMART BALANCE Regular Buttery Spread with flax oil
19.29 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, SUN COUNTRY, KRETSCHMER Honey Crunch Wheat Germ
19.2 |
Oil, blend of polyunsaturated vegetable oils
19.0843 |
Cá điêu hồng, hấp
19.0843 |
Cá điêu hồng, luộc
18.3 |
Oregano, dried
18.26 |
Spices, oregano, dried
18.26 |
Spices, oregano, dried
18.26 |
Spices, oregano, ground
18.02 |
Gừng khô (bột)
18 |
Dressing, thousand island, regular fat, commercial
17.5 |
Nuts, hazelnuts or filberts, blanched
17.5 |
Nuts, filberts or hazelnuts, dried, blanched
17.46 |
Vegetable oil, canola
17.46 |
Dầu hạt cải
17.46 |
Oil, industrial, canola, high oleic
17.45 |
Mayonnaise, traditional (greater than 65% fat), commercial
17 |
Vegetable fat (margarine type), spreadable, 50-63% fat, light, lightly salted, rich in omega 3
16.89 |
Game meat, native, beluga, blubber, boiled
16.88 |
Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Protein Performance Bar, Caramel Nut Rush
16.88 |
Beverage, instant breakfast powder, chocolate, sugar-free, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
16.88 |
Beverage, instant breakfast powder, chocolate, sugar-free, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
16.88 |
Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Protein Performance Bar, Caramel Nut Rush
16.88 |
Beverages, nutritional shake mix, high protein, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
16.88 |
Beverages, nutritional shake mix, high protein, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
16.6 |
Oil, vegetable
16.08 |
Margarine spread, monounsaturated (greater than 65% fat)
16.08 |
Margarine spread, monounsaturated (65% fat), rice bran oil, fortified
16 |
Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Protein Performance Bar, Caramel Nut Rush
16 |
Corn (maize) oil, fortified with vitamin A, 1100–2400 mcg/100g (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
16 |
Nut, hazelnut, raw, unsalted
16 |
Corn (maize) oil, unfortified
16 |
Corn (maize) oil, fortified with vitamin A, 600–1000 mcg/100g (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)
15.99 |
Cereals ready-to-eat, wheat germ, toasted, plain
15.94 |
Oil, palm
15.94 |
Dầu cọ
15.94 |
Vegetable oil, palm
15.84 |
Cá điêu hồng
15.75 |
Margarine-like spread, SMART BALANCE Light Buttery Spread
15.69 |
Oil, peanut, salad or cooking
15.69 |
Dầu lạc
15.69 |
Vegetable oil, peanut
15.43 |
Margarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, tub, with salt
15.43 |
Margarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, tub, with salt, with added vitamin D
15.28 |
Nuts, hazelnuts or filberts, dry roasted, without salt added
15.28 |
Nuts, filberts or hazelnuts, dry roasted, unblanched
15.23 |
Oil, peanut
15.03 |
Nuts, hazelnuts or filberts
15.03 |
Nuts, hazelnuts or filberts
15.03 |
Nuts, filberts or hazelnuts, dried
14.84 |
Vegetable oil, corn and canola
14.84 |
Oil, corn and canola
14.67 |
14.35 |
Dầu oliu
14.35 |
Oil, olive, salad or cooking
14.35 |
Vegetable oil, olive
14.3 |
Vegetable oil, corn
14.3 |
Dầu ngô
14.3 |
Oil, corn, industrial and retail, all purpose salad or cooking
14.3 |
Oil, soybean
14 |
Oil, macadamia
14 |
North Atlantic rockweed (Ascophyllum nodosum), dried or dehydrated
14 |
Palm oil, red
14 |
Groundnut oil, fortified with vitamin A, 1100–2400 mcg/100g (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
14 |
Egg, chicken, whole, omega-3 polyunsaturate enriched, raw
14 |
Oil, blend of monounsaturated vegetable oils
14 |
Oil, mustard seed
14 |
Groundnut oil, fortified with vitamin A, 600–1000 mcg/100g (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)
14 |
Groundnut oil, unfortified
13.72 |
Snacks, potato chips, dried potatoes, plain
13.72 |
Snack, potato chips, made from dried potatoes, plain
13.72 |
Snack, potato chips, made from dried potatoes, plain
13.54 |
Nuts, almond paste
13.4897 |
Thịt gà, ta,đùi, nướng
13.4897 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, cánh, nướng
13.4897 |
Thịt gà, ta, cánh, nướng
13.45 |
Margarine,spread, 35-39% fat, tub
13.45 |
Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, approximately 37% fat, unspecified oils, with salt, with added vitamin D
13.45 |
Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, unspecified oils, approximately 37% fat, with salt
13.45 |
Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, approximately 37% fat, unspecified oils, with salt, with added vitamin D
13.4 |
Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, PREGESTIMIL, with iron, powder, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
