Foods containing Thiamin

Day: Current Food Plan
1 teaspoon = 5 gm / .17 oz 1 tablespoon = 15 gm / .5 oz 1 oz = 30 gm 1 cup = 240 gm / 8 oz 1 pound = 454 gm / 16 oz
mg per 100 grams Significant Amount Food Serving Size Typical Serving
1533 🏆 Fish, gutted, frozen,Rhamphochromis esox, (Mcheni wafuleshi)
1500 🏆 Paprika
1400 🏆 Peanut
1150 🏆 Barley
900 🏆 Watermelon
12 Oz/ 340gm
889 🏆 Fish, whole, fresh, Oreochromislidole, (Chambo cha fuleshi)
805.0000000000001 🏆 Oats
800 🏆 Fennel
800 🏆 Tangerine
700 🏆 Pineapple
700 🏆 Cumin
657 🏆 Star fruit
600 🏆 Lemon
600 🏆 Grapefruit
566.6666666666667 🏆 Tamarind
500 🏆 Sour cherry
500 🏆 Custard apple
490.00000000000006 🏆 Rhubarb
440.00000000000006 🏆 Muskmelon
440.00000000000006 🏆 Melon
440.00000000000006 🏆 Cantaloupe
400 🏆 Caraway
400 🏆 Pomegranate
400 🏆 Chayote
400 🏆 Guava
400 🏆 Saffron
350 🏆 Nutmeg
330 🏆 Papaya
300 🏆 Gooseberry
300 🏆 Lime
300 🏆 Horseradish
260 🏆 Almond
260 🏆 Mango
250 🏆 American cranberry
200 🏆 Cardamom
180 🏆 Loquat
127 Mushroom, indigenous, raw,Termitomyces letestui, (Bowawautale)
100 Kiwi
100 Chinese cinnamon
64 Boscia Senegalensis (Hanza)/Ndiandam (boiled)
60 Tamarind, fruit, dry, raw
23.375 Yeast extract spread
23.375 Yeast extract spread
23.375 Yeast extract spread
22.778 Spread, yeast, vegemite
11.046 Meat stick, chicken/turkey, refrigerated
11 Baker's yeast, dehydrated
11 Spread, yeast, marmite
10.99 Leavening agents, yeast, baker's, active dry
10.99 Leavening agents, yeast, baker's, active dry
10.99 Leavening agent, yeast, baker's, active, dry
10.1 WORTHINGTON Stripples, frozen, unprepared
9.7 Yeast extract, Marmite
8.06 Formulated bar, POWER BAR, chocolate
8.06 Formulated bar, POWER BAR, chocolate
6.288 Cereals ready-to-eat, USDA Commodity Corn and Rice (includes all commodity brands)
6.019 Cereal, ready to eat, Honey Nut O's, Selection
5.8 Yeast, dried
5.8 Black Cohosh
5.8 Black Snakeroot
5.18 Soup, cream of vegetable, dry, powder
5.18 Soup, cream of vegetable, dry, powder
5.18 Soup, cream, vegetable, dehydrated
5.1 Spirulina
4.8 Yellow Gentian
4.8 Gentian
4.713 Cereals ready-to-eat, RALSTON Enriched Wheat Bran flakes
4.7 Ma Huang
4.7 Chinese Ephedra
4.483 Cereals ready-to-eat, RALSTON Corn Flakes
4.4 Bacon, meatless
4.383 Babyfood, cereal, wheat, with milk powder and fruit, dry
4.365 Pataste
4.365 Nicaraguan Cacao
4 Luncheon slices, meatless
4 WORTHINGTON Prosage Links, frozen, unprepared
3.97 Babyfood, cereal, rice, with bananas, dry
3.97 Babyfood, cereal, wheat, with milk powder, dry
3.892 Babyfood, cereal, rice, with milk powder and fruit, dry
3.79 Babyfood, cereal, high protein, with apple and orange, dry
3.78 Babyfood, cereal, mixed, with bananas, dry
3.727 Cereal, ready to eat, Corn Flakes: Frosted, Compliments
3.696 Cereal, ready to eat, Sugar Crisp, Post
3.609 Cereal, ready to eat, 'All Bran' Bran Flakes, Kellogg's
3.524 Cereal, ready to eat, Special K: Satisfaction, Kellogg's
3.487 Cereal, ready to eat, Corn Flakes, Kellogg's
3.47 Babyfood, cereal, wheat, dry
3.394 Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Honey Nut Oat Bar
3.387 Babyfood, cereal, oat, with milk powder, dry
3.372 Cereal, ready to eat, Rice Krispies, Kellogg's
3.309 Babyfood, cereal, mixed grain, with milk powder, dry
3.3 Bael de India
3.3 Bael fruit
3.3 WORTHINGTON Smoked Turkey Roll, frozen, unprepared
3.3 WORTHINGTON Wham (roll), frozen, unprepared
3.3 WORTHINGTON Meatless Corned Beef Roll, frozen, unprepared
3.27 Babyfood, snack, biscuit, mixed grain
3.226 Babyfood, cereal, rice, dry
3.187 Seeds, sunflower seed flour, partially defatted
3.187 Seeds, sunflower seed flour, partially defatted
3.052 Malted milk, chocolate flavour, enriched powder
3 Bledina, Blédine croissance, Brioche, From 12 months
3 Bledina Blediner, My evening cereal, Sunshine vegetable (8+ months)
2.96 Cereal, ready to eat, Froot Loops, Kellogg's
2.956 Malted milk, natural flavour, enriched powder
2.949 Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Energy Bar, all flavors
2.932 Babyfood, cereal, rice, with milk powder, dry
