Foods containing Tryptophan

Day: Current Food Plan
1 teaspoon = 5 gm / .17 oz 1 tablespoon = 15 gm / .5 oz 1 oz = 30 gm 1 cup = 240 gm / 8 oz 1 pound = 454 gm / 16 oz
mg per 100 grams Significant Amount Food Serving Size Typical Serving
600000 🏆 Watercress
374500 🏆 Almond
332100 🏆 Peanut
300000 🏆 Barley
294400 🏆 Pistachio
277500 🏆 Fennel
171500 🏆 Chayote
150000 🏆 Paprika
82500 🏆 Watermelon
12 Oz/ 340gm
71600 🏆 Papaya
70000 🏆 Mango
50400 Guava
48400 Tangerine
44000 Star fruit
26200 Tamarind
25500 Lime
24500 Custard apple
22000 Grapefruit
1600 Evening-Primrose
1600 Sea lion, Steller, meat with fat (Alaska Native)
1600 Game meat, native, sea lion, stellar, meat with fat, raw
1590 Girasol
1590 Sunflower
1200 Sea lion, Steller, kidney (Alaska Native)
1200 Game meat, native, sea lion, stellar, kidney, raw
1116 Soy protein isolate (prepared with sodium)
1116 Soy protein isolate
1116 Soy protein isolate, potassium type
1116 Soy protein isolate (prepared with potassium)
854 Game meat, dried, salted
835 Soy protein concentrate (prepared with acid and water wash)
12 Oz/ 340gm
835 Soy protein concentrate, produced by acid wash
835 Soy protein concentrate, produced by alcohol extraction
12 Oz/ 340gm
835 Soy protein concentrate (prepared with alcohol)
12 Oz/ 340gm
762 Beans, winged (goa beans), dry, raw
762 Winged beans, mature seeds, raw
725.5 Bonavist Bean
725.5 Lablab Bean
725.5 Hyacinth Bean
702 Termite, dried, raw
692.1429999999999 Thịt dê, nửa mỡ, hầm
692.1429999999999 Thịt dê, nạc, hầm
692.1429999999999 Thịt dê, nửa mỡ, rim
692.1429999999999 Thịt dê, nạc, rim
687.755 Thịt thỏ, nướng
683 Bột đậu tương đã loại béo
674.5 Benzolive Tree
674.5 Horseradish Tree
674.5 West Indian Ben
674.5 Moringa
674.5 Drumstick Tree
674.5 Ben Nut
674.5 Jacinto (Sp.)
641.3 Asparagus Pea
641.3 Winged Bean
641.3 Goa Bean
624.49 Thịt dê, nửa mỡ, nướng
624.49 Thịt dê, nạc, nướng
600 Berro
591.228 Thịt thỏ, luộc
587.9309999999999 Thịt chim cút, nướng
587.755 Thịt thỏ rừng, nướng
565.0039999999999 cá nục khô
562.8 White Mustard
561.667 Thịt thỏ, hầm
554.689 Thịt trâu, hấp
554 Hạt bí đỏ rang
547.2 Buffalo Gourd
546.4290000000001 Thịt dê, nạc, chiên, rán
546.4290000000001 Thịt dê, nửa mỡ, chiên, rán
536.8420000000001 Thịt dê, nạc, luộc
536.8420000000001 Thịt dê, nửa mỡ, luộc
536.8420000000001 Thịt dê, nửa mỡ, hấp
536.8420000000001 Thịt dê, nạc, hấp
525 Soya bean, dry, raw
522 Crocodile meat, stewed (as part of a recipe)
522 Crocodile meat, boiled (without salt), drained
522 Crocodile meat, grilled (without salt or fat)
515 Soya bean, Jenguma variety, dry, raw (Ghana), n=1
508.929 Thịt cừu nửa mỡ, rim
508.929 Thịt cừu nửa mỡ, hầm
506 Pumpkin seed, kernel only, dried, raw
506 Milk, cow, powder, skimmed, unfortified
506 Bột đậu tương rang chín
505.26300000000003 Đậu tương, rang
505.26300000000003 Thịt thỏ rừng, luộc
497 Garbanzo
497 Chickpea
496.9 Ajonjoli (Sp.)
496.9 Benneseed
496.9 Sesamo (Sp.)
496.9 Sesame
496.9 Beni
493 Pumpkin, leaves, dried
492.81199999999995 Thịt bò, vai, hầm
492.81199999999995 Thịt trâu, hầm
492 Seeds, cottonseed kernels, roasted (glandless)
492 Seeds, cottonseed kernels, roasted
482.917 Thịt bò, bắp, hầm
481 Springbok meat, boiled (without salt), drained
480 Thịt thỏ rừng, hầm
480 Đậu tương (đậu nành), hạt
479.524 Thịt cừu, nạc, hầm
479.524 Thịt cừu, nạc, rim
477 Rabbit meat, grilled (without salt or fat)
477 Rabbit meat, stewed (as part of a recipe)
477 Rabbit meat, boiled (without salt), drained
476.979 Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, hầm
475.862 Thịt vịt, lườn, nướng
473.611 Thịt chim cút, hấp
473.611 Thịt chim cút, luộc
473 Soya bean, combined varieties, dry, raw (Ghana)
464 Lamb/mutton meat, lean, ca. 10% fat, stewed (as part of a recipe)
463.2 Spinach
463.125 Thịt bò loại I, hầm
463 Soya bean, Quarshie variety, dry, raw (Ghana), n=1