13.4 |
Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, PREGESTIMIL, with iron, powder, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
13.12 |
Sauce, pesto, MEZZETTA, NAPA VALLEY BISTRO, basil pesto, ready-to-serve
13 |
Margarine, margarine-like vegetable oil spread, 67-70% fat, tub
12.94 |
Nut, pine, raw, unsalted
12.86 |
Egg, chicken, whole, omega-3 polyunsaturate enriched, boiled
12.8 |
Bơ thực vật
12.64 |
Game meat, native, caribou (reindeer), liver, raw
12.27 |
12.27 |
Beverages, OVALTINE, chocolate malt powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
12.27 |
Beverages, OVALTINE, chocolate malt powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
12.23 |
Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, dry fortified
12.23 |
Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, dry fortified
12.2 |
Tomato, powder
12.17 |
Game meat, native, walrus, skin (muktuk), raw
12 |
Ovaltine powder, fortified
12 |
Breakfast cereals, diet, plain, not fortified
12 |
Breakfast cereals, corn flakes, sugar iced, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
11.8757 |
Thịt gà, ta, cánh, kho
11.8757 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, cánh, kho
11.8757 |
Thịt gà, ta, đùi, kho
11.79 |
Sốt mayonnaise
11.78 |
Margarine-like spread, SMART BALANCE Omega Plus Spread (with plant sterols & fish oil)
11.78 |
Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, dry fortified
11.34 |
Snacks, taro chips
11.3391 |
Thịt gà, ta, đùi, chiên, rán ngập dầu
11.3391 |
Thịt gà, ta, cánh, chiên, rán giòn
11.3391 |
Thịt gà, ta, cánh, chiên, rán ngập dầu
11.3391 |
Thịt gà, ta, đùi, chiên, rán giòn
11.11 |
Beverages, Acai berry drink, fortified
12 Oz/ 340gm
11.11 |
Beverages, Acai berry drink, fortified
12 Oz/ 340gm
11.11 |
Beverages, Acai berry drink, fortified
12 Oz/ 340gm
11 |
Breakfast cereals, diet, plain or with honey, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
11 |
Sea lettuce (Enteromorpha sp.), dried or dehydrated
11 |
Palm oil, refined and decoloured, fortified with vitamin A, 1100–2400 mcg/100g (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
11 |
Palm oil, refined and decoloured, fortified with vitamin A, 600–1000 mcg/100g (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)
11 |
Palm oil, refined and decoloured, unfortified
10.88 |
Groundnut, dry, Arachis hypogae,(Mtedza wouma)
10.8667 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, cánh, luộc
10.8667 |
Thịt gà, ta, đùi, luộc
10.8667 |
Thịt gà, ta, đùi, hấp
10.8667 |
Thịt gà, ta, cánh, luộc
10.8667 |
Thịt gà, ta, cánh, hấp
10.8667 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, cánh, hấp
10.72 |
BMS, follow-up formula, Nan 2powder
10.7 |
Spices, basil, dried
10.7 |
Spices, basil, dried
10.7 |
Spices, basil, dried
10.6 |
Flour, groundnut, Arachis hypogaea,(Nsinjilo)
10.6 |
Mustard, cream style
10.45 |
Snacks, potato chips, plain, salted
10.45 |
Snacks, potato chips, plain, salted
10.45 |
Snacks, potato chips, plain, salted
10.41 |
Salad Dressing, mayonnaise, light, SMART BALANCE, Omega Plus light
10.34 |
Peanut butter with omega-3, creamy
10.33 |
Babyfood, finger snacks, GERBER, GRADUATES, PUFFS, apple and cinnamon
10.33 |
Babyfood, finger snacks, GERBER, GRADUATES, PUFFS, apple and cinnamon
10.31 |
Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, GO AND GROW, powder, with ARA and DHA
10.3 |
Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, GO AND GROW, powder, with ARA and DHA
10.28 |
Oil, bearded seal (Oogruk) (Alaska Native)
10.28 |
Animal fat, native, bearded seal, oil (oogruk oil)
10.27 |
Snacks, granola bar, KASHI GOLEAN, crunchy, mixed flavors
10.2111 |
Tr?ng v?t, ch?n
10.2111 |
Tr?ng v?t lu?c
10.2 |
Tr?ng gà công nghi?p lu?c
10.2 |
Tr?ng gà công nghi?p, ch?n
10.17 |
Bar, snack, with >55% nuts
10.13 |
Candies, MARS SNACKFOOD US, COCOAVIA Crispy Chocolate Bar
10.07 |
Babyfood, finger snacks, GERBER, GRADUATES, PUFFS, apple and cinnamon
10.01 |
Muesli, granola, non-oat based, toasted, added nuts & seeds, unfortified
10 |
Breakfast cereals, chocolate wheat grain flakes, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
10 |
Breakfast cereals, with chocolate, not filled, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
10 |
Cereal bar with chocolate, fortified with vitamins and minerals
10 |
Breakfast cereals, filled with a filling other than chocolate, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
10 |
Breakfast cereals, rich in fibre, with or without fruits, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