2.918 Babyfood, cereal, rice, with yogourt, with fruit, dry
2.88 Wheat, bran, selected (Deya watiligu)
2.87 Cereal, ready to eat, Corn Flakes, Selection
2.8 WORTHINGTON FriPats, frozen, unprepared
2.8 Yeast, dry powder
2.8 Sauce, simmer for chicken, commercial
2.8 Breakfast cereal, mixed grain (wheat, oat & corn), extruded, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, C & folate, Ca & Fe
2.789 Babyfood, cereal, mixed grain, with milk powder and fruit, dry
2.771 Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, with honey, dry
2.753 Rice bran, crude
2.753 Grains, rice bran, crude
2.727 Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Chewy Chocolate Peanut Bar
2.717 Cereal, ready to eat, Raisin Bran, Kellogg's
2.711 Cereal, ready to eat, Special K, Kellogg's
2.66 Babyfood, cereal, mixed grain, with biscuit, milk powder and fruit, dry
2.651 Veggie burgers or soyburgers, unprepared
2.651 Veggie burgers or soyburgers, unprepared
2.651 Veggie / soy burger patty, unprepared
2.608 Cereal, ready to eat, Life Multigrains, Quaker
2.6 Asparagus
2.567 Breakfast cereal, whole wheat, biscuit, added vitamins B1, B2, B3 & folate, Fe & Zn
2.53 Seeds, sesame flour, partially defatted
2.53 Seeds, sesame flour, partially defatted
2.52 Cereal, ready to eat, Crispy Rice, Compliments
2.508 Cereal, ready to eat, Toasted Oats, Selection
2.507 Cereal, ready to eat, Corn Pops, Kellogg's
2.5 Macambo
2.486 Cereal, ready to eat, frosted Mini-Wheats (original, maple, brown sugar, strawberry), Kellogg's
2.467 Cereals ready-to-eat, GENERAL MILLS, CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH
2.46 Babyfood, cereal, mixed grain, with fruit, dry
2.448 Babyfood, cereal, oat, dry
2.434 Cereal, ready to eat, Frosted Flakes, Kellogg's
2.4 Girasol
2.4 Sunflower
2.38620689655172 Thịt ngan, nướng
2.383 Babyfood, cereal, mixed grain, dry
2.382 Cereal, ready to eat, All Bran Strawberry Bites, Kellogg's
2.38 Seaweed, spirulina, dried
2.36 Pasta mix, classic beef, unprepared
2.36 Pasta mix, classic beef, unprepared
2.36 Pasta mix, classic beef, unprepared
2.343 Sausage, meatless
2.343 Sausage, meatless
2.343 Meatless, sausage
2.33 Men bia khô
2.27 Cereals ready-to-eat, KELLOGG, KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN Original
2.21 Babyfood, cereal, barley, with milk powder, dry
2.154 Cereal, ready to eat, Oatmeal Squares, Quaker
2.143 Beverages, nutritional shake mix, high protein, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
2.12 Shepherd's Purse
2.106 Cereal, ready to eat, Just Right, Kellogg's
2.1 WORTHINGTON Dinner Roast, frozen, unprepared
2.089 Seeds, cottonseed flour, low fat (glandless)
2.089 Seeds, cottonseed flour, low fat
2.052 Cereals ready-to-eat, USDA Commodity Rice Crisps (includes all commodity brands)
2.05 Cereals ready-to-eat, RALSTON CRISP RICE
2.022 Cereal, ready to eat, Alpha-bits, Post
2.01375 Cá chim trắng, nướng
2.00579710144928 Thịt ngan, chiên, rán ngập dầu
2.00579710144928 Thịt ngan, chiên, rán giòn
2 Okra
2 High Mallow
1.995 Cereal, ready to eat, All Bran Buds, Kellogg's
1.98888888888889 Cá chim trắng, xào
1.963 Cereal, ready to eat, Selects, Cranberry Almond Crunch, Post
1.962 Cereal, ready to eat, Life, Quaker
1.955 Cereals ready-to-eat, GENERAL MILLS, KIX
1.949 Cereal, ready to eat, All Bran Original, Kellogg's
1.946 Cereals, QUAKER, corn grits, instant, plain, dry
1.946 Cereals, QUAKER, corn grits, instant, plain, dry
1.94096385542169 Cá chim trắng, luộc
1.94096385542169 Cá chim trắng, hấp
1.93 Incaparina, dry mix (corn and soy flours), unprepared
1.92222222222222 Thịt ngan, luộc
1.92222222222222 Thịt ngan, hấp
1.917 Cereals ready-to-eat, GENERAL MILLS, HONEY NUT CHEERIOS
1.903 Cereals ready-to-eat, KELLOGG, KELLOGG'S FROSTED FLAKES
1.9 Sow Thistle
1.9 Honey Buchu
1.9 Mountain Buchu
1.9 Cerraja
1.9 Buchu
1.9 Babyfood, cereal, soya, with fruit, dry
1.898 Cereal, ready to eat, Shreddies, honey, Post
1.89 Cereal, ready to eat, Honeycomb, Post
1.885 Cereal, ready to eat, Corn Bran Squares, Quaker
1.88421052631579 Cá chim trắng, chiên giòn