462.786 Thịt chim cút, kho
462 Soya bean, Salintuya-1 variety, dry, raw (Ghana), n=1
459.18399999999997 Thịt cừu nửa mỡ, nướng
457 Soya bean, Anidaso variety, dry, raw (Ghana), n=1
454.154 Bột đậu xanh
451 Yeast, dried
448 Sea snail/whelk, grilled (without salt or fat)
442.857 Thịt ngựa, nướng
441.558 Gan lợn, luộc
441 Sữa bột, tách béo
436 Lamb/mutton meat, lean, ca. 10% fat, boiled (without salt), drained
436 Hạt chia khô
432.653 Thịt cừu, nạc, nướng
432 Đậu xanh (đậu tắt), hạt
430 Greek Clover
430 Fenugreek
430 Alholva (Sp.)
430 Bockshornklee (Ger.)
430 Greek Hay
428 Hạt dưa hấu rang
425 Mopane worm, canned
424.13800000000003 Thịt gà công nghiệp, nướng
424.13800000000003 Thịt gà ta, nướng
424 Lamb/mutton meat, lean, ca. 10% fat, grilled (without salt or fat)
421 African locust bean, dry, raw
420.714 Thịt chim cút, hầm
419.35499999999996 Thịt lợn, mông, nướng
419 Shrimp, penaeid, flesh, steamed (without salt)
419 Shrimp, penaeid, flesh, boiled (as part of a recipe)
414 Game meat, elk, raw
414 Game meat, elk, raw
414 Turkey, hen, breast, meat only, roasted
413 Groundnut flour, partially defatted
409 Turkey, hen, light meat only, roasted
408 Sò dương, nướng
408 Sò dương, hấp
408 Sò dương, xào
408 Sò dương, luộc
407 Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, pancreas, raw
407 Pork, pancreas, raw
406 Vinespinach
406 Springbok meat, stewed (as part of a recipe)
404 Shrimp, penaeid, flesh, grilled (without salt or fat)
402 Turkey, all classes, breast, meat only, roasted
401.786 Thịt cừu nửa mỡ, chiên, rán
401 Springbok meat, grilled (without salt or fat)
400 Nalta Jute
400 Mulukiya
400 Jew's Mallow
400 Thịt vịt, lườn, chiên, rán ngập dầu
400 Thịt vịt, lườn, chiên, rán giòn
399 Chicken, light meat without skin, stewed (as part of a recipe)
399 Turkey, all classes, light meat only, roasted
398 Turkey, hen, breast, meat and skin, roasted
398 Turkey, tom, drumstick, meat, roasted
397.6 Black Mustard
397 Melon seed (citrullus spp.), kernel only, dried, raw
397 Turkey, tom, breast, meat, roasted
395 Turkey, broiler, drumstick, meat only, roasted
395 Goat meat, moderately fat, ca. 10% fat, stewed (as part of a recipe)
395 Turkey, broiler, breast, meat only, roasted
395 Turkey, tom, light meat only, roasted
394.737 Thịt cừu nửa mỡ, luộc
394.737 Thịt cừu nửa mỡ, hấp
393.519 Thịt ngỗng, hấp
392 Turkey, broiler, light meat only, roasted
391 Turkey, hen, meat only, roasted
391 Pork meat, lean, ca. 10% fat, boiled (without salt), drained
390 Seeds, watermelon seed kernels, dried
390 Ostrich meat, stewed (as part of a recipe)
390 Seeds, watermelon seed kernels, dried
389 Chicken, light meat with skin, stewed (as part of a recipe)
388 Seeds, sesame seeds, whole, dried
387.5 Chives
387.1 Asparagus
387 Turkey, all classes, meat only, roasted
387 Turkey, tom, wing, meat, roasted
386 Turkey, hen, light meat and skin, roasted
386 Turkey, tom, meat only, roasted
385 Turkey, broiler, meat only, roasted
383.33299999999997 Thịt vịt, lườn, luộc
383.33299999999997 Thịt vịt, lườn, hấp
381 Sữa bột, toàn phần
381 Turkey, broiler, leg, meat only, roasted
381 Turkey, hen, wing, meat only, roasted
380.702 Thịt ngựa, luộc
380 Thịt lợn, mông, hầm
380 Turkey, all classes, drumstick, meat only, roasted
380 Turkey, all classes, wing, meat only, roasted
378.6 Butternut
378.57099999999997 Thịt cừu, nạc, chiên, rán
377.3 Dagaa fish (omena), dried, raw
377 Turkey, broiler, breast, meat and skin, roasted
377 Fish, whole, dried
377 Turkey, broiler, dark meat only, roasted
377 Turkey, tom, drumstick, meat and skin, roasted
376 Turkey, tom, leg, meat, roasted
376 Turkey, tom, breast, meat and skin, roasted
375 Vừng rang
374.57099999999997 Thịt vịt, lườn, kho
374.242 Thịt lợn, mông, kho
374 Turkey, broiler, wing, meat only, roasted
373 Turkey, all classes, light meat and skin, roasted
