Foods containing Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)

Day: Current Food Plan
1 teaspoon = 5 gm / .17 oz 1 tablespoon = 15 gm / .5 oz 1 oz = 30 gm 1 cup = 240 gm / 8 oz 1 pound = 454 gm / 16 oz
mg per 100 grams Significant Amount Food Serving Size Typical Serving
215.448 🏆 Thịt gà công nghiệp, lườn, nướng
215.448 🏆 Thịt gà, ta, lườn, nướng
211 🏆 Tahini, sesame seed pulp
189.671 🏆 Thịt gà công nghiệp, lườn, kho
189.671 🏆 Thịt gà, ta, lườn, kho
181.101 🏆 Thịt gà, ta, lườn, chiên, rán ngập dầu
181.101 🏆 Thịt gà, ta, lườn, chiên, rán giòn
173.556 🏆 Thịt gà công nghiệp, lườn, hấp
173.556 🏆 Thịt gà, ta, lườn, hấp
173.556 🏆 Thịt gà công nghiệp, lườn, luộc
173.556 🏆 Thịt gà, ta, lườn, luộc
172.429 🏆 Thịt gà công nghiệp, lườn, hầm
156.2 🏆 Thịt gà, ta, lườn, sống
156.2 🏆 Thịt gà công nghiệp, lườn
154.384 🏆 Thịt gà, ta, lườn, hầm
149.4 🏆 Oil, wheat germ
149 🏆 Wheat germ oil
80.46 🏆 Cereals ready-to-eat, RALSTON Enriched Wheat Bran flakes
56.1 🏆 Oil, sunflower
51.92 🏆 Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST Shake Mix, high protein, whey powder, 3-2-1 Plan,
12 Oz/ 340gm
51.92 🏆 Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST Shake Mix, powder, 3-2-1 Plan
12 Oz/ 340gm
51.92 🏆 Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST Shake Mix, high protein, whey powder, 3-2-1 Plan,
12 Oz/ 340gm
51.92 🏆 Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST Shake Mix, powder, 3-2-1 Plan
12 Oz/ 340gm
49 🏆 Sunflower oil, unfortified
49 🏆 Sunflower oil, fortified with vitamin A, 600–1000 mcg/100g (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)
49 🏆 Sunflower oil, fortified with vitamin A, 1100–2400 mcg/100g (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
46.8158 🏆 Cá chim, chiên ngập dầu
46.8158 🏆 Cá chim, chiên giòn
45 🏆 Cereals ready-to-eat, GENERAL MILLS, Whole Grain TOTAL
44.475 🏆 Cá chim, nướng
43.9259 🏆 Cá chim, xào
43.9259 🏆 Cá chim, kho
43.2 🏆 Peanut butter, smooth, vitamin and mineral fortified
43.1579 🏆 Cá basa, phi lê, rán
42.8675 🏆 Cá chim, luộc
42.8675 🏆 Cá chim, hấp
41.21 🏆 Seed, sunflower
41.08 🏆 Oil, sunflower, fortified, local market,(Mafuta ophikira a mpendadzuwa)
41.08 🏆 Vegetable oil, sunflower, oleic (70% and over)
41.08 🏆 Oil, sunflower, fortified,supermarket, (Mafuta ophikira ampendadzuwa)
41.08 🏆 Oil, sunflower, linoleic, (approx. 65%)
41.08 🏆 Dầu hướng dương
41.08 🏆 Oil, sunflower, linoleic, (approx. 65%)
41.08 🏆 Oil, sunflower, high oleic (70% and over)
41.08 🏆 Oil, sunflower, linoleic, (partially hydrogenated)
41.08 🏆 Oil, sunflower, linoleic (less than 60%)
40.4938 🏆 Cá basa, phi lê, kho
39.5181 🏆 Cá basa, phi lê, hấp
39.2 🏆 Dầu hạnh nhân
39.2 🏆 Oil, almond
39 🏆 Ready-to-use therapeutic food(RUTF), milk-free, soya, maize,sorghum (FSMS)
39 🏆 Ready-to-use therapeutic food(RUTF), milk, maize, soya, sorghum(MSMS)
38.14 🏆 Spices, chili powder
38.14 🏆 Spices, chili powder
38.14 🏆 Chilli (chili), dried, ground
38.14 🏆 Spices, chili powder
37.22 🏆 Margarine-like spread, BENECOL Light Spread
36.9 🏆 Peanut butter, smooth, vitamin and mineral fortified
36.6354 🏆 Hạt hướng dương rang
36.33 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, oil roasted, with salt added
36.33 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, oil roasted, without salt
36.33 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, oil roasted, salted
36.33 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, oil roasted
35.64 🏆 Wocas, dried seeds, Oregon, yellow pond lily (Klamath)
35.58 🏆 Cá chim
35.3 🏆 Oil, cottonseed, salad or cooking
35.3 🏆 Oil, cottonseed, salad or cooking
35.3 🏆 Oil, cottonseed
35.3 🏆 Dầu bông
35.3 🏆 Vegetable oil, cottonseed
35.17 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dried
35.17 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dried
35.17 🏆 Hạt hướng dương
35 🏆 Ready-to-use therapeutic food(RUTF), peanut, milk (PM)
34.68 🏆 Margarine spread, polyunsaturated (70% fat)
34.1 🏆 Oil, safflower, salad or cooking, linoleic, (over 70%)
34.1 🏆 Vegetable oil, safflower, linoleic (70% and over)
32.8 🏆 Cá basa, phi lê
32.3 🏆 Vegetable oil, rice bran
32.3 🏆 Oil, rice bran
32.3 🏆 Dầu cám gạo
31.42 🏆 Nut, almond, with skin, raw, unsalted
30.8816 🏆 Cá chim trắng, chiên giòn
30.8816 🏆 Cá chim trắng, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
30 🏆 Cod liver oil
29.83 🏆 Spices, pepper, red or cayenne
29.3375 🏆 Cá chim trắng, nướng
29.1 🏆 Spices, paprika
29.1 🏆 Spices, paprika
29.1 🏆 Paprika, dry powder
29.1 🏆 Spices, paprika
29 🏆 Vegetable fat (margarine type), spreadable, 30-40% fat, light, unsalted, rich in omega 3
28.9753 🏆 Cá chim trắng, xào
28.9753 🏆 Cá chim trắng, kho
28.89 🏆 Chả cá basa
28.89 🏆 Chả cá basa, rán
28.58 🏆 Nut, almond, with skin, roasted, unsalted
28.2771 🏆 Cá chim trắng, luộc
28.2771 🏆 Cá chim trắng, hấp
28 🏆 Cottonseed oil, fortified with vitamin A, 1100–2400 mcg/100g (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
28 🏆 Cottonseed oil, fortified with vitamin A, 600–1000 mcg/100g (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)
28 🏆 Cottonseed oil, yellow brown, unfortified
26.64 🏆 Cereals ready-to-eat, KELLOGG, KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES
26.63 🏆 Margarine, 80% fat, tub, CANOLA HARVEST Soft Spread (canola, palm and palm kernel oils)
26.22 🏆 Oil, canola
26.22 🏆 Oil, canola
26.1 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dry roasted, with salt added
26.1 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels from shell, dry roasted, with salt added
26.1 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dry roasted, without salt
26.1 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dry roasted, without salt