1.88421052631579 Cá chim trắng, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
1.882 Wheat germ, crude
1.882 Grains, wheat germ, crude
1.88 Leavening agents, yeast, baker's, compressed
1.88 Leavening agents, yeast, baker's, compressed
1.88 Leavening agent, yeast, baker's, compressed
1.875 Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Protein Performance Bar, Caramel Nut Rush
1.875 Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Protein Performance Bar, Caramel Nut Rush
1.871 Cereal, ready to eat, Special K: with Red Berries, Kellogg's
1.8333333333333333 Pea Bean
1.8333333333333333 Yardlong Bean
1.8333333333333333 Asparagus Bean
1.83 Sauce, Stroganoff, dehydrated
1.815 Cereal, ready to eat, Shreddies, Post
1.8100000000000003 String Bean
1.8100000000000003 Garden Bean
1.8100000000000003 Popping Bean
1.8100000000000003 Haricot Vert
1.8100000000000003 Wax Bean
1.8100000000000003 Field Bean
1.8100000000000003 Kidney Bean
1.8100000000000003 Haricot
1.8100000000000003 Pop Bean
1.8100000000000003 Dwarf Bean
1.8100000000000003 Green Bean
1.8100000000000003 Flageolet Bean
1.8100000000000003 Navy Bean
1.8100000000000003 Snap Bean
1.8100000000000003 Black Bean
1.8100000000000003 Haricot Bean
1.8100000000000003 French Bean
1.805 Cereal, ready to eat, Special K: Almond Vanilla, Kellogg's
1.8 Durian
1.8 Berro
1.79 Cá chim trắng
1.77 Cereals ready-to-eat, KELLOGG, KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES
1.77 Cereal, ready to eat, Weetabix, Weetabix
1.74 Cereals ready-to-eat, MALT-O-MEAL, GOLDEN PUFFS
1.737 Cereals ready-to-eat, GENERAL MILLS, LUCKY CHARMS
1.73 Thịt ngan
1.7 Sensitive Plant
1.7 Formulated bar, SLIM-FAST OPTIMA meal bar, milk chocolate peanut
1.7 WORTHINGTON Stakelets, frozen, unprepared
1.7 Formulated bar, SLIM-FAST OPTIMA meal bar, milk chocolate peanut
1.67 Cereals ready-to-eat, wheat germ, toasted, plain
1.67 Cereals ready-to-eat, wheat germ, toasted, plain
1.67 Grains, wheat germ, toasted, plain
1.65740740740741 Cá chim trắng, kho
1.644 Seeds, flaxseed
1.644 Seeds, flaxseed
1.644 Seeds, flaxseed (linseed), whole and ground
1.628 Snack, BALANCE, original bar
1.6 Baby cereal, maize, 6 months, dry
1.6 Instant breakfast, powder
1.595 Cereal, ready to eat, Life, Toasted Cinnamon, Quaker
1.587 Seeds, sesame butter, tahini, from unroasted kernels (non-chemically removed seed coat)
1.587 Seeds, sesame butter, tahini, unroasted kernels
1.57 Lamb, New Zealand, imported, liver, cooked, soaked and fried
1.563 Babyfood, finger snacks, GERBER, GRADUATES, PUFFS, apple and cinnamon
1.563 Babyfood, finger snacks, GERBER, GRADUATES, PUFFS, apple and cinnamon
1.543 Cereal, ready to eat, On Track, President's Choice
1.52 Cereals ready-to-eat, RALSTON Corn Biscuits
1.5 Cherry Pepper
1.5 Cone Pepper
1.5 Bell Pepper
1.5 Chaya
1.5 Sweet Pepper
1.5 Beverages, chocolate powder, no sugar added
12 Oz/ 340gm
1.5 Beverage, instant breakfast powder, chocolate, sugar-free, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
1.5 Green Pepper
1.5 Pork, fillet, fully-trimmed, baked, no added fat
1.5 Pork, fillet, lean, raw
1.5 Wheat germ
1.499 Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST Shake Mix, high protein, whey powder, 3-2-1 Plan,
12 Oz/ 340gm
1.48 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dried
1.48 Hạt hướng dương
1.48 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dried
1.475 Corn flour, masa, enriched, white
1.475 Corn flour, yellow, masa, enriched
1.475 Corn flour, masa, enriched, white
1.475 Grains, corn flour, masa, yellow, U.S. enriched
1.463 Cereal, ready to eat, Honey Bunches of Oats with almonds, Post
1.46 Cereals ready-to-eat, MALT-O-MEAL, Fruity DYNO-BITES
1.459 Babyfood, cookies
1.459 Babyfood, cookies
1.445 Salad dressing, thousand island, commercial, regular
1.445 Pea
1.445 Salad dressing, thousand island, commercial, regular
1.445 Salad dressing, thousand island, commercial, regular
1.442 Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST Shake Mix, powder, 3-2-1 Plan
