Foods containing Phosphorus, P

Day: Current Food Plan
1 teaspoon = 5 gm / .17 oz 1 tablespoon = 15 gm / .5 oz 1 oz = 30 gm 1 cup = 240 gm / 8 oz 1 pound = 454 gm / 16 oz
mg per 100 grams Significant Amount Food Serving Size Typical Serving
9918 🏆 Leavening agents, baking powder, double-acting, straight phosphate
9918 🏆 Leavening agents, baking powder, double-acting, straight phosphate
9918 🏆 Leavening agent, baking powder, double acting, phosphate
8410 🏆 Baking powder, dry powder
7240 🏆 Baking powder or raising agent
6869 🏆 Leavening agents, baking powder, low-sodium
6869 🏆 Leavening agent, baking powder, low sodium
2750 🏆 Soy lecithin
2730 🏆 Dagaa fish (omena), dried, raw
2368 🏆 Puddings, all flavors except chocolate, low calorie, instant, dry mix
2191 🏆 Leavening agents, baking powder, double-acting, sodium aluminum sulfate
2191 🏆 Leavening agents, baking powder, double-acting, sodium aluminum sulfate
2191 🏆 Leavening agent, baking powder, double acting, sodium, aluminium sulfate
1690 🏆 Yeast, dry powder
1680 🏆 Rice bran
1677 🏆 Rice bran, crude
1677 🏆 Grains, rice bran, crude
1660 🏆 Puddings, chocolate flavor, low calorie, instant, dry mix
1650 🏆 Seeds, hemp seed, hulled
1630 🏆 Beverages, Cocoa mix, low calorie, powder, with added calcium, phosphorus, aspartame, without added sodium or vitamin A
12 Oz/ 340gm
1630 🏆 Hot chocolate, low calorie, with aspartame, mix, powder, with added calcium and phosphorus, without added sodium or vitamin A
1630 🏆 Fish, lake sardine, whole, dried,Engraulicypris breianalis, (Usipawowuma)
1625 🏆 Babyfood, cereal, soya, with fruit, dry
1587 🏆 Seeds, cottonseed flour, low fat (glandless)
1587 🏆 Seeds, cottonseed flour, low fat
1554 🏆 Lemonade with artificial sweetener, powder
1525 🏆 Fish, whole, dried
1484 🏆 Pumpkin seed, kernel only, dried, raw
1474 🏆 Babyfood, cereal, oat, dry
1429 🏆 Beverages, nutritional shake mix, high protein, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
1400 🏆 Smelt, dried (Alaska Native)
1400 🏆 Fish, smelt, dried
1379 🏆 Babyfood, cereal, mixed grain, dry
1349 🏆 Whey, acid, dried
1349 🏆 Whey, acid, dried
1349 🏆 Whey, acid, dry
1345 🏆 Fish, catfish, dry, Clarius gariepinus,(Mlamba wouma)
1336 🏆 Sò dương, hấp
1336 🏆 Sò dương, luộc
1336 🏆 Sò dương, xào
1336 🏆 Sò dương, nướng
1332 🏆 Shrimp (crayfish), whole, dried
1321 🏆 Beverages, Protein powder whey based
12 Oz/ 340gm
1291 🏆 Men bia khô
1278 🏆 Fish, tilapia, whole, smoked, sundried, Oreochromis shiranus,(Chambo chowamba)
1272 🏆 Beverages, Protein powder soy based
12 Oz/ 340gm
1240 🏆 Dagaa fish (omena), dried, stewed (without salt)
1233 🏆 Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, dried
1233 🏆 Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, dried
1230 🏆 Cucurbitacea, seed
1174 🏆 Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, roasted, without salt
1174 🏆 Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, roasted, without salt
1174 🏆 Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, roasted, with salt added
1174 🏆 Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, roasted
1174 🏆 Seeds, pumpkin and squash seed kernels, roasted, salted
1164.47 🏆 Cá dầu, chiên giòn
1164.47 🏆 Cá dầu, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
1160 🏆 Sunflower seed, grilled, salted
1155 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dry roasted, without salt
1150 🏆 Cereals ready-to-eat, KELLOGG, KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN Original
1146 🏆 Cereals ready-to-eat, wheat germ, toasted, plain
1146 🏆 Cereals ready-to-eat, wheat germ, toasted, plain