10 |
Breakfast cereals, puffed/popped corn, with honey, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
10 |
Margarine, Rama, brick
9.82 |
Snacks, sweet potato chips, unsalted
9.8 |
Larvae, fresh, raw
9.78 |
Thịt gà, ta, đùi, sống
9.78 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, cánh
9.78 |
Thịt gà, ta, cánh, sống
9.68 |
French fries/chips, (Chipisi)
9.66628 |
Thịt gà, ta, cánh, hầm
9.66628 |
Thịt gà công nghiệp, cánh, hầm
9.66628 |
Thịt gà, ta, đùi, hầm
9.5069 |
Tr?ng v?t, rán
9.5 |
Nut, peanut, with skin, raw, unsalted
9.49655 |
Tr?ng gà công nghi?p, rán
9.45 |
Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk Light, powder
9.45 |
Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk Light, powder
9.45 |
Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk Light, powder
9.4 |
BMS, soy-based formula, Isomil® 1powder
9.38 |
BMS, follow-up formula, Nan 3powder
9.38 |
BMS, acidified, follow-up formula,Nan Pelargon 2 powder
9.37 |
Beverage, instant breakfast powder, chocolate, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
9.37 |
Beverage, instant breakfast powder, chocolate, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
9.33 |
Nuts, pine nuts, dried
9.33 |
Nuts, pine nuts, pignolia, dried
9.33 |
Nuts, pine nuts, dried
9.27778 |
Tr?ng gà ta lu?c
9.27778 |
Tr?ng gà ta, ch?n
9.21 |
Dầu đậu tương
9.2 |
Candies, MARS SNACKFOOD US, COCOAVIA Blueberry and Almond Chocolate Bar
9.19 |
Tr?ng v?t
9.18 |
Tr?ng gà công nghi?p
9.11 |
Snacks, potato sticks
9.11 |
Peanut butter, smooth style, with salt
9.1 |
Peanut butter, smooth style, with salt (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program)
9.1 |
Peanut butter, smooth style, withsalt
9.1 |
Peanut butter, smooth style, without salt
9.1 |
Peanut butter, smooth style, without salt
9.1 |
Peanut butter, smooth style, with salt
9.1 |
Chocolate, white
9.1 |
Peanut butter, smooth type, fat, sugar and salt added
9.1 |
Peanut butter, smooth type, fat and sugar added
9.08901 |
Tr?ng v?t, xào
9.08 |
Snacks, potato chips, made from dried potatoes (preformed), multigrain
9.08 |
Snacks, potato chips, made from dried potatoes (preformed), multigrain
9.07912 |
Tr?ng gà công nghi?p, xào
9.04 |
Peanut butter, smooth, reduced fat
9 |
Margarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, stick, with salt, with added vitamin D
9 |
Margarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, stick, without salt
9 |
Cocoa or chocolate powder, for beverages, with sugar, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
12 Oz/ 340gm
9 |
Margarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, stick, with salt
9 |
Taramasalata, prepacked
8.96 |
Spices, parsley, dried
8.96 |
Spices, parsley, dried
8.96 |
Egg, chicken, whole, hard-boiled
8.92 |
Game meat, native, narwhal, blubber, raw
8.87 |
Cookies, chocolate cream covered biscuit sticks
8.86 |
Sauce, pesto, ready-to-serve, shelf stable
8.82 |
Spices, cloves, ground
8.82 |
Cloves, dried, ground
8.82 |
Spices, cloves, ground
8.82 |
Spices, cloves, ground
8.71 |
BMS, follow-up formula, Lactogen2 powder
8.71 |
BMS, follow-up formula, Lactogen3, powder
8.67708 |
Lạc rang
8.63793 |
Tr?ng gà ta, rán
8.63 |
Potato crisps or chips, plain, salted
8.61 |
Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, PM 60/40, powder not reconstituted
8.61 |
Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, PM 60/40, powder not reconstituted
8.6 |
Snail, cooked
8.6 |
Potato straws, French fries, plain
8.6 |
Potato crisps or chips, reformed, salted
8.57 |
Babyfood, Snack, GERBER, GRADUATES, LIL CRUNCHIES, baked whole grain corn snack
8.45 |
Peanut butter, smooth & crunchy, no added sugar or salt
8.45 |
Peanut butter, smooth & crunchy, added sugar & salt
8.35 |
Tr?ng gà ta
8.33 |
Peanuts, all types, raw
8.33 |
Lạc hạt
8.32 |
Babyfood, Snack, GERBER, GRADUATES, LIL CRUNCHIES, baked whole grain corn snack
8.3 |
Chutney or relish, commercial
8.28 |
Formulated bar, POWER BAR, chocolate
8.28 |
Formulated bar, POWER BAR, chocolate
8.28 |
Formulated bar, POWER BAR, chocolate
8.27 |
Oil, beluga, whale (Alaska Native)
8.25824 |
Tr?ng gà ta, xào
8.24 |
McDONALD'S, Peanuts (for Sundaes)
8.2 |
Vegetable crisps or chips, sweet potato & taro, flavoured
8.19636 |
Bột lạc
8.19 |
Margarine spread, polyunsaturated (70% fat), reduced salt (sodium 280 mg/100 g)
8.18 |
Oil, industrial, soy, low linolenic
8.18 |
Oil, industrial, soy, fully hydrogenated
8.18 |
Oil, industrial, soy, ultra low linolenic
8.18 |
Oil, soybean, salad or cooking
8.18 |