12 Oz/ 340gm
1.431 Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, dry fortified
1.431 Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, dry fortified
1.43 Naturuy (Baby/infant cereal)
1.43 Babyfood, snack, biscuit, wheat with milk powder
1.404 Cereal, ready to eat, Honey Bunches of Oats (Honey Roasted), Post
1.402 Cereal, ready to eat, Cap'n Crunch, Quaker
1.4 Greek Clover
1.4 Babyfood, baked product, finger snacks cereal fortified
1.4 Pennywort
1.4 Groundnut
1.4 African star apple, fruit, raw
1.4 Greek Hay
1.4 Gotu Kola
1.4 Fenugreek
1.4 Bockshornklee (Ger.)
1.4 Escarole
1.4 Breakfast cereal, puffed or popped rice, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, C & folate, Fe & Zn
1.4 Alholva (Sp.)
1.4 Endive
1.4 Pork, butterfly steak, lean, grilled, no added fat
1.4 Pork, loin, tenderloin, lean, roasted
1.393 Babyfood, cereal, Oatmeal, dry, GERBER, SINGLE GRAIN, fortified
1.37 Breakfast cereal, whole wheat, biscuit, bran, added vitamins B1, B2, B3 & folate & Fe
1.37 Breakfast cereal, mixed grain (rice & wheat), flakes, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 & folate, Ca, Fe & Zn
1.3666666666666665 Soybean
1.364 Beverages, OVALTINE, chocolate malt powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
1.34 Corn flakes
1.339 Cereals, CREAM OF WHEAT, instant, dry
1.339 Cereals, CREAM OF WHEAT, instant, dry
1.327 Cereals ready-to-eat, GENERAL MILLS, CHEERIOS
1.323 Snacks, crisped rice bar, almond
1.323 Snacks, crisped rice bar, almond
1.309 Breakfast cereal, mixed grain (wheat & oat), flakes, apricot & sultana, added vitamins B1, B2, B3 & folate & Fe
1.305 Pork, butterfly steak, untrimmed, grilled, no added fat
1.3 LOMA LINDA Swiss Stake with Gravy, canned, unprepared
1.3 Dandelion
1.3 Pinyon Pine
1.3 Udo
1.3 Mustard powder
1.3 Margarine, Rama, brick
1.3 Pork, loin, tenderloin, lean, raw
1.3 Pork, loin, tenderloin, lean and fat, roasted
1.3 Pork, loin, tenderloin, lean and fat, raw
1.291 Soup, mushroom, dehydrated
1.28 Ready-to-use therapeutic food(RUTF), milk-free, soya, maize,sorghum (FSMS)
1.279 Tea, hibiscus
12 Oz/ 340gm
1.277 Chicken, meatless, breaded, fried
1.275 Seeds, hemp seed, hulled
1.272 Breakfast cereal, puffed or popped rice, cocoa coating, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, C & folate, Ca, Fe & Zn
1.271 Cereals, corn grits, white, regular and quick, enriched, dry
1.271 Cereals, corn grits, white, regular and quick, enriched, dry
1.27 Pigeonpea
1.256 Breakfast cereal, wheat bran, flakes, sultanas, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 & folate, Fe & Zn
1.252 Spices, coriander leaf, dried
1.252 Spices, coriander leaf, dried
1.252 Spices, coriander leaf (cilantro), dried
1.25 Cereals ready-to-eat, GENERAL MILLS, CHEERIOS, Yogurt Burst, strawberry
6 oz/ 170ml / 170gm
1.25 Pork, topside steak, lean, fried, no added fat
1.249 Pork, topside steak, untrimmed, fried, no added fat
1.23870967741935 Sườn lợn, nướng
1.223 Cereals ready-to-eat, POST, HONEY BUNCHES OF OATS, honey roasted
1.22 Seeds, sesame butter, tahini, from roasted and toasted kernels (most common type)
1.21 Peppermint
1.21 Lamb, New Zealand, imported, liver, raw
1.2 Black Nightshade
1.2 Peppers, sweet, green, freeze-dried
1.2 WORTHINGTON Prosage Roll, frozen, unprepared
1.2 Pork, loin, centre cut (centre steak), boneless, lean, broiled
1.2 Pork, topside steak, lean, raw
1.2 Pepper, sweet, red, freeze-dried
1.2 Breakfast cereal, flakes of corn, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, C & folate, Fe & Zn
1.2 Cow milk, powdered, whole, Laicran (red package)
1.2 WORTHINGTON Saucettes, canned, unprepared
1.2 Pork, round steak, lean, raw
1.2 Pito
1.2 Hyacinth Bean
1.2 Mexican Pinyon
1.2 Mugwort
1.2 Chives
1.2 Bonavist Bean
1.2 Lablab Bean
1.2 Peppers, sweet, red, freeze-dried
1.2 Baby cereal, mixed cereal, 7months, dry
1.2 Baby cereal, maize, 9 months,strawberry and banana flavor, dry(Nestum)
1.2 Pork, round steak, lean, fried, no added fat
1.2 Pork, loin, centre cut (centre steak), boneless, lean and fat, broiled
1.2 Pepper, sweet, green, freeze-dried
1.195 Babyfood, cereal, Rice, dry, fortified
1.195 Hạt macca
1.195 Nuts, macadamia nuts, raw
1.195 Babyfood, cereal, rice, dry fortified
1.195 Nuts, macadamia (bushnuts, queensland), raw
1.187 Spaghetti, protein-fortified, dry, enriched (n x 6.25)
1.187 Pasta, spaghetti, protein-fortified, enriched, dry
1.17 Oat bran, raw
1.17 Oat bran, raw
1.17 Grains, oat bran, dry
1.166 Babyfood, Multigrain whole grain cereal, dry fortified
1.16129032258065 Thịt lợn nạc, nướng
1.157 Fast foods, submarine sandwich, oven roasted chicken on white bread with lettuce and tomato
1.157 SUBWAY, oven roasted chicken sub on white bread with lettuce and tomato
1.15625 Hạt hướng dương rang
1.153 Snacks, KELLOGG, KELLOGG'S, NUTRI-GRAIN Cereal Bars, fruit
1.153 Snacks, KELLOGG'S, NUTRI-GRAIN Cereal Bars, fruit
1.15 Pigeon pea, green, boiled, Canjanuscajan, (Nandolo wamuwisi owilitsa)
1.15 Barleygrass
1.14 Parsnip
1.133 Noodles, egg, dry, enriched
1.133 Noodles, egg, dry, enriched
1.132 Pork, rump steak, untrimmed, fried, no added fat
1.13 Hyacinth beans, mature seeds, raw
1.13 Beans, hyacinth, raw
1.12903225806452 Thịt lợn, mông, nướng
1.12 Babylac, Wheat and milk, From 6 months
1.12 Ready-to-use therapeutic food(RUTF), milk, maize, soya, sorghum(MSMS)
1.12 Goa Bean
1.12 Asparagus Pea
1.12 Winged Bean
1.118 Pork, leg steak (round, rump, topside, silverside), lean, fried, no added fat
1.115 Pork, leg steak (round, rump, topside, silverside), lean, raw
1.115 Pork, leg steak (round, rump, topside, silverside), untrimmed, raw
1.11214285714286 Thịt ngan, kho
1.112 Pork, leg steak (round, rump, topside, silverside), untrimmed, fried, no added fat
1.106 Cereal, ready to eat, Muslix: Almond Raisin, Kellogg's
1.1 Pork, leg steak (rump), separable fat, raw
1.1 Pork, rump steak, untrimmed, raw
1.1 Cassie
1.1 Teaplant
1.1 Broomweed
1.1 Great Burdock
1.1 Opopanax
1.1 Huisache
1.1 Sweet Acacia
1.1 Taro
1.1 Brussels-Sprouts
1.1 Burdock
1.1 Brussel-Sprout
1.1 Gobo
1.1 Popinac
1.1 Ovaltine powder, fortified
1.1 Vegetarian fillets
1.1 Wheat flour, white, fortified with iron, zinc, folic acid and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B12 (Liberia)
1.1 Wheat flour, white, fortified with iron, zinc, folic acid and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B12 (Ghana, Sierra Leone)