26.1 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dry roasted
26.1 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dry roasted, salted
25.97 🏆 Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, unblanched
25.97 🏆 Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, lightly salted
25.97 🏆 Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, unblanched, salted
25.97 🏆 Hạt hạnh nhân rang
25.97 🏆 Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, without salt added
25.97 🏆 Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, lightly salted
25.97 🏆 Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, with salt added
25.63 🏆 Nuts, almonds
25.63 🏆 Nuts, almonds
25.63 🏆 Hạt hạnh nhân
25.63 🏆 Nuts, almonds, dried, unblanched, unroasted
25.24 🏆 Spices, curry powder
25.24 🏆 Curry powder
25.24 🏆 Spices, curry powder
25 🏆 KASHI, H2H Woven Wheat Cracker, Original
25 🏆 Vegetable fat (margarine type), 70% fat, unsalted
25 🏆 KASHI, H2H Woven Wheat Cracker, Roasted Garlic
24.66 🏆 Babyfood, GERBER, GRADUATES Lil Biscuits Vanilla Wheat
24.21 🏆 Nuts, almond butter, plain, without salt added
24.21 🏆 Nuts, almond butter, plain, with salt added
24.21 🏆 Nuts, almond butter, plain, with salt added
24.21 🏆 Nuts, almond butter, plain
24.21 🏆 Nuts, almond butter, plain, salted
24 🏆 Formulated bar, ZONE PERFECT CLASSIC CRUNCH BAR, mixed flavors
24 🏆 Formulated bar, ZONE PERFECT CLASSIC CRUNCH BAR, mixed flavors
23.9 🏆 Nuts, almonds, dry roasted, unblanched, salted
23.9 🏆 Nuts, almonds, dry roasted, without salt added
23.9 🏆 Nuts, almonds, dry roasted, without salt added
23.9 🏆 Nuts, almonds, dry roasted, with salt added
23.9 🏆 Nuts, almonds, dry roasted, unblanched
23.75 🏆 Nuts, almonds, dried, blanched, unroasted
23.75 🏆 Nuts, almonds, blanched
23.47 🏆 Cá chim trắng
22.89 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed butter
22.89 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed butter, salted
22.89 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed butter, with salt added
22.89 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed butter, with salt added (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program)
22.89 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed butter, without salt
22.62 🏆 Nut, almond meal
21.8 🏆 Oil, vegetable, Natreon canola, high stability, non trans, high oleic (70%)
21.7 🏆 Oil, olive
21.64 🏆 Oil, cooking and salad, ENOVA, 80% diglycerides
21.12 Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, 60% fat, tub, with salt
21.12 Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, 60% fat, tub, with salt, with added vitamin D
21.12 Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, 60% fat, tub, with salt, with added vitamin D
21.12 Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, 60% fat, tub, with salt
21 Cowpea, leaves, dried
20.8421 Cá điêu hồng, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
20.8421 Cá điêu hồng, chiên giòn
20.1 BMS, premature, whey-predominantformula, PreNan powder
20 Cod liver, raw
20 Vegetable oil, fortified with vitamin A, 600–1000 mcg/100g (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)
20 Vegetable oil, fortified with vitamin A, 1100–2400 mcg/100g (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
20 Vegetable oil, unfortified
19.8 Cá điêu hồng, nướng
19.76 Game meat, native, caribou (reindeer), liver, baked
19.5556 Cá điêu hồng, kho
19.5556 Cá điêu hồng, xào
19.34 Margarine-like spread, SMART BALANCE Regular Buttery Spread with flax oil
19.29 Cereals ready-to-eat, SUN COUNTRY, KRETSCHMER Honey Crunch Wheat Germ
19.2 Oil, blend of polyunsaturated vegetable oils
19.0843 Cá điêu hồng, hấp
19.0843 Cá điêu hồng, luộc
18.3 Oregano, dried
18.26 Spices, oregano, dried
18.26 Spices, oregano, dried
18.26 Spices, oregano, ground
18.02 Gừng khô (bột)
18 Dressing, thousand island, regular fat, commercial
17.5 Nuts, hazelnuts or filberts, blanched
17.5 Nuts, filberts or hazelnuts, dried, blanched
17.46 Vegetable oil, canola
17.46 Dầu hạt cải
17.46 Oil, industrial, canola, high oleic
17.45 Mayonnaise, traditional (greater than 65% fat), commercial
17 Vegetable fat (margarine type), spreadable, 50-63% fat, light, lightly salted, rich in omega 3
16.89 Game meat, native, beluga, blubber, boiled
16.88 Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Protein Performance Bar, Caramel Nut Rush
16.88 Beverage, instant breakfast powder, chocolate, sugar-free, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
16.88 Beverage, instant breakfast powder, chocolate, sugar-free, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
16.88 Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Protein Performance Bar, Caramel Nut Rush
16.88 Beverages, nutritional shake mix, high protein, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
16.88 Beverages, nutritional shake mix, high protein, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
16.6 Oil, vegetable
16.08 Margarine spread, monounsaturated (greater than 65% fat)
16.08 Margarine spread, monounsaturated (65% fat), rice bran oil, fortified
16 Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Protein Performance Bar, Caramel Nut Rush
16 Corn (maize) oil, fortified with vitamin A, 1100–2400 mcg/100g (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
16 Nut, hazelnut, raw, unsalted
16 Corn (maize) oil, unfortified
16 Corn (maize) oil, fortified with vitamin A, 600–1000 mcg/100g (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)
15.99 Cereals ready-to-eat, wheat germ, toasted, plain
15.94 Oil, palm
15.94 Dầu cọ
15.94 Vegetable oil, palm
15.84 Cá điêu hồng