373 Turkey, all classes, leg, meat only, roasted
373 Cricket, dried, raw
372.9 Pigweed
372 Sea snail/whelk, steamed (without salt)
372 Sea snail/whelk, boiled (as part of a recipe)
372 Turkey, broiler, thigh, meat only, roasted
371.93 Thịt cừu, nạc, luộc
371.93 Thịt cừu, nạc, hấp
371.642 Thịt bò, vai, luộc
371.642 Thịt trâu, luộc
371.642 Thịt bò, vai, hấp
371.5 Cretan culantro
371 Turkey, hen, thigh, meat only, roasted
370.968 Thịt lợn nạc, nướng
370 Cheese, Gouda, from cow’s milk
370 Turkey, tom, dark meat only, roasted
369 Turkey, hen, meat and skin, roasted
369 Turkey, all classes, thigh, meat only, roasted
369 Turkey, all classes, dark meat only, roasted
369 Phó mát
369 Shrimp (crayfish), whole, dried
368 Turkey, broiler, drumstick, meat and skin, roasted
367.2 Chicory
367.2 Succory
367.2 Witloof
367 Chicken, light meat without skin, boiled (without salt), drained
367 Turkey, tom, light meat and skin, roasted
366 Pork, liver, braised
366 Nuts, butternuts (long walnuts), dried
366 Turkey, broiler, light meat and skin, roasted
366 Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, braised
366 Nuts, butternuts, dried
365 Melon seed, kernel only, dried, raw
365 White grouper, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
364.179 Thịt bò, bắp, hấp
364.179 Thịt bò, bắp, luộc
364.16700000000003 Thịt bò loại II, hầm
363.636 Gan bò, luộc
363 Pork meat, lean, ca. 10% fat, grilled (without salt or fat)
363 Turkey, tom, thigh, meat, roasted
362.5 Hạt hướng dương rang
362 Milk, cow, powder, whole, unfortified
362 Turkey, all classes, meat and skin, roasted
361.66700000000003 Thịt ngựa, hầm
361 Tamarind, leaves, dried
361 Lamb's Lettuce
361 Corn Salad
361 Turkey, hen, dark meat only, roasted
361 Turkey, hen, leg, meat only, roasted
360 Ostrich meat, boiled (without salt), drained
360 Vừng (đen, trắng)
359.70099999999996 Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, luộc
359.70099999999996 Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, hấp
359.70099999999996 Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, chần
359 Beef kidney, stewed (as part of a recipe)
359 Beef kidney, boiled (without salt), drained
359 Turkey, broiler, meat and skin, roasted
359 Turkey, tom, meat and skin, roasted
358 Turkey, all classes, drumstick, meat and skin, roasted
358 Chicken, light meat with skin, boiled (without salt), drained
358 Beef meat, moderately fat, ca. 20% fat, boiled (without salt), drained
358 Chicken, light meat without skin, grilled (without salt or fat)
357.971 Thịt lợn, mông, rim
357 Turkey, broiler, leg, meat and skin, roasted
356.522 Thịt gà công nghiệp, chiên, rán giòn
356.522 Thịt gà ta, chiên, rán giòn
356.522 Thịt gà ta, chiên, rán ngập dầu
356.522 Thịt gà công nghiệp, chiên, rán ngập dầu
354 Pork meat, moderately fat, ca. 20% fat, boiled (without salt), drained
354 Pork meat, moderately fat, ca. 20% fat, stewed (as part of a recipe)
354 Turkey, tom, leg, meat and skin, roasted
353 Beef kidney, grilled (without salt or fat)
352 Barracuda, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
351.724 Thịt ngỗng, nướng
351 Lamb liver, boiled (without salt), drained
350 Ostrich meat, grilled (without salt or fat)
350 Turkey, all classes, leg, meat and skin, roasted
349.254 Thịt bò loại I, luộc
349.254 Thịt bò loại I, hấp
349 Chicken, light meat with skin, grilled (without salt or fat)
349 Turkey, broiler, thigh, meat and skin, roasted
348 Game meat, native, caribou (reindeer), meat, raw
348 Turkey, all classes, breast, meat and skin, roasted
348 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dried
348 Sò, nướng
348 Shrimp, penaeid, flesh, raw
348 Sò, hấp
348 Hạt hướng dương
348 Game meat, caribou, raw
348 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dried
347 Turkey, tom, dark meat and skin, roasted