1.1 Pork, rump steak, lean, fried, no added fat
1.1 Pork, rump steak, lean, raw
1.1 Pork, loin, centre cut (centre steak), boneless, lean and fat, raw
1.1 African locust bean, fruit, raw
1.1 BMS, follow-up formula, Nan 2powder
1.091 Noodles, egg, spinach, enriched, dry
1.09 Bacon, shortcut, as purchased without rind, fried, no added fat
1.088 Flour, soya
1.088 Soy flour, low-fat
1.088 Soy flour, low fat
1.087 Crackers, cheese, reduced fat
1.08 Jew's Mallow
1.08 Mulukiya
1.08 Nalta Jute
1.075 Water Lotus
1.071 Cereals ready-to-eat, GENERAL MILLS, RICE CRUNCHINS
1.069 Cereals, oats, instant, fortified, maple and brown sugar, dry
1.069 Cereals, oats, instant, fortified, maple and brown sugar, dry
1.06666666666667 Sườn lợn, nấu canh
1.06 Pork, loin cutlet, untrimmed, fried, no added fat
1.05 Pork, strips, untrimmed, fried, no added fat
1.04 Hoa chu?i
1.04 Macaroni and cheese dinner with dry sauce mix, boxed, uncooked
1.04 Babylac, Cereals, fruits & milk, From 6 months
1.04 Macaroni or noodles with cheese, microwaveable, unprepared
1.04 Macaroni and cheese dinner with dry sauce mix, boxed, uncooked
1.04 Parsley, freeze-dried
1.04 Parsley, freeze-dried
1.035 Pork, cured, ham, extra lean (approximately 4% fat), canned, roasted
1.032 Macaroni, vegetable, enriched, dry
1.03 Winged beans, mature seeds, raw
1.03 Beans, winged (goa beans), dry, raw
1.02 Pork, ground, medium, pan-fried
1.0199999999999998 Spinach
1.017 Pork, fresh, loin, whole, separable lean only, cooked, roasted
1.01103896103896 Thịt ngan, hầm
1.011 Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, fat-free, tub
1.01 Seed, sesame (sim sim) unsalted, dry, raw
1.009 Cereals, farina, enriched, assorted brands including CREAM OF WHEAT, quick (1-3 minutes), dry
1 Breakfast cereals, chocolate puffed/popped rice, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
1 Brazilnut-Tree
1 Nutribon (PKL), Infant milk cereal, Rice/soybean/milk, From 6 months
1 BMS, follow-up formula, Lactogen2 powder
1 BMS, follow-up formula, Lactogen3, powder
1 LOMA LINDA Tender Rounds with Gravy, canned, unprepared
1 Pork, ground, lean, pan-fried
1 LOMA LINDA Little Links, canned, unprepared
1 Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk Light, powder
1 Breakfast bar, corn flake crust with fruit
1 Sesamo (Sp.)
1 Cabbage
1 Breakfast cereals, puffed/popped corn, with honey, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
1 Aubergine
1 Summer Squash
1 Creamnut
1 Red Cabbage
1 Celery
1 Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk Light, powder
1 Nutribon (PKL) Farinor (Baby/infant cereal), Infant milk cereal: Strawberry (6+ mo)
1 Perejil
1 Cauliflower
1 White Cabbage
1 Eggplant
1 Bitter Melon
1 Tomato
1 Sorosi
1 Beni
1 Paranut
1 Brazilnut
1 Pokeweed
1 Barberry
1 Sesame
1 Jerusalem Artichoke
1 Verdolaga
1 Purslane
1 Benneseed
1 Ajonjoli (Sp.)
1 Waxgourd
1 Chả lợn
1 Breakfast cereal, wheat biscuits, Weetabix type
1 Cowpea, leaves, dried
1 Pork, leg, inside, boneless, lean, roasted
1 Pork, loin, rib roast, boneless, lean and fat, raw
1 Pork, loin, rib roast, boneless, lean, raw
1 Breakfast cereal, flakes of corn, fortified (iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and folate)
1 Pork, loin, centre cut (centre steak), boneless, lean, raw
0.998 Pork, fresh, loin, tenderloin, separable lean only, raw
0.998 Pork, fresh, loin, tenderloin, separable lean only, raw
0.99 Opium Poppy
0.99 Poppyseed Poppy
0.99 Puree de maman
0.99 African locust bean, flour from fruit
0.989 Pork, fresh, loin, whole, separable lean only, raw
0.988 Potatoes, mashed, dehydrated, flakes without milk, dry form
0.988 Potatoes, mashed, dehydrated, flakes without milk, dry form
0.988 Soup, beef noodle, dehydrated
0.988 Potato, mashed, flakes without milk, dry
0.97 Ready-to-use therapeutic food(RUTF), peanut, milk (PM)
0.967 Bread crumbs, dry, grated, plain
0.967 Bread, crumbs, dry, grated, plain
0.967 Bread crumbs, dry, grated, plain
0.961 Pork, cured, ham, extra lean and regular, canned, roasted
0.961 Bread crumbs, dry, grated, seasoned
0.961 Pork, cured, ham, extra lean and regular, canned, roasted
0.961 Bread, crumbs, dry, grated, seasoned
0.961 Pork, silverside steak, untrimmed, raw
0.96 Pork, silverside steak, lean, raw
0.96 Su?n l?n
0.96 Pork, leg, inside, boneless, lean and fat, roasted
0.95 Tahini, sesame seed pulp
0.95 Pork, fresh, loin, tenderloin, separable lean only, cooked, roasted
0.95 Chilli, dried
0.95 NAN, Optipro 3, From 1 to 3 years
0.95 Coriander
0.95 Cilantro
0.95 Chinese Parsley