15.75 Margarine-like spread, SMART BALANCE Light Buttery Spread
15.69 Oil, peanut, salad or cooking
15.69 Dầu lạc
15.69 Vegetable oil, peanut
15.43 Margarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, tub, with salt
15.43 Margarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, tub, with salt, with added vitamin D
15.28 Nuts, hazelnuts or filberts, dry roasted, without salt added
15.28 Nuts, filberts or hazelnuts, dry roasted, unblanched
15.23 Oil, peanut
15.03 Nuts, hazelnuts or filberts
15.03 Nuts, hazelnuts or filberts
15.03 Nuts, filberts or hazelnuts, dried
14.84 Vegetable oil, corn and canola
14.84 Oil, corn and canola
14.67 Babyfood, finger snacks, GERBER, GRADUATES, LIL CRUNCHIES - MILD CHEDDAR
14.35 Dầu oliu
14.35 Oil, olive, salad or cooking
14.35 Vegetable oil, olive
14.3 Vegetable oil, corn
14.3 Dầu ngô
14.3 Oil, corn, industrial and retail, all purpose salad or cooking
14.3 Oil, soybean
14 Oil, macadamia
14 North Atlantic rockweed (Ascophyllum nodosum), dried or dehydrated
14 Palm oil, red
14 Groundnut oil, fortified with vitamin A, 1100–2400 mcg/100g (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
14 Egg, chicken, whole, omega-3 polyunsaturate enriched, raw
14 Oil, blend of monounsaturated vegetable oils
14 Oil, mustard seed
14 Groundnut oil, fortified with vitamin A, 600–1000 mcg/100g (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)
14 Groundnut oil, unfortified
13.72 Snacks, potato chips, dried potatoes, plain
13.72 Snack, potato chips, made from dried potatoes, plain
13.72 Snack, potato chips, made from dried potatoes, plain
13.54 Nuts, almond paste
13.4897 Thịt gà, ta,đùi, nướng
13.4897 Thịt gà công nghiệp, cánh, nướng
13.4897 Thịt gà, ta, cánh, nướng
13.45 Margarine,spread, 35-39% fat, tub
13.45 Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, approximately 37% fat, unspecified oils, with salt, with added vitamin D
13.45 Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, unspecified oils, approximately 37% fat, with salt
13.45 Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, approximately 37% fat, unspecified oils, with salt, with added vitamin D
13.4 Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, PREGESTIMIL, with iron, powder, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
13.4 Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, PREGESTIMIL, with iron, powder, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
13.12 Sauce, pesto, MEZZETTA, NAPA VALLEY BISTRO, basil pesto, ready-to-serve
13 Margarine, margarine-like vegetable oil spread, 67-70% fat, tub
12.94 Nut, pine, raw, unsalted
12.86 Egg, chicken, whole, omega-3 polyunsaturate enriched, boiled
12.8 Bơ thực vật
12.64 Game meat, native, caribou (reindeer), liver, raw
12.27 Candies, MARS SNACKFOOD US, COCOAVIA Chocolate Bar
12.27 Beverages, OVALTINE, chocolate malt powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
12.27 Beverages, OVALTINE, chocolate malt powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
12.23 Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, dry fortified
12.23 Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, dry fortified
12.2 Tomato, powder
12.17 Game meat, native, walrus, skin (muktuk), raw
12 Ovaltine powder, fortified
12 Breakfast cereals, diet, plain, not fortified
12 Breakfast cereals, corn flakes, sugar iced, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
11.8757 Thịt gà, ta, cánh, kho
11.8757 Thịt gà công nghiệp, cánh, kho
11.8757 Thịt gà, ta, đùi, kho
11.79 Sốt mayonnaise
11.78 Margarine-like spread, SMART BALANCE Omega Plus Spread (with plant sterols & fish oil)
11.78 Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, dry fortified
11.34 Snacks, taro chips
11.3391 Thịt gà, ta, đùi, chiên, rán ngập dầu
11.3391 Thịt gà, ta, cánh, chiên, rán giòn
11.3391 Thịt gà, ta, cánh, chiên, rán ngập dầu
11.3391 Thịt gà, ta, đùi, chiên, rán giòn
11.11 Beverages, Acai berry drink, fortified
12 Oz/ 340gm
11.11 Beverages, Acai berry drink, fortified
12 Oz/ 340gm
11.11 Beverages, Acai berry drink, fortified
12 Oz/ 340gm
11 Breakfast cereals, diet, plain or with honey, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
11 Sea lettuce (Enteromorpha sp.), dried or dehydrated
11 Palm oil, refined and decoloured, fortified with vitamin A, 1100–2400 mcg/100g (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
11 Palm oil, refined and decoloured, fortified with vitamin A, 600–1000 mcg/100g (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)
11 Palm oil, refined and decoloured, unfortified
10.88 Groundnut, dry, Arachis hypogae,(Mtedza wouma)
10.8667 Thịt gà công nghiệp, cánh, luộc
10.8667 Thịt gà, ta, đùi, luộc
10.8667 Thịt gà, ta, đùi, hấp
10.8667 Thịt gà, ta, cánh, luộc
10.8667 Thịt gà, ta, cánh, hấp
10.8667 Thịt gà công nghiệp, cánh, hấp
10.72 BMS, follow-up formula, Nan 2powder
10.7 Spices, basil, dried
10.7 Spices, basil, dried
10.7 Spices, basil, dried
10.6 Flour, groundnut, Arachis hypogaea,(Nsinjilo)
10.6 Mustard, cream style
10.45 Snacks, potato chips, plain, salted
10.45 Snacks, potato chips, plain, salted
10.45 Snacks, potato chips, plain, salted
10.41 Salad Dressing, mayonnaise, light, SMART BALANCE, Omega Plus light
10.34 Peanut butter with omega-3, creamy
10.33 Babyfood, finger snacks, GERBER, GRADUATES, PUFFS, apple and cinnamon
10.33 Babyfood, finger snacks, GERBER, GRADUATES, PUFFS, apple and cinnamon
10.31 Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, GO AND GROW, powder, with ARA and DHA
10.3 Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, GO AND GROW, powder, with ARA and DHA
10.28 Oil, bearded seal (Oogruk) (Alaska Native)