347 Hạt điều khô, chiên dầu
347 Turkey, broiler, dark meat and skin, roasted
347 Turkey, hen, thigh, meat and skin, roasted
346 Turkey, hen, drumstick, meat only, roasted
345 Turkey, all classes, thigh, meat and skin, roasted
344.737 Cá ngừ, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
344.737 Cá ngừ, chiên giòn
344 Guinea fowl meat, stewed (as part of a recipe)
344 Turkey, all classes, back, meat only, roasted
343 Chicken liver, boiled (without salt), drained
343 Turkey, all classes, dark meat and skin, roasted
341.667 Thịt gà ta, hấp
341.667 Thịt gà công nghiệp, hấp
341.667 Thịt gà ta, luộc
341.667 Thịt gà công nghiệp, luộc
341.37899999999996 Thịt gà tây, nướng
341.096 Thịt trâu, rán
341.096 Thịt bò, vai, rán
341 Thịt chim cút
340.519 Thịt vịt, lườn, hầm
340 Verdolaga
340 Purslane
340 Gan lợn
340 Turkey, hen, leg, meat and skin, roasted
340 Turkey, tom, thigh, meat and skin, roasted
339 Chicken, dark meat without skin, stewed (as part of a recipe)
339 Pork meat, lean, ca. 10% fat, stewed (as part of a recipe)
338.462 Gan vịt, luộc
338 Bayad, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
337.929 Thịt trâu, kho, om
337.929 Thịt bò, vai, rim
337.929 Thịt bò, vai, kho/ om
337.929 Thịt trâu, rim
337.25 Green Gram
337.25 Mungbean
337 Thịt thỏ nhà
337 Turkey, hen, dark meat and skin, roasted
336.154 Thịt lợn nạc, hầm
336 Tuna, canned in oil, drained
336 Goat meat, moderately fat, ca. 10% fat, boiled (without salt), drained
335 Oat bran, raw
335 Tuna, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
335 Grains, oat bran, dry
335 Turkey, all classes, ground, cooked
334.247 Thịt bò, bắp, rán
334 Beef liver, boiled (without salt), drained
333.857 Thịt gà ta, kho
333.857 Thịt gà công nghiệp, kho
332.1 Groundnut
332 Shiny-nose, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
332 Thịt trâu, chần
332 Thịt bò, vai, nướng
331.14300000000003 Thịt bò, bắp, rim
331.14300000000003 Thịt bò, bắp, kho, om
331.061 Thịt lợn nạc, kho
330.137 Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, rán
329.11400000000003 Thịt lợn, mông, rán
329 Pork meat, moderately fat, ca. 20% fat, grilled (without salt or fat)
329 Rabbit meat, raw
328 Beef meat, lean, ca. 5% fat, boiled (without salt), drained
328 Turkey, hen, drumstick, meat and skin, roasted
328 Turkey, hen, wing, meat and skin, roasted
327.8 Cow Cabbage
327.8 Collards
327.8 Spring-Heading Cabbage
327.8 Tree Kale
327.8 Tall Kale
327.5 Cá ngừ, nướng
327.071 Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, rim
327.071 Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, kho, om
326.471 Tim lợn, luộc
326 Seeds, pumpkin and squash seeds, whole, roasted, with salt added
326 Seeds, pumpkin and squash seeds, whole, roasted, without salt
326 Goat meat, moderately fat, ca. 10% fat, grilled (without salt or fat)
326 Seeds, pumpkin and squash seeds, whole, roasted
326 Seeds, pumpkin and squash seeds, whole, roasted, salted
325.33299999999997 Thịt bò, bắp, nướng
325 Pignolia
325 Italian Stone Pine
324 Anchovy, canned in oil, drained
324 Turkey, tom, wing, meat and skin, roasted
323.75 Cauliflower
323.457 Cá ngừ, xào
323 Đậu đũa, hạt
323 Trứng cá muối
323 Turkey, all classes, wing, meat and skin, roasted
322.5 White Lupine
321.5 Pumpkin
321.33299999999997 Thịt bò, lưng, nạc và mỡ, nướng
321 Cheese, hard type, from goat’s milk
320.6 Chinese Cabbage
320.6 Celery Mustard
320.6 Bok-Choy
320.6 Pak-Choi
320.6 Chinese Mustard
320.6 Celery Cabbage
320.6 Chinese White Cabbage
320.548 Thịt bò loại I, rán
320 Đậu trắng (Đậu Tây), hạt
320 Mahi mahi, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
320 Turkey, all classes, back, meat and skin, roasted
319.767 Bột lạc
318.7 French Bean
318.7 Flageolet Bean
318.7 Haricot Vert
318.7 Green Bean
318.7 Popping Bean
318.7 String Bean
318.7 Kidney Bean
318.7 Field Bean