0.95 Pork, fresh, loin, tenderloin, separable lean only, cooked, roasted
0.94 Sauce, simmer, curry flavoured, commercial
0.94 Pork, diced, untrimmed, fried, no added fat
0.94 Pea, yellow, whole, dried
0.938 Meatballs, meatless
0.9300000000000002 Anu
0.9300000000000002 Mashua
0.9300000000000002 Jack Bean
0.9300000000000002 Blue Cohosh
0.93 Salami, dry or hard, pork
0.93 Tr?ng cá
0.93 Pork, leg, inside, boneless, lean, raw
0.93 Pork, loin, rib roast, boneless, lean, roasted
0.926 Rice, white, long-grain, precooked or instant, enriched, dry
0.92 Pea, green, whole, dried
0.92 Pork, silverside steak, lean, fried, no added fat
0.911392405063291 Thịt lợn nạc, rán
0.91 Wheat Flour (refined/fortified/sifted packaged), raw
0.91 Garland Chrysanthemum
0.91 Tomato, powder
0.905 Snacks, granola bar, GENERAL MILLS, NATURE VALLEY, with yogurt coating
6 oz/ 170ml / 170gm
0.9 Beans, black, mature seeds, raw
0.9 Vegetarian meatloaf or patties
0.9 Gallito
0.9 Celery Mustard
0.9 Swede
0.9 Talewort
0.9 Bok-Choy
0.9 Chinese Cabbage
0.9 Pak-Choi
0.9 Mungbean
0.9 Chinese Mustard
0.9 Italian Stone Pine
0.9 Rutabaga
0.9 Coral Bean
0.9 Swedish Turnip
0.9 Chinese White Cabbage
0.9 Green Gram
0.9 Beebread
0.9 Beeplant
0.9 Pignolia
0.9 Water Spinach
0.9 Beans, black, mature seeds, raw
0.9 Celery Cabbage
0.9 Garden Sorrel
0.9 Th?t l?n n?c
0.9 Chives, freeze-dried
0.9 Swamp Cabbage
0.9 Borage
0.9 BMS, follow-up formula, Nan 3powder
0.9 Cowpeas, dry, raw
0.9 BMS, premature, whey-predominantformula, PreNan powder
0.9 BMS, acidified, follow-up formula,Nan Pelargon 2 powder
0.9 Beans, black, mature seeds, raw
0.9 Chives, freeze-dried
0.894 Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (chops), boneless, separable lean only, cooked, broiled
0.894 Pork, loin, rib steak (rib end), boneless, lean, broiled
0.892 Wheat flour, white, cake, enriched
0.892 Babyfood, cereal, barley, dry fortified
0.892 Meal replacement (cereal), ready to eat, Force Active, President's Choice
0.891 Pasta, dry, enriched
0.891 Pasta, dry, enriched
0.891 Deli-meat, salami (Genoa), dry cured
0.89 Pecan
0.89 Bread, from white Jackaroo flour, added fibre and vitamins B1 & folate & Fe
0.89 Pork, loin, rib roast, boneless, lean and fat, roasted
0.89 Bean, white, dry, raw
0.889 Pork, cured, ham, boneless, extra lean and regular, unheated
0.889 Pork, cured, ham, boneless, extra lean and regular, unheated
0.889 Pork, cured, ham, boneless, mini ham-half, extra lean and regular, unheated
0.886075949367089 Thịt lợn, mông, rán
0.88 Garden peas, dry, raw
0.88 Babylac, Wheat and honey, From 6 months
0.88 Prosciutto
0.879 Pork, cured, ham, extra lean and regular, canned, unheated
0.879 Pork, cured, ham, extra lean and regular, canned, unheated
0.879 Ham, lean, canned
0.875 Pork, fresh, leg (ham), whole, separable lean only, raw
0.875 Seed, sunflower
0.875 Th?t l?n, mông, s?ng
0.875 Pork, leg, whole, lean, raw
0.874 Soybeans, mature seeds, raw
0.874 Soybeans, dry, raw
0.873 Lentils, raw
0.873 Lentils, raw
0.873 Lentils, raw
0.872 Beverages, Whey protein powder isolate
12 Oz/ 340gm
0.87 Groundnut, rose, shelled, dried, raw (Benin)
0.87 Groundnut, Chinese, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
0.87 Groundnut, red, shelled, dried, raw (Benin)
0.87 Nuts, pistachio nuts, raw
0.87 Peanut/Groundnut, without shell, dried, raw
0.87 Groundnut, JL 24 variety, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
0.87 Groundnut, Manipintar variety, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
0.87 Groundnut, combined varieties, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana)
0.87 Bledina, Bledine, Garden vegetables, 6-36 months
0.87 Groundnut, dry, Arachis hypogae,(Mtedza wouma)
0.87 Groundnut, Sinkarzie variety, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
0.87 Pork, strips, untrimmed, raw
0.87 Hạt dẻ cười
0.87 Groundnut, F-mix variety, shelled, dried, raw (Ghana), n=1
0.87 Groundnut, shelled, dried, raw
0.87 Nuts, pistachio nuts, raw
0.86 Pork, round mini roast, lean, baked, no added fat
0.86 Pasta mix, classic cheeseburger macaroni, unprepared
0.86 Seed, sunflower, unsalted, dry, raw
0.86 Pasta mix, classic cheeseburger macaroni, unprepared
0.86 Pasta mix, classic cheeseburger macaroni, unprepared
0.86 Flour, groundnut, Arachis hypogaea,(Nsinjilo)
0.859 Grains, wheat flour, white, cake flour
0.857 Pork, loin chop, lean, BBQ'd, no added fat
0.857 Pork, round mini roast, untrimmed, baked, no added fat
0.856 Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (chops or roasts), boneless, separable lean only, raw