10.28 Animal fat, native, bearded seal, oil (oogruk oil)
10.27 Snacks, granola bar, KASHI GOLEAN, crunchy, mixed flavors
10.2111 Tr?ng v?t, ch?n
10.2111 Tr?ng v?t lu?c
10.2 Tr?ng gà công nghi?p lu?c
10.2 Tr?ng gà công nghi?p, ch?n
10.17 Bar, snack, with >55% nuts
10.13 Candies, MARS SNACKFOOD US, COCOAVIA Crispy Chocolate Bar
10.07 Babyfood, finger snacks, GERBER, GRADUATES, PUFFS, apple and cinnamon
10.01 Muesli, granola, non-oat based, toasted, added nuts & seeds, unfortified
10 Breakfast cereals, chocolate wheat grain flakes, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
10 Breakfast cereals, with chocolate, not filled, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
10 Cereal bar with chocolate, fortified with vitamins and minerals
10 Breakfast cereals, filled with a filling other than chocolate, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
10 Breakfast cereals, rich in fibre, with or without fruits, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
10 Breakfast cereals, puffed/popped corn, with honey, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
10 Margarine, Rama, brick
9.82 Snacks, sweet potato chips, unsalted
9.8 Larvae, fresh, raw
9.78 Thịt gà, ta, đùi, sống
9.78 Thịt gà công nghiệp, cánh
9.78 Thịt gà, ta, cánh, sống
9.68 French fries/chips, (Chipisi)
9.66628 Thịt gà, ta, cánh, hầm
9.66628 Thịt gà công nghiệp, cánh, hầm
9.66628 Thịt gà, ta, đùi, hầm
9.5069 Tr?ng v?t, rán
9.5 Nut, peanut, with skin, raw, unsalted
9.49655 Tr?ng gà công nghi?p, rán
9.45 Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk Light, powder
9.45 Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk Light, powder
9.45 Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk Light, powder
9.4 BMS, soy-based formula, Isomil® 1powder
9.38 BMS, follow-up formula, Nan 3powder
9.38 BMS, acidified, follow-up formula,Nan Pelargon 2 powder
9.37 Beverage, instant breakfast powder, chocolate, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
9.37 Beverage, instant breakfast powder, chocolate, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
9.33 Nuts, pine nuts, dried
9.33 Nuts, pine nuts, pignolia, dried
9.33 Nuts, pine nuts, dried
9.27778 Tr?ng gà ta lu?c
9.27778 Tr?ng gà ta, ch?n
9.21 Dầu đậu tương
9.2 Candies, MARS SNACKFOOD US, COCOAVIA Blueberry and Almond Chocolate Bar
9.19 Tr?ng v?t
9.18 Tr?ng gà công nghi?p
9.11 Snacks, potato sticks
9.11 Peanut butter, smooth style, with salt
9.1 Peanut butter, smooth style, with salt (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program)
9.1 Peanut butter, smooth style, withsalt
9.1 Peanut butter, smooth style, without salt
9.1 Peanut butter, smooth style, without salt
9.1 Peanut butter, smooth style, with salt
9.1 Chocolate, white
9.1 Peanut butter, smooth type, fat, sugar and salt added
9.1 Peanut butter, smooth type, fat and sugar added
9.08901 Tr?ng v?t, xào
9.08 Snacks, potato chips, made from dried potatoes (preformed), multigrain
9.08 Snacks, potato chips, made from dried potatoes (preformed), multigrain
9.07912 Tr?ng gà công nghi?p, xào
9.04 Peanut butter, smooth, reduced fat
9 Margarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, stick, with salt, with added vitamin D
9 Margarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, stick, without salt
9 Cocoa or chocolate powder, for beverages, with sugar, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
12 Oz/ 340gm
9 Margarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, stick, with salt
9 Taramasalata, prepacked
8.96 Spices, parsley, dried
8.96 Spices, parsley, dried
8.96 Egg, chicken, whole, hard-boiled
8.92 Game meat, native, narwhal, blubber, raw
8.87 Cookies, chocolate cream covered biscuit sticks
8.86 Sauce, pesto, ready-to-serve, shelf stable
8.82 Spices, cloves, ground
8.82 Cloves, dried, ground
8.82 Spices, cloves, ground
8.82 Spices, cloves, ground
8.71 BMS, follow-up formula, Lactogen2 powder
8.71 BMS, follow-up formula, Lactogen3, powder
8.67708 Lạc rang
8.63793 Tr?ng gà ta, rán
8.63 Potato crisps or chips, plain, salted
8.61 Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, PM 60/40, powder not reconstituted
8.61 Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, PM 60/40, powder not reconstituted
8.6 Snail, cooked
8.6 Potato straws, French fries, plain
8.6 Potato crisps or chips, reformed, salted
8.57 Babyfood, Snack, GERBER, GRADUATES, LIL CRUNCHIES, baked whole grain corn snack
8.45 Peanut butter, smooth & crunchy, no added sugar or salt
8.45 Peanut butter, smooth & crunchy, added sugar & salt
8.35 Tr?ng gà ta
8.33 Peanuts, all types, raw
8.33 Lạc hạt
8.32 Babyfood, Snack, GERBER, GRADUATES, LIL CRUNCHIES, baked whole grain corn snack
8.3 Chutney or relish, commercial
8.28 Formulated bar, POWER BAR, chocolate
8.28 Formulated bar, POWER BAR, chocolate
8.28 Formulated bar, POWER BAR, chocolate
8.27 Oil, beluga, whale (Alaska Native)
8.25824 Tr?ng gà ta, xào
8.24 McDONALD'S, Peanuts (for Sundaes)
8.2 Vegetable crisps or chips, sweet potato & taro, flavoured
8.19636 Bột lạc
8.19 Margarine spread, polyunsaturated (70% fat), reduced salt (sodium 280 mg/100 g)
8.18 Oil, industrial, soy, low linolenic
8.18 Oil, industrial, soy, fully hydrogenated
8.18 Oil, industrial, soy, ultra low linolenic
8.18 Oil, soybean, salad or cooking
8.18 Oil, soybean, fortified, supermarket,(Mafuta ophikira a soya)
8.18 Oil, soybean, fortified, local market,(Mafuta ophikira a soya)
8.18 Vegetable oil, soybean
8.16 Egg, chicken, yolk, hard-boiled
8.16 Snacks, vegetable chips, HAIN CELESTIAL GROUP, TERRA CHIPS
8.06 Peanut spread, reduced sugar
8.06 Peanut spread, reduced sugar
8.06 Peanut butter, lower sugar