318.7 Dwarf Bean
318.7 Haricot
318.7 Haricot Bean
318.7 Pop Bean
318.7 Wax Bean
318.7 Garden Bean
318.7 Black Bean
318.7 Snap Bean
318.7 Navy Bean
318.421 Cá hồi, chiên ngập dầu
318.421 Cá hồi, chiên giòn
318 Turkey, broiler, wing, meat and skin, roasted
317.57099999999997 Thịt bò loại I, kho, om
317.57099999999997 Thịt bò loại I, rim
317 Grains, wheat germ, crude
317 Wheat germ, crude
317 Guinea fowl meat, boiled (without salt), drained
316.667 Thịt lợn nạc, rim
315.789 Cá mòi (cá sardin), chiên giòn
315.789 Cá mòi (cá sardin), chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
315.663 Cá ngừ, luộc
315.663 Cá ngừ, hấp
313.846 Lòng gà (cả bộ), xào
313.846 Lòng gà (cả bộ), luộc
313 Dam bông l?n
312.5 Lạc rang
312 Chicken, dark meat without skin, boiled (without salt), drained
312 Thịt bò loại I, nướng
311.59999999999997 Thịt gà ta, hầm
311.59999999999997 Thịt gà công nghiệp, hầm
310 Tuna, fillet, steamed (without salt)
310 Tuna, fillet, boiled (as part of a recipe)
309 Sea snail/whelk, flesh, raw
309 Guinea fowl meat, grilled (without salt or fat)
309 Lamb liver, stewed (as part of a recipe)
309 Mollusks, whelk, unspecified, raw
309 Mollusks, whelk, unspecified, raw
308 Melon seed, small, flat, kernel only, dried, raw
307.284 Cá ngừ, kho
306.452 Sườn lợn, nướng
306 Goat, raw
306 Th?t dê, n?c
306 Tuna, canned in water, drained
306 Th?t dê, n?a m?
306 Game meat, goat, raw
304 Chicken, dark meat without skin, grilled (without salt or fat)
303 White grouper, fillet, boiled (as part of a recipe)
303 Crocodile meat, raw
303 White grouper, fillet, steamed (without salt)
302.632 Cá nạc, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
302.632 Cá nạc, chiên giòn
302.5 Cá hồi, nướng
302.4 Lima Bean
302.4 Butter Bean
302 Chicken liver, stewed (as part of a recipe)
302 Beef meat, moderately fat, ca. 20% fat, stewed (as part of a recipe)
301 Pork, liver, raw
301 Atlantic horse mackerel, wild, fillet without skin, boiled (as part of a recipe)
301 Atlantic horse mackerel, wild, fillet without skin, steamed (without salt)
301 Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, liver, raw
300.833 Thịt bò, lưng, nạc, hầm
300 Lạc hạt
300 Pork, cured, ham, whole, separable lean only, roasted
300 Barleygrass
300 Wheat
300 Cá mòi (cá sardin), nướng
300 Pork, cured, ham, whole, lean
299 Pork, cured, ham, shoulder, arm picnic, lean, roasted
299 Pork, cured, shoulder, arm picnic, separable lean only, roasted
298.851 Tr?ng v?t, rán
298.765 Cá hồi, xào
298 Beef meat, moderately fat, ca. 20% fat, grilled (without salt or fat)
298 Crab, flesh (body and claw), grilled (without salt or fat)
297 African carp, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
297 Wheat, bran, raw
296.296 Cá mòi (cá sardin), xào
296.053 Cá thu đao, chiên ngập dầu
296.053 Cá thu đao, chiên giòn
296 Turkey, broiler, breast, meat only, raw
296 Cowpea, leaves, dried
295.65200000000004 Thịt ngỗng, chiên, rán ngập dầu
295.65200000000004 Thịt ngỗng, chiên, rán giòn
295.5 Pea Bean
295.5 Asparagus Bean
295.5 Yardlong Bean
295.231 Thịt lợn nửa nạc, nửa mỡ, hầm
295 Crab, flesh (body and claw), steamed (without salt)
295 Broadbean
295 Habas
295 Faba Bean
295 Crab, flesh (body and claw), boiled (as part of a recipe)
294 Black-eyed peas (cowpeas), catjang, raw
294 Cowpeas, catjang, mature seeds, raw
294 Mackerel, fillet, steamed (without salt)
294 Beef liver, stewed (as part of a recipe)
294 Mackerel, fillet, boiled (as part of a recipe)
294 Turkey, hen, breast, meat only, raw
294 Turkey, broiler, light meat only, raw
293.906 Thịt gà tây, hầm
293 Bột ca cao
293 North African catfish, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
293 Fish, roe, mixed species, raw
293 Fish, roe, mixed species, raw
292.917 Thịt bò, mông, hầm
292 Barracuda, fillet, steamed (without salt)