Oil, soybean, fortified, supermarket,(Mafuta ophikira a soya)
8.18 |
Oil, soybean, fortified, local market,(Mafuta ophikira a soya)
8.18 |
Vegetable oil, soybean
8.16 |
Egg, chicken, yolk, hard-boiled
8.16 |
Snacks, vegetable chips, HAIN CELESTIAL GROUP, TERRA CHIPS
8.06 |
Peanut spread, reduced sugar
8.06 |
Peanut spread, reduced sugar
8.06 |
Peanut butter, lower sugar
8.04 |
BMS, whey-predominant formula,Nan 1 powder
8.04 |
BMS, casein-predominant formula,Lactogen 1 powder
8.04 |
BMS, acidified formula, NanPelargon 1 powder
8.02759 |
Thịt ngan, nướng
8 |
Mayonnaise, reduced fat or light mayonnaise, prepacked
8 |
Blended fat (vegetable and animal origins), 50-63% fat, lightly salted
8 |
Cricket, bush (katydid), raw
7.99 |
Egg, chicken, yolk, raw
7.9853 |
Egg, chicken, yolk, fresh or frozen, raw
7.9 |
Tomato, sundried
7.85 |
Beverages, Whey protein powder isolate
12 Oz/ 340gm
7.85 |
Beverages, Whey protein powder isolate
12 Oz/ 340gm
7.82 |
Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted with peanuts, lightly salted
7.82 |
Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, with peanuts, with salt added
7.82 |
Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, with peanuts, lightly salted
7.82 |
Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, with peanuts, without salt added
7.82 |
Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted with peanuts
7.82 |
Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted with peanuts, salted
7.8 |
Meal replacement (cereal), ready to eat, Force Active, President's Choice
7.8 |
Dressing, French or Italian, regular fat, commercial
7.72 |
Snacks, potato chips, lightly salted
7.72 |
Snacks, potato chips, lightly salted
7.72 |
Snacks, potato chips, lightly salted
7.7 |
Groundnut paste, from groundnuts only
7.66 |
Taco shell, from corn flour, plain
7.6 |
Groundnut, rose, shelled, dried, raw (Benin)
7.6 |
Groundnut, JL 24 variety, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
7.6 |
Groundnut, F-mix variety, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
7.6 |
Groundnut, Chinese, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
7.6 |
Groundnut, shelled, dried, raw
7.6 |
Snacks, granola bars, soft, almond, confectioners coating
7.6 |
Groundnut, red, shelled, dried, raw (Benin)
7.6 |
Groundnut, combined varieties, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana)
7.6 |
Groundnut, Manipintar variety, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
7.6 |
Groundnut flour, with fat
7.6 |
Groundnut, Sinkarzie variety, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
7.5 |
Sage, dried
7.5 |
Pumpkin, leaves, dried
7.5 |
Rosemary, dried
7.5 |
Thyme, dried
7.5 |
Thyme, dried, ground
7.48 |
Spices, thyme, dried
7.48 |
Spices, sage, ground
7.46 |
Bagels, plain, enriched, with calcium propionate (includes onion, poppy, sesame)
7.46 |
Bagel, plain (with onion, poppy seed and/or sesame seed)
7.4 |
BMS, follow-up formula, soy-based,Isomil® 2 powder
7.34 |
Infant formula, NESTLE, GOOD START SOY, with ARA and DHA, powder
7.34 |
Infant formula, NESTLE, GOOD START SOY, with ARA and DHA, powder
7.33 |
Snack, grain based, extruded, flavoured
7.27 |
Sauce, pesto, ready-to-serve, refrigerated
7.27 |
Sauce, pesto, BUITONI, pesto with basil, ready-to-serve, refrigerated
7.23 |
Snacks, corn-based, extruded, chips, plain
7.23 |
Snacks, corn-based, extruded, chips, plain
7.23 |
Snacks, corn-based, extruded, chips, plain
7.2 |
Cola nut, dried, raw
7.14 |
Snacks, granola bar, KASHI TLC Bar, chewy, mixed flavors
7.1 |
Wheat germ
7.07 |
7.07 |
Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk, powder
7.07 |
Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk, powder
7.07 |
7.07 |
Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk, powder
7.06714 |
Thịt ngan, kho
7.04 |
Snacks, multigrain chips, plain
7.04 |
Snacks, FRITOLAY, SUNCHIPS, Multigrain Snack, original flavor
7.04 |
Snacks, FRITOLAY, SUNCHIPS, Multigrain Snack, original flavor
7 |
Fritter, filled with eggs (filo pastry), home-made, cooked
7 |
Fat, solid, vegetable oil based
7 |
Baby cereal, mixed cereal, 7months, dry
7 |
Baby cereal, maize, 9 months,strawberry and banana flavor, dry(Nestum)
7 |
Trứng cá muối
6.94 |
Muesli, granola, toasted, added nuts & seeds, unfortified
6.94 |
Peanuts, all types, oil-roasted, with salt
6.93 |
Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, For Spit Up, powder, with ARA and DHA
6.93 |
Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, For Spit Up, powder, with ARA and DHA
6.93 |
Snacks, pita chips, salted