0.856 Pork, loin, rib steak (rib end), boneless, lean, raw
0.8550000000000001 Yuca
0.8550000000000001 Tapioca
0.8550000000000001 Cassava
0.854 Spices, poppy seed
0.854 Seed, poppy
0.854 Spices, poppy seed
0.853 Cowpeas, common (blackeyes, crowder, southern), mature seeds, raw
0.853 Black-eyed peas (cowpeas, crowder, southern), common, mature seeds, raw
0.85 Mata Raton
0.85 Beverage, instant breakfast powder, chocolate, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
0.85 Nut, ground nut, with skin, unsalted, dry, raw
0.85 Pork, round mini roast, lean, raw
0.85 Pea, split, dried
0.846 Cereals, oats, instant, fortified, with raisins and spice, dry
0.84 Pork, round mini roast, untrimmed, raw
0.84 PEPPERIDGE FARM, Goldfish, Baked Snack Crackers, Parmesan
0.84 Pork, butterfly steak, lean, raw
0.84 Pork, medallion or loin steak, lean, raw
0.84 Pork, leg, inside, boneless, lean and fat, raw
0.84 Pork, shoulder, butt (blade boneless), lean, roasted
0.838 Bread, from white Jackaroo flour, added fibre and vitamins B1 & folate & Fe, toasted
0.836 Pork, cured, ham, extra lean (approximately 4% fat), canned, unheated
0.836 Ham, extra lean, canned
0.833 PEPPERIDGE FARM, Goldfish, Baked Snack Crackers, Original
0.831 Pork, Shoulder petite tender, boneless, separable lean and fat, raw
0.8300000000000001 Butcher's Broom
0.8300000000000001 Lettuce
0.8300000000000001 Box-Holly
0.83 Wheat flour, white, fortified with iron and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 (Nigeria)
0.83 Pork, ground, lean, raw
0.8266666666666668 Elephant Garlic
0.8266666666666668 Kurrat
0.825 Jacinto (Sp.)
0.825 Ben Nut
0.825 Moringa
0.825 Benzolive Tree
0.825 West Indian Ben
0.825 Drumstick Tree
0.825 Horseradish Tree
0.825 Pork, loin chop, semi-trimmed, BBQ'd, no added fat
0.823 Tortillas, ready-to-bake or -fry, whole wheat
0.822 Spanish rice mix, dry mix, unprepared
0.822 Rice, spanish rice mix, unprepared
0.8200000000000001 Radish
0.82 Pork, cured, ham, regular (approximately 13% fat), canned, roasted
0.82 Pork, medallion or loin steak, lean, fried, no added fat
0.82 Pigeon pea, brown, dry, raw
0.82 Pigeon pea, dry, raw
0.82 Ham, regular (13% fat), canned
0.8199999999999998 Beetroot
0.8199999999999998 Garden Beet
0.8199999999999998 Beet
0.8199999999999998 Sugar Beet
0.818 Pork, leg roast, untrimmed, baked, no added fat
0.815 Pork, medallion or loin steak, untrimmed, fried, no added fat
0.813 Crackers, flavored, fish-shaped
0.813 Pasta mix, Italian four cheese lasagna, unprepared
0.812 Wheat flour, white, bread, enriched
0.811 Semolina, enriched
0.81 Mustard, powder
0.81 Yellow Dock
0.81 Sour Dock
0.81 Lengua De Vaca
0.81 Curly Dock
0.81 Nut, pistachio, raw, unsalted
0.805 Spices, mustard seed, ground
0.805 Spices, mustard seed, ground
0.805 Spices, mustard seed, yellow
0.8 Melolac, Baby cereal with milk, From 6 months
0.8 Pigeon pea, cream, dry, raw
0.8 BMS, whey-predominant formula,S-26 Gold 1 powder
0.8 Nestlé P'tite céréale (Baby/infant cereal), 5 grain (Stage 1)
0.8 Chicory
0.8 Dwarf Bilberry
0.8 Krosang fruit
0.8 Mandarin
0.8 Wild Eggplant
0.8 Llama
0.8 Achocha
0.8 Spur Pepper
0.8 Whortleberry
0.8 Chili
0.8 Red Chili
0.8 Witloof
0.8 Succory
0.8 Cayenne