292 Barracuda, fillet, boiled (as part of a recipe)
292 Hibiscus seed, red, dried, raw
292 Lamb/mutton meat, lean, ca. 10% fat, raw
291.566 Cá hồi, luộc
291.566 Cá hồi, hấp
291.13899999999995 Thịt lợn nạc, rán
290.75800000000004 Thịt lợn nửa nạc, nửa mỡ, kho
290 Carp, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
289.157 Cá mòi (cá sardin), luộc
289.157 Cá mòi (cá sardin), hấp
289 Lupins, mature seeds, raw
289 Springbok meat, raw
289 Game meat, boar, wild, raw
289 Game meat, boar, wild, raw
289 Lupins, raw
289 Turkey, all classes, breast, meat only, raw
288.889 Tr?ng v?t, ch?n
288.889 Tr?ng v?t lu?c
288 Thịt thỏ rừng
288 Turkey, hen, light meat only, raw
288 Game meat, rabbit, wild, raw
288 Game meat, native, rabbit, wild, raw
287.5 Cá nạc, nướng
287.143 Thịt bê nạc, hấp
287.143 Thịt bê nạc, luộc
287 Hạt điều
286.957 Thịt gà tây, chiên, rán giòn
286.957 Thịt gà tây, chiên, rán ngập dầu
286 Lamb liver, grilled (without salt or fat)
286 Catfish, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
286 Chicken giblets, boiled (without salt), drained
286 Perch, Nile, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
286 Turkey, all classes, light meat only, raw
285.714 Tr?ng v?t, xào
285.526 Cá đối, chiên giòn
285.526 Cá đối, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
285 Cá nục, nướng
284.286 Thịt bê, mỡ, nấu canh
284.286 Thịt bê mỡ, hấp
284.286 Thịt bê, mỡ, luộc
284 Camel meat, boiled (without salt), drained
284 Turkey, broiler, wing, meat only, raw
283.951 Cá nạc, xào
283.827 Cá hồi, kho
283.333 Thịt ngỗng, luộc
282.6 Lentil
282.432 Bầu dục lợn, luộc
282 Chicken giblets, grilled (without salt or fat)
282 Chicken giblets, stewed (as part of a recipe)
282 Wheat bran, crude
282 Anchovy, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
282 Grains, wheat bran, crude
281.5 Breadfruit
281.481 Cá nục, xào
281.481 Cá mòi (cá sardin), kho
281.25 Cá thu đao, nướng
281 Bayad, fillet, steamed (without salt)
281 Bayad, fillet, boiled (as part of a recipe)
280.80899999999997 Thịt bê nạc, rim
280.282 Tim gà, luộc
280 Mormyrid, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
280 Chicken liver, grilled (without salt or fat)
280 Thịt bê nửa mỡ, luộc
280 Gan bò
279 Chicken, light meat without skin, raw
279 Turkey, broiler, breast, meat and skin, raw
279 Turkey, hen, breast, meat and skin, raw
278.116 Th?t l?n n?a n?c, n?a m?, rim
278.015 Thịt bê mỡ, rim
278 Cua b?
278 Cua b?, h?p
278 Th?t cua, n?u canh
278 Th?t cua
278 Chorizo, pork and beef
277.778 Cá thu đao, xào
277.692 Sườn lợn, hầm
277.108 Cá nạc, luộc
277.108 Cá nạc, hấp
277 Beef meat, lean, ca. 5% fat, stewed (as part of a recipe)
277 Turkey, broiler, meat only, raw
276.857 Thịt ngỗng, kho
276 Th?t v?t, lu?n, s?ng
276 Shiny-nose, fillet, boiled (as part of a recipe)
276 Shiny-nose, fillet, steamed (without salt)
276 Turkey, tom, breast, meat only, raw
275 Turkey, tom, light meat only, raw
275 Peas, split, raw
275 Peas, green, split, mature seeds, raw
275 Thịt gà tây, luộc
275 Thịt gà tây, hấp
275 Đậu Hà lan, hạt
274.699 Cá nục, luộc
274.699 Cá nục, hấp
274.627 Thịt bò loại II, chần
274.627 Thịt bò loại II, hấp
274.627 Thịt bò loại II, luộc
274 Beef meat, lean, ca. 5% fat, grilled (without salt or fat)
274 Veal, liver, raw
274 Beef meat, ground, ca. 10% fat, stewed (as part of a recipe)
274 Beef meat, ground, ca. 10% fat, grilled (without salt or fat)
274 Veal, variety meats and by-products, liver, raw
274 Turkey, all classes, breast, meat and skin, raw
273.824 Thịt bê nửa mỡ, rim
273.563 Lòng đỏ trứng gà, rán
273.5 Opium Poppy
273.5 Poppyseed Poppy
273 Mullet, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
273 Ostrich meat, raw
273 Turkey, hen, meat only, raw
273 Turkey, tom, wing, meat only, raw
272.727 Tôm đồng, nướng
272 Chicken, light meat with skin, raw