1146 🏆 Grains, wheat germ, toasted, plain
1140 🏆 Seed, pumpkin, hulled & dried, unsalted
1139 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, oil roasted, without salt
1139 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, oil roasted, with salt added
1139 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, oil roasted
1139 🏆 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, oil roasted, salted
1106.25 🏆 Cá dầu, nướng
1100 🏆 Nutritional yeast
1100 🏆 Seed, pumpkin, hulled & dried
1092.59 🏆 Cá dầu, xào
1092 🏆 Nile perch, dry, raw
1074 🏆 Babyfood, cereal, oat, with milk powder, dry
1066.27 🏆 Cá dầu, luộc
1066.27 🏆 Cá dầu, hấp
1050 🏆 Fish, whole, smoked,Rhamphochromis ferox, (Mcheniowamba)
1050 🏆 Babyfood, cereal, barley, with milk powder, dry
1044 🏆 Babyfood, Snack, GERBER, GRADUATES, LIL CRUNCHIES, baked whole grain corn snack
1040 🏆 Sea lettuce (Enteromorpha sp.), dried or dehydrated
1040 🏆 Fourme d'Ambert cheese, from cow's milk
1040 🏆 Fish, whitefish, dried (Alaska Native)
1040 🏆 Egg, yolk, dried
1040 🏆 Egg, chicken, yolk, dried
1030 🏆 Wheat bran
1030 🏆 Wheat, bran, raw
1023 🏆 Pumpkin, leaves, dried
1016 🏆 Fish, catfish, smoked, Clariasgariepinus, (Mlamba wowamba)
1013 🏆 Grains, wheat bran, crude
1013 🏆 Wheat bran, crude
1013 🏆 Wheat bran, crude
1011 🏆 Milk, dry, nonfat, calcium reduced
1010 🏆 Milk, cow, powder, skimmed, unfortified
1000 🏆 Wheat bran, unprocessed, uncooked
1000 🏆 Milk, cow, powder, skim
1000 🏆 Milk, cow, powder, skimmed
995 🏆 Tôm khô, nấu canh
995 🏆 Tôm khô
985 Milk, dry, nonfat, instant, with added vitamin A and vitamin D
985 Milk, dry, skim, powder, instant
982 Cheese, processed product, cheddar, loaf
980 Sữa bột, tách béo
980 Lá l?t rán
980 Lá l?t
980 Egg yolk, powder
976 Steelhead trout, dried, flesh (Shoshone Bannock)
976 Fish, steelhead trout, meat, dried
968 Milk, dry, nonfat, regular, with added vitamin A and vitamin D
968 Milk, dry, nonfat, regular, without added vitamin A and vitamin D
968 Milk, dry, nonfat, regular, without added vitamin A and vitamin D
966 Milk, powder, skimmed
961 Cheese, processed product, cheddar, reduced fat, spread
950 Fish, cod, Atlantic, dried and salted
950 Fish, cod, Atlantic, dried and salted
950 Babyfood, cereal, mixed grain, with fruit, dry
950 Fish, cod (scrod), atlantic, dried and salted
942 Lake flies, dry, roasted, Chaoborusedulis, (Nkhungu zokazinga)
937 Cheese, processed product, cheddar, spread
933 Milk, buttermilk, dried
932 Whey, sweet, dried
932 Whey, sweet, dried
932 Whey, sweet, dry
931 Cheese spread, American or Cheddar cheese base, reduced fat
931 Cheese spread, American or Cheddar cheese base, reduced fat
928.704 Cá dầu, kho
913 Pancakes, buckwheat, dry mix, incomplete
913 Pancake, buckwheat, dry mix, incomplete, unprepared
913 Mola carplet, small whole fish, viscera, fins and scales removed, grilled (without salt or fat)
900 Hạt bí đỏ rang
893 Beverages, Cocoa mix, no sugar added, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
893 Beverages, Cocoa mix, no sugar added, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
893 Hot chocolate, with aspartame, mix, powder
885 Cá dầu
880 Spread, yeast, vegemite
875 Cheese spread, pasteurized process, American
874 Flour, wheat, wholemeal, self-raising
870 Spices, poppy seed
870 Seed, poppy
870 Spices, poppy seed
870 Cereal, ready to eat, All Bran Original, Kellogg's
867 Melon seed, small, flat, kernel only, dried, raw
860 Poppy, seed
860 Hạt chia khô
860 Seeds, chia, dried
860 Seeds, chia seeds, dried
860 Seeds, chia seeds, dried