6.92 |
Dairy blend, butter & edible oil spread (approximately 80% fat), sodium 600 mg/100 g
6.92 |
Dairy blend, butter & edible oil spread (approximately 80% fat), reduced salt (sodium 400 mg/100 g)
6.91 |
Biscuit, savoury, seed based
6.91 |
Spices, parsley, dried
6.91 |
Peanuts, all types, oil-roasted, without salt
6.9 |
Bacon bits, meatless
6.9 |
Infant Formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, Premium LIPIL, Infant, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.9 |
Infant Formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, Premium LIPIL, Infant, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.9 |
Bacon, meatless
6.89 |
6.88 |
Fish, fish sticks, frozen, prepared
6.88 |
Fish, fish sticks, frozen, prepared
6.88 |
Fish, fish sticks, frozen, prepared
6.77 |
Potato crisps or chips, flavoured (other than salt & vinegar)
6.77 |
Potato crisps or chips, salt & vinegar flavoured
6.74783 |
Thịt ngan, chiên, rán ngập dầu
6.74783 |
Thịt ngan, chiên, rán giòn
6.7 |
Margarine, fortified with vitamin A
6.7 |
Soya oil, unfortified
6.7 |
Soya oil, fortified with vitamin A, 1100–2400 mcg/100g (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
6.7 |
Margarine, fortified with vitamin A and D (Nigeria)
6.7 |
Soya oil, fortified with vitamin A, 600–1000 mcg/100g (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)
6.6 |
Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, NUTRAMIGEN LIPIL, with iron, powder, not reconstituted, with ARA and DHA
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.6 |
Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, NUTRAMIGEN LIPIL, with iron, powder, not reconstituted, with ARA and DHA
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.54 |
Snacks, brown rice chips
6.49 |
Bar, snack, with >35% nuts, added protein
6.46667 |
Thịt ngan, luộc
6.46667 |
Thịt ngan, hấp
6.43 |
6 oz/ 170ml / 170gm
6.43 |
6 oz/ 170ml / 170gm
6.42468 |
Thịt ngan, hầm
6.4 |
Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, PROSOBEE LIPIL, with iron, powder, not reconstituted, with ARA and DHA
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.4 |
Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, PROSOBEE LIPIL, with iron, powder, not reconstituted, with ARA and DHA
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.3 |
Peanut butter, chunk style, without salt
6.3 |
Peanut butter, chunk style, with salt
6.3 |
Peanut butter, chunk type, fat and sugar added
6.3 |
Peanut butter, chunk type, fat, sugar and salt added
6.28 |
Oil, spotted seal (Alaska Native)
6.24 |
Snacks, tortilla chips, nacho cheese
6.24 |
Snacks, tortilla chips, nacho cheese
6.24 |
Snacks, tortilla chips, nacho
6.18 |
6 oz/ 170ml / 170gm
6.17037 |
Lạc đồ
6.13 |
Shortening, vegetable, household, composite
6.13 |
Shortening industrial, soybean (hydrogenated) and cottonseed
6.13 |
Shortening, household, soybean (partially hydrogenated)-cottonseed (partially hydrogenated)
6.13 |
Nuts, mixed nuts, dry roasted, with peanuts, without salt added
6 |
Formulated bar, SLIM-FAST OPTIMA meal bar, milk chocolate peanut
6 |
Formulated bar, SLIM-FAST OPTIMA meal bar, milk chocolate peanut
6 |
Eel, raw
6 |
Coconut, kernel, dried, raw
5.94 |
Peanut Butter, smooth (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program)
5.94 |
USDA Commodity, Peanut Butter, smooth
5.93 |
Groundnut, dry, boiled, Arachishypogae, (Mtedza wouma wophika)
5.9 |
BMS, whey-predominant formula,S-26 Gold 1 powder
5.89 |
Game meat, native, walrus, blubber, raw
5.84 |
Rose hips, wild, native
5.84 |
Rose Hips, wild (Northern Plains Indians)
5.84 |
Snack, BALANCE, original bar
5.82 |
Thịt ngan
5.8 |
BMS, whey-predominant formula,S-26 Comfort Gold, powder
5.8 |
BMS, whey-predominant formula,S-26 Classic 1, powder
5.7 |
BMS, soy-based formula, Infasoy 1powder
5.7 |
Beverages, chocolate drink, milk and soy based, ready to drink, fortified
12 Oz/ 340gm
5.66 |
Chocolate, milk, with nuts
5.65 |
Nuts, brazilnuts, dried, unblanched
5.65 |
Nuts, mixed nuts, dry roasted, with peanuts, salt added, PLANTERS pistachio blend
5.65 |
Nuts, brazilnuts, dried, unblanched
5.65 |
Nuts, brazilnuts, dried, unblanched
5.6 |
Nut, pecan, raw, unsalted
5.6 |
BMS, whey-predominant formula,Infacare Classic 1 powder
5.59 |
Margarine, margarine-type vegetable oil spread, 70% fat, soybean and partially hydrogenated soybean, stick
5.56 |
12 Oz/ 340gm
5.53 |
Seaweed, Canadian Cultivated EMI-TSUNOMATA, dry
5.53 |
Seaweed, Canadian cultivated EMI-TSUNOMATA, dried
5.51846 |
Thịt lợn nạc vai, hầm
5.5 |