0.8 Chocolate drink powder, Ovaltine
0.8 Coca
0.8 Bilberry
0.8 Susumba
0.8 Hot Pepper
0.8 Sage
0.8 Huaca-Mullo
0.8 Tabasco
0.8 Wheat
0.8 Indian Saffron
0.8 Turmeric
0.8 Leeks, (bulb and lower-leaf portion), freeze-dried
0.8 Flour, soya, low fat
0.8 Pork, cured, ham, steak, boneless, extra lean, unheated
0.8 Leeks (bulb and lower-leaf portion), freeze-dried
0.8 Pork, cured, ham, boneless, mini ham-half, extra lean (approximately 5% fat), unheated
0.8 Pork, shoulder, butt, blade (boneless), lean and fat, raw
0.8 Flour, soya, full fat
0.8 Baby cereal, mixed grain, 7 months,dry
0.8 Pigeon pea, white, dry, raw
0.798 Pork, medallion or loin steak, untrimmed, raw
0.7975 Garlic
0.796 Bread, from white flour, toasted
0.795 Grape
0.795 Vigne Vinifere (Fr.)
0.795 Vid (Sp.)
0.795 Parra (Sp.)
0.795 Wine Grape
0.795 European Grape
0.795 Weinrebe (Ger.)
0.795 Grapevine
0.791 Seeds, sesame seeds, whole, dried
0.791 Vừng (đen, trắng)
0.79 BMS, whey-predominant formula,Infacare Classic 1 powder
0.79 Pork, butterfly steak, untrimmed, raw
0.79 Nut, peanut, with skin, raw, unsalted
0.79 Cereals, QUAKER, Instant Oatmeal, Raisin and Spice, dry
0.79 BMS, whey-predominant formula,S-26 Classic 1, powder
0.79 Grains, wheat flour, white, bread flour
0.789 Pork, fresh, enhanced, loin, tenderloin, separable lean only, cooked, roasted
0.789 Pork, fresh, loin, tenderloin, separable lean only, with added solution, cooked, roasted
0.787096774193548 Thịt lợn nạc vai, nướng
0.785 Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, enriched, unbleached
0.785 Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, enriched, calcium-fortified
0.785 Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, enriched, bleached
0.781 Pork, loin chop, untrimmed, BBQ'd, no added fat
0.78 Indian, bread, naan
0.78 PEPPERIDGE FARM, Goldfish, Baked Snack Crackers, Explosive Pizza
0.78 Bread, naan, plain, commercially prepared, refrigerated
0.78 Flour, wheat, white, plain, added vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, E & folate & Fe, Mg & Zn (Jackaroo)
0.78 Muesli, toasted, added dried fruit & nuts, unfortified
0.78 Babyfood, cereal, ready to eat, 'O' shaped
0.78 BMS, whey-predominant formula,S-26 Comfort Gold, powder
0.775 PEPPERIDGE FARM, Goldfish, Baked Snack Crackers, Pizza
0.775 Beans, navy, mature seeds, raw
0.775 Beans, navy, raw
0.772 Beans, pink, raw
0.772 Beans, pink, mature seeds, raw
0.77 Daun Koki (Indones.)
0.77 Abiu
0.77 Chinese Wolfberry
0.77 Kaukichai (Malays.)
0.77 Chinese Matrimony Vine
0.77 Wolfberry
0.77 Gou Qi (Chin.)
0.77 Kuko (Jap.)
0.77 Spina Santa Cinese (Ital.)
0.77 Chinesischer Bocksdorn (Ger.)
0.77 Chinese Boxthorn
0.77 BMS, soy-based formula, Infasoy 1powder
0.77 Lyciet de Chine (Fr.)
0.77 Đậu Hà lan, hạt
0.77 Ground bean, dry, raw
0.768 Breadcrumbs, white
0.767 Pork, fresh, shoulder, whole, separable lean and fat, raw
0.766 Black Mustard
0.765 Men bia tươi
0.76 Oats, rolled, raw
0.76 Bread, pizza base, commercial
0.76 Cereals, CREAM OF WHEAT, 2 1/2 minute cook time, dry
0.76 Cucumber
0.76 Yam Pea
0.76 African Yam Bean
0.76 Jicaro
0.76 Oats, raw, (Maotsi)
0.76 Pork, leg roast, untrimmed, raw
0.76 Oat bran, unprocessed, uncooked
0.76 Pre Nan Stage 2