8.04 BMS, whey-predominant formula,Nan 1 powder
8.04 BMS, casein-predominant formula,Lactogen 1 powder
8.04 BMS, acidified formula, NanPelargon 1 powder
8.02759 Thịt ngan, nướng
8 Mayonnaise, reduced fat or light mayonnaise, prepacked
8 Blended fat (vegetable and animal origins), 50-63% fat, lightly salted
8 Cricket, bush (katydid), raw
7.99 Egg, chicken, yolk, raw
7.9853 Egg, chicken, yolk, fresh or frozen, raw
7.9 Tomato, sundried
7.85 Beverages, Whey protein powder isolate
12 Oz/ 340gm
7.85 Beverages, Whey protein powder isolate
12 Oz/ 340gm
7.82 Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted with peanuts, lightly salted
7.82 Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, with peanuts, with salt added
7.82 Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, with peanuts, lightly salted
7.82 Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, with peanuts, without salt added
7.82 Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted with peanuts
7.82 Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted with peanuts, salted
7.8 Meal replacement (cereal), ready to eat, Force Active, President's Choice
7.8 Dressing, French or Italian, regular fat, commercial
7.72 Snacks, potato chips, lightly salted
7.72 Snacks, potato chips, lightly salted
7.72 Snacks, potato chips, lightly salted
7.7 Groundnut paste, from groundnuts only
7.66 Taco shell, from corn flour, plain
7.6 Groundnut, rose, shelled, dried, raw (Benin)
7.6 Groundnut, JL 24 variety, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
7.6 Groundnut, F-mix variety, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
7.6 Groundnut, Chinese, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
7.6 Groundnut, shelled, dried, raw
7.6 Snacks, granola bars, soft, almond, confectioners coating
7.6 Groundnut, red, shelled, dried, raw (Benin)
7.6 Groundnut, combined varieties, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana)
7.6 Groundnut, Manipintar variety, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
7.6 Groundnut flour, with fat
7.6 Groundnut, Sinkarzie variety, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
7.5 Sage, dried
7.5 Pumpkin, leaves, dried
7.5 Rosemary, dried
7.5 Thyme, dried
7.5 Thyme, dried, ground
7.48 Spices, thyme, dried
7.48 Spices, sage, ground
7.46 Bagels, plain, enriched, with calcium propionate (includes onion, poppy, sesame)
7.46 Bagel, plain (with onion, poppy seed and/or sesame seed)
7.4 BMS, follow-up formula, soy-based,Isomil® 2 powder
7.34 Infant formula, NESTLE, GOOD START SOY, with ARA and DHA, powder
7.34 Infant formula, NESTLE, GOOD START SOY, with ARA and DHA, powder
7.33 Snack, grain based, extruded, flavoured
7.27 Sauce, pesto, ready-to-serve, refrigerated
7.27 Sauce, pesto, BUITONI, pesto with basil, ready-to-serve, refrigerated
7.23 Snacks, corn-based, extruded, chips, plain
7.23 Snacks, corn-based, extruded, chips, plain
7.23 Snacks, corn-based, extruded, chips, plain
7.2 Cola nut, dried, raw
7.14 Snacks, granola bar, KASHI TLC Bar, chewy, mixed flavors
7.1 Wheat germ
7.07 Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, SENSITIVE, (LACTOSE FREE), powder, with ARA and DHA
7.07 Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk, powder
7.07 Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk, powder
7.07 Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, SENSITIVE, (LACTOSE FREE), powder, with ARA and DHA
7.07 Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk, powder
7.06714 Thịt ngan, kho
7.04 Snacks, multigrain chips, plain
7.04 Snacks, FRITOLAY, SUNCHIPS, Multigrain Snack, original flavor
7.04 Snacks, FRITOLAY, SUNCHIPS, Multigrain Snack, original flavor
7 Fritter, filled with eggs (filo pastry), home-made, cooked
7 Fat, solid, vegetable oil based
7 Baby cereal, mixed cereal, 7months, dry
7 Baby cereal, maize, 9 months,strawberry and banana flavor, dry(Nestum)
7 Trứng cá muối
6.94 Muesli, granola, toasted, added nuts & seeds, unfortified
6.94 Peanuts, all types, oil-roasted, with salt
6.93 Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, For Spit Up, powder, with ARA and DHA
6.93 Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, For Spit Up, powder, with ARA and DHA
6.93 Snacks, pita chips, salted
6.92 Dairy blend, butter & edible oil spread (approximately 80% fat), sodium 600 mg/100 g
6.92 Dairy blend, butter & edible oil spread (approximately 80% fat), reduced salt (sodium 400 mg/100 g)
6.91 Biscuit, savoury, seed based
6.91 Spices, parsley, dried
6.91 Peanuts, all types, oil-roasted, without salt
6.9 Bacon bits, meatless
6.9 Infant Formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, Premium LIPIL, Infant, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.9 Infant Formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, Premium LIPIL, Infant, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.9 Bacon, meatless
6.89 Snacks, granola bar, GENERAL MILLS NATURE VALLEY, SWEET&SALTY NUT, peanut
6.88 Fish, fish sticks, frozen, prepared
6.88 Fish, fish sticks, frozen, prepared
6.88 Fish, fish sticks, frozen, prepared
6.77 Potato crisps or chips, flavoured (other than salt & vinegar)
6.77 Potato crisps or chips, salt & vinegar flavoured
6.74783 Thịt ngan, chiên, rán ngập dầu
6.74783 Thịt ngan, chiên, rán giòn
6.7 Margarine, fortified with vitamin A
6.7 Soya oil, unfortified
6.7 Soya oil, fortified with vitamin A, 1100–2400 mcg/100g (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
6.7 Margarine, fortified with vitamin A and D (Nigeria)
6.7 Soya oil, fortified with vitamin A, 600–1000 mcg/100g (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)