BMS, follow-up formula, soy based,Infasoy 2 powder
5.47 |
Potato chips, without salt, reduced fat
5.44516 |
Thịt lợn nạc vai, nướng
5.43485 |
Thịt lợn nạc vai, kho
5.4 |
Sauce, pasta, basil pesto, commercial
5.34 |
Biscuit, savoury, from white wheat flour, cheese-flavoured
5.3 |
BMS, follow-up formula, InfacareClassic 3 powder
5.3 |
Confectionery, almond, chocolate-coated
5.3 |
Nut, brazil, raw or blanched, unsalted
5.29 |
Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, ADVANCE, with iron, powder, not reconstituted
5.29 |
Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, ADVANCE, with iron, powder, not reconstituted
5.26 |
Vitasoy USA Nasoya, Lite Silken Tofu
5.26 |
Game meat, native, beluga, blubber, raw
5.25 |
Sauce, hot chile, sriracha, TUONG OT SRIRACHA
5.23 |
Margarine, 80% fat, stick, includes regular and hydrogenated corn and soybean oils
5.22 |
Vitasoy USA, Nasoya Lite Firm Tofu
5.19855 |
Thịt lợn nạc vai, rim
5.19 |
Beverages, NESTLE, Boost plus, nutritional drink, ready-to-drink
12 Oz/ 340gm
5.17 |
Beverages, chocolate drink, milk and soy based, ready to drink, fortified
12 Oz/ 340gm
5.12821 |
Lươn, kho
5.12821 |
Lươn, hầm
5.1 |
Infant formula, powder, for 6 months, fortified
5.1 |
Paste, Indian style curry, commercial
5.1 |
Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, ISOMIL, ADVANCE with iron, powder, not reconstituted
5.1 |
Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, ISOMIL, ADVANCE with iron, powder, not reconstituted
5.1 |
Mustard powder
5.1 |
BMS, follow-up formula, InfacareClassic 2 powder
5.1 |
Paste, green curry, commercial
5.08 |
Nuts, cashew butter, plain, with salt added
5.07 |
Spices, mustard seed, ground
5.07 |
Spices, mustard seed, ground
5.07 |
Spices, mustard seed, yellow
5.04 |
Snacks, plantain chips
5.04 |
Snacks, plantain chips, salted
5.04 |
Snacks, plantain chips, salted
5 |
Mint, fresh
5 |
Salad dressing, sesame seed dressing, regular
5 |
Babyfood, cereal, barley, dry fortified
5 |
Fruit biscuit, low sodium, unsweetened
5 |
Salad dressing, french dressing, commercial, regular
5 |
Mollusks, snail, raw
5 |
Seaweed, agar, dried
5 |
Snail, raw
5 |
Seaweed, spirulina, dried
5 |
Olive, green or black, drained
5 |
Tiger nut, tuber, dried
5 |
Spirulina, (spirulina sp.), dried
5 |
Egg yolk, cooked
5 |
Blended fat (vegetable and animal origins), spreadable, 30-40% fat, lightly salted
5 |
Infant formula, powder, for 3 months, fortified
5 |
Rau câu khô
4.96 |
Chocolate-flavored hazelnut spread
4.93827 |
Lươn, luộc
4.93827 |
Lươn, hấp
4.93 |
Peanuts, all types, dry roasted
4.93 |
Peanuts, all types, dry-roasted, salted
4.93 |
Peanuts, all types, dry-roasted, with salt
4.93 |
Peanuts, all types, dry-roasted, without salt
4.93 |
Peanuts, all types, dry-roasted, with salt
4.93 |
Peanuts, all types, dry-roasted, without salt
4.92 |
BURGER KING, Onion Rings
4.92 |
Fast foods, onion rings, breaded and fried
4.92 |
Fast foods, onion rings, breaded and fried
4.92 |
Fast foods, side dish, onion rings, breaded and fried
4.92 |
Salmon, Pacific King, fillet, steamed, no added fat
4.9 |
Biscuit, savoury, from white wheat flour, flavoured (excluding cheese)
4.9 |
Oil palm, fruit, raw
4.9 |
BMS, follow-up formula, S-26 PromilGold 2 powder
4.87 |
Samoosa, dough, raw
4.87 |
Babyfood, cereal, barley, dry fortified
4.84 |
Snacks, vegetable chips, made from garden vegetables
4.82 |
Candies, MARS SNACKFOOD US, COCOAVIA Chocolate Covered Almonds
4.81 |
Egg, yolk, dried
4.81 |
Egg, chicken, yolk, dried
4.8 |
Extruded snack, cheese flavoured
4.8 |
Sauce, hot chile, sriracha
4.7619 |
Lươn, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
4.7619 |
Lươn, chiên giòn
4.74 |
Salad dressing, caesar dressing, regular
4.7 |
Salmon, Pacific King, fillet, skinless, grilled, no added fat
4.65 |
Wattle seed (acacia), ground
4.64 |
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.64 |
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.64 |
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.64 |
Infant Formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, GENTLEASE, with ARA and DHA powder not reconstituted
4.63 |
Biscuit, sweet, breakfast style, with or without dried fruit
4.61 |
Salad dressing, home recipe, vinegar and oil
4.61 |
Formulated Bar, SOUTH BEACH protein bar
4.61 |
Sauce, pesto, CLASSICO, basil pesto, ready-to-serve
4.6 |
Salad dressing, green goddess, regular
4.59 |
Granola bar, soft, milk chocolate coated, peanut butter
4.58 |
Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST, meal replacement, regular, ready-to-drink, 3-2-1 Plan