272 Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, heart, cooked, braised
272 Beef liver, grilled (without salt or fat)
272 Pork, heart, braised
271.875 Mực tươi, nướng
271.875 Mực tươi, hấp
271.875 Mực tươi, chiên
271.875 Mực tươi, xào
271.25 Cá đối, nướng
271.084 Cá thu đao, hấp
271.084 Cá thu đao, luộc
271 Turkey, all classes, wing, meat only, raw
271 Turkey, all classes, meat only, raw
270 Sardine, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
270 Weet-Bix (breakfast cereal), unfortified
269.75300000000004 Cá n?c, kho
269 Creamnut
269 Brazilnut
269 Brazilnut-Tree
269 Paranut
269 Turkey, broiler, light meat and skin, raw
268.714 Thịt gà tây, kho
268.571 Lưỡi lợn, luộc
268 Thịt bồ câu ra ràng, chiên, rán
268 Thịt bê nạc, nướng
268 Thịt bồ câu ra ràng
268 Thịt bồ câu ra ràng, nướng
268 Pork, cured, ham, whole, separable lean only, unheated
268 Pork, cured, ham, whole, lean, bone-in, unheated
267.901 Cá đối, xào
267.407 Cá nục, kho
267 Turkey, all classes, dark meat only, raw
267 Turkey, hen, light meat and skin, raw
266 Turkey, broiler, drumstick, meat only, raw
266 Mahi mahi, fillet, steamed (without salt)
266 Thịt bê nửa mỡ, hầm
266 Mahi mahi, fillet, boiled (as part of a recipe)
265.441 Sườn lợn, rim
265.33299999999997 Thịt bê mỡ, nướng
265 Game meat, rabbit, domesticated, composite of cuts, raw
265 Game meat, horse, raw
265 False sesame, leaves, dried
265 Game meat, horse, raw
265 Game meat, rabbit, domesticated, composite cuts, raw
265 Turkey, all classes, light meat and skin, raw
264.865 Thịt bê nửa mỡ, chiên, rán
264.444 Lòng đỏ trứng gà luộc
264.444 Lòng đỏ trứng gà, chần
264.2 Brussels-Sprouts
264.2 Brussel-Sprout
264 Atlantic horse mackerel, wild, fillet without skin, grilled (without salt or fat)
264 Gan vịt
264 Chicken, dark meat with skin, stewed (as part of a recipe)
263.889 Sườn lợn, nấu canh
263.889 Cá thu đao, kho
263.158 Cá chép, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
263 Mungo beans, mature seeds, raw
263 Beef, variety meats and by-products, liver, raw
263 Lamb/mutton meat, moderately fat, ca. 20% fat, stewed (as part of a recipe)
263 Wiener (frankfurter), reduced fat
263 Turkey, tom, meat only, raw
263 Beans, mungo, raw
263 Beef, liver, raw
262 Turkey, tom, breast, meat and skin, raw
262 Cá ngừ
261.538 Lòng đỏ trứng gà, xào
261.446 Cá đối, luộc
261.446 Cá đối, hấp
261.33299999999997 Thịt bê nửa mỡ, nướng
261 Sardine, canned in oil, drained, with bones
260 Mung beans, mature seeds, raw
260 Th?t l?n, mông, s?ng
260 Tr?ng v?t
260 Mackerel, jack, canned in oil, drained
260 Beans, legumes, mung (green gram), raw
259.091 Tôm đồng, rim
259 Groundnut, JL 24 variety, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
258.40000000000003 Thịt ngỗng, hầm
258.065 Thịt lợn mỡ, nướng
258.025 Bầu dục lợn, xào
258 Mackerel, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
258 Wiener (frankfurter), reduced fat and sodium
257.5 Scotch Kale
257.5 Curly Kale
257.5 Kitchen Kale
257.5 Kale
257 Mutton, cooked, roasted (Navajo)
257 Turkey, tom, light meat and skin, raw
256 Đậu đen, hạt
256 Mustard, powder
256 Crab, flesh (body and claw), raw
256 Beans, black, mature seeds, raw
256 Beans, black, mature seeds, raw
255.69599999999997 Th?t l?n n?a n?c, n?a m?, rán
255 Crustaceans, crab, alaska king, raw
255 Turkey, hen, wing, meat only, raw
255 Jack bean, whole, dry, raw
255 Turkey, broiler, leg, meat only, raw
255 Turkey, hen, drumstick, meat only, raw
255 Crustaceans, crab, alaska king, raw
254.6 Th?t b? câu ra ràng, h?m
254.506 Cá d?i, kho
254 Pork meat, lean, ca. 10% fat, raw
254 Lima beans, large, mature seeds, raw
254 Beans, lima, dry, large, raw
254 Turkey, tom, thigh, meat only, raw
254 Turkey, broiler, meat and skin, raw
253 Turkey, hen, leg, meat only, raw
253 Salami, dry or hard, pork
253 Turkey, all classes, drumstick, meat only, raw