6.6 Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, NUTRAMIGEN LIPIL, with iron, powder, not reconstituted, with ARA and DHA
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.6 Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, NUTRAMIGEN LIPIL, with iron, powder, not reconstituted, with ARA and DHA
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.54 Snacks, brown rice chips
6.49 Bar, snack, with >35% nuts, added protein
6.46667 Thịt ngan, luộc
6.46667 Thịt ngan, hấp
6 oz/ 170ml / 170gm
6 oz/ 170ml / 170gm
6.42468 Thịt ngan, hầm
6.4 Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, PROSOBEE LIPIL, with iron, powder, not reconstituted, with ARA and DHA
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.4 Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, PROSOBEE LIPIL, with iron, powder, not reconstituted, with ARA and DHA
12 Oz/ 340gm
6.3 Peanut butter, chunk style, without salt
6.3 Peanut butter, chunk style, with salt
6.3 Peanut butter, chunk type, fat and sugar added
6.3 Peanut butter, chunk type, fat, sugar and salt added
6.28 Oil, spotted seal (Alaska Native)
6.24 Snacks, tortilla chips, nacho cheese
6.24 Snacks, tortilla chips, nacho cheese
6.24 Snacks, tortilla chips, nacho
6 oz/ 170ml / 170gm
6.17037 Lạc đồ
6.13 Shortening, vegetable, household, composite
6.13 Shortening industrial, soybean (hydrogenated) and cottonseed
6.13 Shortening, household, soybean (partially hydrogenated)-cottonseed (partially hydrogenated)
6.13 Nuts, mixed nuts, dry roasted, with peanuts, without salt added
6 Formulated bar, SLIM-FAST OPTIMA meal bar, milk chocolate peanut
6 Formulated bar, SLIM-FAST OPTIMA meal bar, milk chocolate peanut
6 Eel, raw
6 Coconut, kernel, dried, raw
5.94 Peanut Butter, smooth (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program)
5.94 USDA Commodity, Peanut Butter, smooth
5.93 Groundnut, dry, boiled, Arachishypogae, (Mtedza wouma wophika)
5.9 BMS, whey-predominant formula,S-26 Gold 1 powder
5.89 Game meat, native, walrus, blubber, raw
5.84 Rose hips, wild, native
5.84 Rose Hips, wild (Northern Plains Indians)
5.84 Snack, BALANCE, original bar
5.82 Thịt ngan
5.8 BMS, whey-predominant formula,S-26 Comfort Gold, powder
5.8 BMS, whey-predominant formula,S-26 Classic 1, powder
5.7 BMS, soy-based formula, Infasoy 1powder
5.7 Beverages, chocolate drink, milk and soy based, ready to drink, fortified
12 Oz/ 340gm
5.66 Chocolate, milk, with nuts
5.65 Nuts, brazilnuts, dried, unblanched
5.65 Nuts, mixed nuts, dry roasted, with peanuts, salt added, PLANTERS pistachio blend
5.65 Nuts, brazilnuts, dried, unblanched
5.65 Nuts, brazilnuts, dried, unblanched
5.6 Nut, pecan, raw, unsalted
5.6 BMS, whey-predominant formula,Infacare Classic 1 powder
5.59 Margarine, margarine-type vegetable oil spread, 70% fat, soybean and partially hydrogenated soybean, stick
5.56 HEALTHY REQUEST Tomato juice
12 Oz/ 340gm
5.53 Seaweed, Canadian Cultivated EMI-TSUNOMATA, dry
5.53 Seaweed, Canadian cultivated EMI-TSUNOMATA, dried
5.51846 Thịt lợn nạc vai, hầm
5.5 BMS, follow-up formula, soy based,Infasoy 2 powder
5.47 Potato chips, without salt, reduced fat
5.44516 Thịt lợn nạc vai, nướng
5.43485 Thịt lợn nạc vai, kho
5.4 Sauce, pasta, basil pesto, commercial
5.34 Biscuit, savoury, from white wheat flour, cheese-flavoured
5.3 BMS, follow-up formula, InfacareClassic 3 powder
5.3 Confectionery, almond, chocolate-coated
5.3 Nut, brazil, raw or blanched, unsalted
5.29 Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, ADVANCE, with iron, powder, not reconstituted
5.29 Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, ADVANCE, with iron, powder, not reconstituted
5.26 Vitasoy USA Nasoya, Lite Silken Tofu
5.26 Game meat, native, beluga, blubber, raw
5.25 Sauce, hot chile, sriracha, TUONG OT SRIRACHA
5.23 Margarine, 80% fat, stick, includes regular and hydrogenated corn and soybean oils
5.22 Vitasoy USA, Nasoya Lite Firm Tofu
5.19855 Thịt lợn nạc vai, rim
5.19 Beverages, NESTLE, Boost plus, nutritional drink, ready-to-drink
12 Oz/ 340gm
5.17 Beverages, chocolate drink, milk and soy based, ready to drink, fortified
12 Oz/ 340gm
5.12821 Lươn, kho
5.12821 Lươn, hầm
5.1 Infant formula, powder, for 6 months, fortified
5.1 Paste, Indian style curry, commercial
5.1 Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, ISOMIL, ADVANCE with iron, powder, not reconstituted
5.1 Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, ISOMIL, ADVANCE with iron, powder, not reconstituted
5.1 Mustard powder
5.1 BMS, follow-up formula, InfacareClassic 2 powder
5.1 Paste, green curry, commercial
5.08 Nuts, cashew butter, plain, with salt added
5.07 Spices, mustard seed, ground
5.07 Spices, mustard seed, ground
5.07 Spices, mustard seed, yellow
5.04 Snacks, plantain chips
5.04 Snacks, plantain chips, salted
5.04 Snacks, plantain chips, salted
5 Mint, fresh
5 Salad dressing, sesame seed dressing, regular
5 Babyfood, cereal, barley, dry fortified
5 Fruit biscuit, low sodium, unsweetened
5 Salad dressing, french dressing, commercial, regular
5 Mollusks, snail, raw
5 Seaweed, agar, dried
5 Snail, raw
5 Seaweed, spirulina, dried
5 Olive, green or black, drained
5 Tiger nut, tuber, dried
5 Spirulina, (spirulina sp.), dried
5 Egg yolk, cooked
5 Blended fat (vegetable and animal origins), spreadable, 30-40% fat, lightly salted
5 Infant formula, powder, for 3 months, fortified
5 Rau câu khô
4.96 Chocolate-flavored hazelnut spread
4.93827 Lươn, luộc
4.93827 Lươn, hấp
4.93 Peanuts, all types, dry roasted
4.93 Peanuts, all types, dry-roasted, salted
4.93 Peanuts, all types, dry-roasted, with salt
4.93 Peanuts, all types, dry-roasted, without salt
4.93 Peanuts, all types, dry-roasted, with salt