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.58 |
Beverages, SLIMFAST, Meal replacement, High Protein Shake, Ready-To-Drink, 3-2-1 plan
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.58 |
Beverages, SLIMFAST, Meal replacement, High Protein Shake, Ready-To-Drink, 3-2-1 plan
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.58 |
Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST, meal replacement, regular, ready-to-drink, 3-2-1 Plan
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.58 |
Seed, pumpkin, hulled & dried
4.54 |
Leaves, pumpkin, raw, (Nkhwani)
4.51 |
Smelt, dried (Alaska Native)
4.51 |
Fish, smelt, dried
4.5 |
Cake, yellow, commercial, with chocolate icing (frosting), in-store bakery
4.5 |
Toddler formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAGROW, Toddler Transitions, with ARA and DHA, powder
4.5 |
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.5 |
Cake, yellow, commercially prepared, with chocolate frosting, in-store bakery
4.5 |
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.5 |
Beverages, KELLOGG'S, SPECIAL K Protein Shake
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.5 |
Infant formula, GERBER, GOOD START, PROTECT PLUS, powder
4.5 |
Beverages, KELLOGG'S, SPECIAL K Protein Shake
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.5 |
Infant formula, GERBER, GOOD START, PROTECT PLUS, powder
4.5 |
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.48 |
Kingfish, yellowtail, aquacultured, fillet, with skin, grilled, no added fat
4.46 |
Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, NUTRAMIGEN, AA LIPIL, powder, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.46 |
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.46 |
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.45 |
Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, NUTRAMIGEN, AA LIPIL, powder, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.43 |
Spices, turmeric, ground
4.43 |
Spices, turmeric, ground
4.43 |
Turmeric, dried, ground
4.43 |
Spices, turmeric, ground
4.43 |
Capsicum, red, fresh, fried, no added fat
4.42 |
Snacks, potato chips, barbecue-flavor
4.42 |
Snacks, potato chips, barbecue-flavor
4.4 |
Seaweed, nori, dried
4.4 |
Flour, wheat, white, plain, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, E & folate & Fe, Mg & Zn (Jackaroo)
4.4 |
BURGER KING, Hash Brown Rounds
4.4 |
Dip, hummus, commercial
4.4 |
Margarine spread, monounsaturated, reduced fat (55% fat) & salt (sodium 380 mg/100 g)
4.34 |
Sauce, hot chile, sriracha, CHA! BY TEXAS PETE
4.33 |
Mơ khô
4.33 |
Apricots, dried, sulfured, uncooked
4.33 |
Cake, chocolate, commercially prepared with chocolate frosting, in-store bakery
4.33 |
Cake, chocolate, commercial, with chocolate icing (frosting), in-store bakery
4.33 |
Apricots, dried, sulfured, uncooked
4.33 |
Apricot, dried, sulphured, uncooked
4.32 |
Cookie, with peanut butter filling, chocolate-coated
4.31 |
Samoosa, beef filling, fried, (Samusawa nyama ya ng'ombe wokazinga)
4.3 |
Tomato products, canned paste, with salt
4.3 |
Tomato products, canned, paste, no added salt
4.3 |
Tomato products, canned, paste, without salt added (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program)
4.3 |
Tomato products, canned, paste, without salt added
4.28 |
Salad dressing, italian dressing, commercial, reduced fat
4.28 |
Salad dressing, blue or roquefort cheese dressing, commercial, regular
4.28 |
Salad dressing, italian dressing, commercial, reduced fat
4.28 |
Salad dressing, italian, commercial, low Calorie
4.27342 |
Thịt lợn nạc vai, rán
4.26 |
Flour, wheat, white, self-raising, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, E & folate & Fe, Mg & Zn (Jackaroo)
4.25 |
Cheese puffs and twists, corn based, baked, low fat
4.24 |
Pumpkin fritters, (Mandasi amaungu)
4.22 |
Thịt lợn, nạc vai
4.22 |
Babyfood, Multigrain whole grain cereal, dry fortified
4.2 |
Salmon, Pacific King, fillet, skinless, raw
4.2 |
Capsicum, red, fresh, raw
4.19 |
Snacks, granola bar, QUAKER, DIPPS, all flavors
4.19 |
Sauce, horseradish
4.18 |
Snacks, corn-based, extruded, puffs or twists, cheese-flavor
4.17 |
Snacks, granola bars, soft, coated, milk chocolate coating, peanut butter
4.17 |
Banana, fried, (Nthochi yokazinga)
4.13 |
Biscuit, savoury, from white wheat flour, plain snack cracker style
4.1 |
Nut, pistachio, raw, unsalted
4.1 |
Peanuts, all types, cooked, boiled, with salt
4.09 |
Snacks, potato chips, barbecue flavour
4.08 |
Fast foods, mexican, nachos with cheese
4.08 |