252.05499999999998 Thịt bò loại II, rán
252 Ground bean, dry, raw
252 White grouper, fillet, raw
252 Turkey, all classes, leg, meat only, raw
252 Turkey, tom, dark meat only, raw
252 Sesame seed, whole, dried, raw
252 Benniseed, dried, raw
252 Winged bean tuber, raw
252 Turkey, hen, thigh, meat only, raw
252 Winged beans (goa bean) tuber, raw
251 Turkey, broiler, dark meat only, raw
251 Turkey, all classes, thigh, meat only, raw
251 Turkey, hen, meat and skin, raw
251 Hạt dẻ cười
250 Egg, quail, raw
250 Cá thu, chiên giòn
250 Trai, luộc
250 Egg, quail, boiled (without salt)
250 Turkey, all classes, meat and skin, raw
250 Cá chép, nu?ng
250 Peanuts, all types, raw
250 Cá thu, chiên ngập dầu
250 Peanuts, all types, raw
249.714 Thịt bò loại II, rim
249.714 Thịt bò loại II, kho, om
249 Thịt bò, vai, sống
249 Th?t trâu
249 Game meat, buffalo, water, raw
249 Game meat, water buffalo, raw
249 Turkey, hen, dark meat only, raw
248.611 Gan gà, luộc
248.276 Thịt vịt, nướng
248 Cowpea, brown, dry, raw
248 Tuna, fillet, raw
248 Lima bean, dry, raw
248 Turkey, tom, leg, meat only, raw
247 Turkey, broiler, drumstick, meat and skin, raw
247 Turkey, broiler, thigh, meat only, raw
247 Lamb/mutton meat, moderately fat, ca. 20% fat, boiled (without salt), drained
247 Mola carplet, small whole fish, viscera, fins and scales removed, grilled (without salt or fat)
247 African carp, fillet, boiled (as part of a recipe)
247 Broadbeans (fava beans), mature seeds, raw
247 Broadbeans (fava beans), dry, raw
247 African carp, fillet, steamed (without salt)
246.914 Cá chép, xào
246 Th?t gà ta
246 Pork meat, fatty, ca. 40% fat, stewed (as part of a recipe)
246 Pork meat, fatty, ca. 40% fat, boiled (without salt), drained
246 Turkey, tom, meat and skin, raw
246 Th?t gà công nghi?p, s?ng
246 Cereal, ready to eat, Special K: Satisfaction, Kellogg's
245.333 Thịt bò loại II, nướng
244 Thịt bò, bắp, sống
244 Bean, white, dry, raw
243 Chicken, dark meat with skin, boiled (without salt), drained
243 Barracuda, fillet, raw
243 North African catfish, fillet, boiled (as part of a recipe)
243 North African catfish, fillet, steamed (without salt)
242.105 Cá trích, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
242.105 Cá trích, chiên giòn
242.1 Lambsquarter
242 Cá h?i
241.341 Đậu xanh đồ
241.1 Cashew
241 Guinea fowl meat, raw
241 Th?t bò, lung, n?c và m?
241 Carp, fillet, boiled (as part of a recipe)
241 Carp, fillet, steamed (without salt)
240.964 Cá chép, h?p
240.964 Cá chép, lu?c
240.23 Tr?ng chim cút, rán
240 Shrimp, palaemonid, flesh, boiled (as part of a recipe)
240 Shrimp, palaemonid, flesh, steamed (without salt)
240 Camel meat, stewed (as part of a recipe)
240 Cá mòi (cá sardin)
240 Lamb/mutton meat, moderately fat, ca. 20% fat, grilled (without salt or fat)
239 Turkey, tom, thigh, meat and skin, raw
239 Groundnut, Manipintar variety, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
239 Turkey, tom, drumstick, meat only, raw
238 Pork, cured, ham, boneless, mini ham-half, regular (11% fat), roasted
238 Pork, cured, ham, boneless, regular (approximately 11% fat), roasted
238 Lòng đỏ trứng gà
238 Perch, Nile, fillet, steamed (without salt)
238 Perch, Nile, fillet, boiled (as part of a recipe)
237.5 Trai, hầm
237.5 Cá thu, nướng
237 Chicken, dark meat with skin, grilled (without salt or fat)
237 Catfish, fillet, boiled (as part of a recipe)
237 Camel meat, grilled (without salt or fat)
237 Catfish, fillet, steamed (without salt)
237 Lamb, domestic, composite of trimmed retail cuts, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/4" fat, choice, raw
237 Lamb, composite of trimmed retail cuts, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/4" fat, choice, raw
237 Chicken, dark meat without skin, raw
237 Pigeonpea
237 Nuts, cashew nuts, dry roasted, without salt added