4.93 Peanuts, all types, dry-roasted, without salt
4.92 BURGER KING, Onion Rings
4.92 Fast foods, onion rings, breaded and fried
4.92 Fast foods, onion rings, breaded and fried
4.92 Fast foods, side dish, onion rings, breaded and fried
4.92 Salmon, Pacific King, fillet, steamed, no added fat
4.9 Biscuit, savoury, from white wheat flour, flavoured (excluding cheese)
4.9 Oil palm, fruit, raw
4.9 BMS, follow-up formula, S-26 PromilGold 2 powder
4.87 Samoosa, dough, raw
4.87 Babyfood, cereal, barley, dry fortified
4.84 Snacks, vegetable chips, made from garden vegetables
4.82 Candies, MARS SNACKFOOD US, COCOAVIA Chocolate Covered Almonds
4.81 Egg, yolk, dried
4.81 Egg, chicken, yolk, dried
4.8 Extruded snack, cheese flavoured
4.8 Sauce, hot chile, sriracha
4.7619 Lươn, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
4.7619 Lươn, chiên giòn
4.74 Salad dressing, caesar dressing, regular
4.7 Salmon, Pacific King, fillet, skinless, grilled, no added fat
4.65 Wattle seed (acacia), ground
4.64 Infant Formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, GENTLEASE, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.64 Infant Formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, GENTLEASE, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.64 Infant Formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, GENTLEASE, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.64 Infant Formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, GENTLEASE, with ARA and DHA powder not reconstituted
4.63 Biscuit, sweet, breakfast style, with or without dried fruit
4.61 Salad dressing, home recipe, vinegar and oil
4.61 Formulated Bar, SOUTH BEACH protein bar
4.61 Sauce, pesto, CLASSICO, basil pesto, ready-to-serve
4.6 Salad dressing, green goddess, regular
4.59 Granola bar, soft, milk chocolate coated, peanut butter
4.58 Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST, meal replacement, regular, ready-to-drink, 3-2-1 Plan
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.58 Beverages, SLIMFAST, Meal replacement, High Protein Shake, Ready-To-Drink, 3-2-1 plan
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.58 Beverages, SLIMFAST, Meal replacement, High Protein Shake, Ready-To-Drink, 3-2-1 plan
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.58 Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST, meal replacement, regular, ready-to-drink, 3-2-1 Plan
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.58 Seed, pumpkin, hulled & dried
4.54 Leaves, pumpkin, raw, (Nkhwani)
4.51 Smelt, dried (Alaska Native)
4.51 Fish, smelt, dried
4.5 Cake, yellow, commercial, with chocolate icing (frosting), in-store bakery
4.5 Toddler formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAGROW, Toddler Transitions, with ARA and DHA, powder
4.5 Toddler formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAGROW, PREMIUM (formerly ENFAMIL, LIPIL, NEXT STEP), powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.5 Cake, yellow, commercially prepared, with chocolate frosting, in-store bakery
4.5 Toddler formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAGROW, PREMIUM (formerly ENFAMIL, LIPIL, NEXT STEP), powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.5 Beverages, KELLOGG'S, SPECIAL K Protein Shake
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.5 Infant formula, GERBER, GOOD START, PROTECT PLUS, powder
4.5 Beverages, KELLOGG'S, SPECIAL K Protein Shake
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.5 Infant formula, GERBER, GOOD START, PROTECT PLUS, powder
4.5 Toddler formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAGROW, PREMIUM (formerly ENFAMIL, LIPIL, NEXT STEP), powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.48 Kingfish, yellowtail, aquacultured, fillet, with skin, grilled, no added fat
4.46 Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, NUTRAMIGEN, AA LIPIL, powder, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.46 Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, ENFAGROW, GENTLEASE, Toddler, LIPIL, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.46 Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, ENFAGROW, GENTLEASE, Toddler, LIPIL, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.45 Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, NUTRAMIGEN, AA LIPIL, powder, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
4.43 Spices, turmeric, ground
4.43 Spices, turmeric, ground
4.43 Turmeric, dried, ground
4.43 Spices, turmeric, ground
4.43 Capsicum, red, fresh, fried, no added fat
4.42 Snacks, potato chips, barbecue-flavor
4.42 Snacks, potato chips, barbecue-flavor
4.4 Seaweed, nori, dried
4.4 Flour, wheat, white, plain, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, E & folate & Fe, Mg & Zn (Jackaroo)
4.4 BURGER KING, Hash Brown Rounds
4.4 Dip, hummus, commercial
4.4 Margarine spread, monounsaturated, reduced fat (55% fat) & salt (sodium 380 mg/100 g)
4.34 Sauce, hot chile, sriracha, CHA! BY TEXAS PETE
4.33 Mơ khô
4.33 Apricots, dried, sulfured, uncooked
4.33 Cake, chocolate, commercially prepared with chocolate frosting, in-store bakery
4.33 Cake, chocolate, commercial, with chocolate icing (frosting), in-store bakery
4.33 Apricots, dried, sulfured, uncooked
4.33 Apricot, dried, sulphured, uncooked
4.32 Cookie, with peanut butter filling, chocolate-coated
4.31 Samoosa, beef filling, fried, (Samusawa nyama ya ng'ombe wokazinga)
4.3 Tomato products, canned paste, with salt
4.3 Tomato products, canned, paste, no added salt
4.3 Tomato products, canned, paste, without salt added (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program)