Fast foods, nachos, with cheese
4.08 |
4.02 |
Mango, dried, sweetened
4 |
Sandwich spread, with chopped pickle, regular, unspecified oils
4 |
Mollusks, abalone, mixed species, raw
4 |
Salad dressing, thousand island, commercial, regular
4 |
Fish, eel, mixed species, raw
4 |
Salty snacks, crackers, garnished or filled with cheese
4 |
Salad dressing, bacon and tomato
4 |
Apricot kernel oil
4 |
Puff pastry, cooked
4 |
Abalone or ormer or sea ear, raw
4 |
Fish terrine, prepacked
4 |
Biscuit shortbread, with chocolate, pre-packed
4 |
Soft cake filled with chocolate or chocolate drops or milk, prepacked
4 |
Seafood terrine, with or without fish, prepacked
4 |
Agutuk, fish with shortening (Alaskan ice cream) (Alaska Native)
4 |
4 |
Tomato, paste, concentrated, without salt
4 |
Fish, eel, raw
4 |
Okra, fruit, dried
4 |
Agutuk, native, fish with shortening (Alaskan ice cream)
3.98 |
Fish, tilapia, fresh, fried, (Chambochokazinga)
3.95 |
Cake, mud, dark chocolate, commercial, chocolate ganache icing
3.94 |
Margarine Spread, approximately 48% fat, tub
3.94 |
Margarine Spread, 40-49% fat, tub
3.93 |
BURGER KING, Chicken Strips
3.91 |
3.9 |
BMS, follow-up formula, S-26Progress 3 powder
3.9 |
Babyfood, baked product, finger snacks cereal fortified
3.9 |
Biscuit, sweet, sandwich, cream & jam filling
3.9 |
Biscuit, sweet, biscuit base, mint filling, chocolate-coated
3.9 |
Biscuit, sweet, wheatmeal
3.9 |
Kingfish, yellowtail, aquacultured, fillet, with skin, steamed, no added fat
3.88 |
Margarine-like, margarine-butter blend, soybean oil and butter
3.88 |
Egg, whole, dried
3.82 |
Snacks, popcorn, cheese-flavor
3.81 |
Olive, pickled, canned or bottled, green
3.81 |
Olives, pickled, canned or bottled, green
3.81 |
Olives, pickled, canned or bottled, green
3.8 |
Palm kernel oil, fortified with vitamin A, 600–1000 mcg/100g (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)
3.8 |
Tiger nut, tuber, boiled (without salt), drained
3.8 |
Tiger nut, tuber, boiled (as part of a recipe)
3.8 |
Palm kernel oil, fortified with vitamin A, 1100–2400 mcg/100g (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
3.8 |
Eggplant, unpeeled, fresh, grilled, no added fat
3.8 |
Palm kernel oil, unfortified
3.72 |
3.7 |
Taco seasoning mix, chilli-based
3.7 |
Goat, all cuts, separable fat, raw
3.69 |
Cake, carrot, commercial, iced
3.68 |
Crackers, flavored, fish-shaped
3.68 |
PEPPERIDGE FARM, Goldfish, Baked Snack Crackers, Original
3.62 |
Oil, linseed or flaxseed
3.61 |
Trout, ocean, aquacultured, fillet, without skin, baked, no added fat
3.6 |
Termite, dried, raw
3.6 |
Ant, flying, dried
3.6 |
Corn chips, plain, toasted, salted
3.6 |
Chilli (chili), red, fried, no added fat
3.6 |
Tiger nut, tuber, raw
3.6 |
Barramundi, aquacultured, fillet, grilled, no added fat
3.58 |
Pepper, jalapeno, raw
3.58 |
Peppers, jalapeno, raw
3.58 |
Babyfood, Multigrain whole grain cereal, dry fortified
3.58 |
Peppers, jalapeno, raw
3.55 |
Fish, salmon, Atlantic, farmed, raw
3.55 |
Fish, salmon, Atlantic, farmed, raw
3.55 |
Fish, salmon, Atlantic, farmed, raw
3.54 |
Spinach, frozen, boiled, drained
3.54 |
Spinach, frozen, chopped or leaf, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt
3.54 |
Spinach, frozen, chopped or leaf, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
3.54 |
Spinach, frozen, chopped or leaf, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
3.54 |
Spinach, frozen, boiled, drained, with salt
3.53 |
Snacks, tortilla chips, low fat, unsalted
3.53 |
Snacks, tortilla chips, plain, white corn, salted
3.53 |
Salad dressing, honey mustard, regular
3.53 |
Cookies, peanut butter, commercially prepared, regular
3.53 |
Cookies, peanut butter, commercially prepared, regular
3.53 |
Snacks, tortilla chips, plain, white corn, salted
3.53 |
Snacks, tortilla chips, plain
3.53 |
Cookie, peanut butter, commercial
3.53 |
Beef mince, fried, (Nyama yang'ombe yogaya yokazinga)
3.52 |
Fish, burbot (loche), native, eggs, raw
3.51 |
Cookies, peanut butter, commercially prepared, sugar free
3.5 |
African carp, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
3.5 |
Oil, from cow’s milk butter (ghee)
3.5 |
Baby cereal, containing milk, 6months, dry
3.5 |
Baby cereal, containing milk, 9months, mixed fruit flavor, dry
3.49 |
3.45 |
Vegetarian fillets
3.44 |
Dandelion greens, raw
3.42 |
McDONALD'S, Creamy Ranch Sauce
3.4 |
Tomato, paste, no added salt
3.4 |
Tomato, paste, with added salt
3.4 |
Cola nut, fresh, raw
3.4 |
Trout, rainbow, aquacultured, baked, no added fat
3.4 |
BMS, follow-up formula, S-26Progress Gold 3 powder