4.3 Tomato products, canned, paste, without salt added
4.28 Salad dressing, italian dressing, commercial, reduced fat
4.28 Salad dressing, blue or roquefort cheese dressing, commercial, regular
4.28 Salad dressing, italian dressing, commercial, reduced fat
4.28 Salad dressing, italian, commercial, low Calorie
4.27342 Thịt lợn nạc vai, rán
4.26 Flour, wheat, white, self-raising, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, E & folate & Fe, Mg & Zn (Jackaroo)
4.25 Cheese puffs and twists, corn based, baked, low fat
4.24 Pumpkin fritters, (Mandasi amaungu)
4.22 Thịt lợn, nạc vai
4.22 Babyfood, Multigrain whole grain cereal, dry fortified
4.2 Salmon, Pacific King, fillet, skinless, raw
4.2 Capsicum, red, fresh, raw
4.19 Snacks, granola bar, QUAKER, DIPPS, all flavors
4.19 Sauce, horseradish
4.18 Snacks, corn-based, extruded, puffs or twists, cheese-flavor
4.17 Snacks, granola bars, soft, coated, milk chocolate coating, peanut butter
4.17 Banana, fried, (Nthochi yokazinga)
4.13 Biscuit, savoury, from white wheat flour, plain snack cracker style
4.1 Nut, pistachio, raw, unsalted
4.1 Peanuts, all types, cooked, boiled, with salt
4.09 Snacks, potato chips, barbecue flavour
4.08 Fast foods, mexican, nachos with cheese
4.08 Fast foods, nachos, with cheese
4.08 TACO BELL, Nachos
4.02 Mango, dried, sweetened
4 Sandwich spread, with chopped pickle, regular, unspecified oils
4 Mollusks, abalone, mixed species, raw
4 Salad dressing, thousand island, commercial, regular
4 Fish, eel, mixed species, raw
4 Salty snacks, crackers, garnished or filled with cheese
4 Salad dressing, bacon and tomato
4 Apricot kernel oil
4 Puff pastry, cooked
4 Abalone or ormer or sea ear, raw
4 Fish terrine, prepacked
4 Biscuit shortbread, with chocolate, pre-packed
4 Soft cake filled with chocolate or chocolate drops or milk, prepacked
4 Seafood terrine, with or without fish, prepacked
4 Agutuk, fish with shortening (Alaskan ice cream) (Alaska Native)
4 Lươn
4 Tomato, paste, concentrated, without salt
4 Fish, eel, raw
4 Okra, fruit, dried
4 Agutuk, native, fish with shortening (Alaskan ice cream)
3.98 Fish, tilapia, fresh, fried, (Chambochokazinga)
3.95 Cake, mud, dark chocolate, commercial, chocolate ganache icing
3.94 Margarine Spread, approximately 48% fat, tub
3.94 Margarine Spread, 40-49% fat, tub
3.93 BURGER KING, Chicken Strips
3.91 Wasabi
3.9 BMS, follow-up formula, S-26Progress 3 powder
3.9 Babyfood, baked product, finger snacks cereal fortified
3.9 Biscuit, sweet, sandwich, cream & jam filling
3.9 Biscuit, sweet, biscuit base, mint filling, chocolate-coated
3.9 Biscuit, sweet, wheatmeal
3.9 Kingfish, yellowtail, aquacultured, fillet, with skin, steamed, no added fat
3.88 Margarine-like, margarine-butter blend, soybean oil and butter
3.88 Egg, whole, dried
3.82 Snacks, popcorn, cheese-flavor
3.81 Olive, pickled, canned or bottled, green
3.81 Olives, pickled, canned or bottled, green
3.81 Olives, pickled, canned or bottled, green
3.8 Palm kernel oil, fortified with vitamin A, 600–1000 mcg/100g (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone)
3.8 Tiger nut, tuber, boiled (without salt), drained
3.8 Tiger nut, tuber, boiled (as part of a recipe)
3.8 Palm kernel oil, fortified with vitamin A, 1100–2400 mcg/100g (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
3.8 Eggplant, unpeeled, fresh, grilled, no added fat
3.8 Palm kernel oil, unfortified
3.7 Taco seasoning mix, chilli-based
3.7 Goat, all cuts, separable fat, raw
3.69 Cake, carrot, commercial, iced
3.68 Crackers, flavored, fish-shaped
3.68 PEPPERIDGE FARM, Goldfish, Baked Snack Crackers, Original
3.62 Oil, linseed or flaxseed
3.61 Trout, ocean, aquacultured, fillet, without skin, baked, no added fat
3.6 Termite, dried, raw
3.6 Ant, flying, dried
3.6 Corn chips, plain, toasted, salted
3.6 Chilli (chili), red, fried, no added fat
3.6 Tiger nut, tuber, raw
3.6 Barramundi, aquacultured, fillet, grilled, no added fat
3.58 Pepper, jalapeno, raw
3.58 Peppers, jalapeno, raw
3.58 Babyfood, Multigrain whole grain cereal, dry fortified
3.58 Peppers, jalapeno, raw
3.55 Fish, salmon, Atlantic, farmed, raw
3.55 Fish, salmon, Atlantic, farmed, raw
3.55 Fish, salmon, Atlantic, farmed, raw
3.54 Spinach, frozen, boiled, drained
3.54 Spinach, frozen, chopped or leaf, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt
3.54 Spinach, frozen, chopped or leaf, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
3.54 Spinach, frozen, chopped or leaf, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
3.54 Spinach, frozen, boiled, drained, with salt
3.53 Snacks, tortilla chips, low fat, unsalted
3.53 Snacks, tortilla chips, plain, white corn, salted
3.53 Salad dressing, honey mustard, regular
3.53 Cookies, peanut butter, commercially prepared, regular
3.53 Cookies, peanut butter, commercially prepared, regular
3.53 Snacks, tortilla chips, plain, white corn, salted
3.53 Snacks, tortilla chips, plain
3.53 Cookie, peanut butter, commercial
3.53 Beef mince, fried, (Nyama yang'ombe yogaya yokazinga)
3.52 Fish, burbot (loche), native, eggs, raw
3.51 Cookies, peanut butter, commercially prepared, sugar free
3.5 African carp, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
3.5 Oil, from cow’s milk butter (ghee)
3.5 Baby cereal, containing milk, 6months, dry
3.5 Baby cereal, containing milk, 9months, mixed fruit flavor, dry
3.45 Vegetarian fillets
3.44 Dandelion greens, raw
3.42 McDONALD'S, Creamy Ranch Sauce
3.4 Tomato, paste, no added salt
3.4 Tomato, paste, with added salt
3.4 Cola nut, fresh, raw
3.4 Trout, rainbow, aquacultured, baked, no added fat
3.4 BMS, follow-up formula, S-26Progress Gold 3 powder