860 Seeds, chia seeds, dried
859 Wheat, bran, selected (Deya watiligu)
857 Tangle (Laminaria digitata), dried or dehydrated
849 Babyfood, cereal, mixed grain, with milk powder and fruit, dry
843 Mola carplet, small whole fish, viscera, fins and scales removed, boiled (as part of a recipe)
842 Wheat germ, crude
842 Grains, wheat germ, crude
840 Processed cheese, in slices
839 Soy protein concentrate, produced by acid wash
839 Soy protein concentrate, produced by alcohol extraction
12 Oz/ 340gm
839 Soy protein concentrate (prepared with alcohol)
12 Oz/ 340gm
839 Soy protein concentrate (prepared with acid and water wash)
12 Oz/ 340gm
837 Cheese, processed, spreadable, shelf-stable (e.g. Laughing Cow)
836 Melon seed, kernel only, dried, raw
830 Seed, chia, dried
829 Milk, powder, semi-skimmed
829 Cheese product, pasteurized process, American, reduced fat, fortified with vitamin D
828 Spices, mustard seed, ground
828 Spices, mustard seed, ground
828 Spices, mustard seed, yellow
828 Mustard, powder
810 Milk, cow, powder, regular fat, added vitamins A & D
810 Milk, powder, whole
810 Milk, cow, powder, regular fat, unfortified
808 Fish, herring eggs, Pacific, dry (Alaska Native)
808 Fish, herring eggs, native, Pacific, dry
804 Cornmeal, white, self-rising, bolted, plain, enriched
804 Cornmeal, yellow, self-rising, bolted, plain, enriched
804 Puddings, banana, dry mix, instant
804 Dessert, pudding, banana, dry mix, instant, unprepared
803 Seed, sesame (sim sim) unsalted, dry, raw
800 Processed cheese, around 20% fat, in wedges or cubes
794 Fish, salmon, coho, wild, poached
791.154 Tép khô, rim
790 Cricket, dried, raw
790 Sữa bột, toàn phần
789 Pancakes, whole wheat, dry mix, incomplete
788 Beaufort cheese, from cow's milk
786 Bột trứng
784 Seal, bearded (Oogruk), meat, dried (Alaska Native)
784 Game meat, native, bearded seal, (oogruk), air-dried
782 Pancakes, whole-wheat, dry mix, incomplete
782 Pancake, whole-wheat, dry mix, incomplete, unprepared
782 Omena Stew
780 Wheat germ
780 Seaweed, nori, dried
779 Fish, salmon, pink (humpback), poached
776 Soy protein isolate (prepared with sodium)
776 Milk, dry, whole, with added vitamin D
776 Soy protein isolate
776 Milk, dry, whole, without added vitamin D
776 Milk, dry, whole, with added vitamin D
776 Soy protein isolate, potassium type
776 Soy protein isolate
776 Milk, dry whole
776 Soy protein isolate (prepared with potassium)
775 Seed, sunflower
774 Sesame seed, grilled, husked
773 Fish, salmon, coho, wild, raw
770 Egg, whole, dried
768 Cheese product, pasteurized process, American, vitamin D fortified
768 Cheese product, pasteurized process, American, vitamin D fortified
764 ốc nhồi, luộc
764 ốc nhồi, hấp
764 ốc nhồi, xào
764 ốc nhồi, nướng
762 Cheese, pasteurized process, swiss
761 Kombu or Japanese kelp (Laminaria japonica), dried or dehydrated
761 Tahini (sesame paste)
760 Peanut flour, defatted
760 Peanut flour, defatted
760 Cheese, romano
760 Peanut flour, defatted, salted
760 Cheese, romano
758 Cocoa, dry powder, hi-fat or breakfast, processed with alkali
758 Hot chocolate, cocoa, high fat or breakfast, processed with alkali, mix, powder
757 Cheese, processed product, cheddar, fat free, slices
755 Seeds, watermelon seed kernels, dried
755 Seeds, watermelon seed kernels, dried
754 Fish, salmon, pink (humpback), raw
752 Puddings, lemon, dry mix, instant
752 Dessert, pudding, lemon, dry mix, instant, unprepared
751 Hạt dưa hấu rang
750 Cocoa powder
750 Carragheen mosses (Chondrus crispus), dried or dehydrated
750 Milk, powder, full fat, vitamin A, Dand Fe enriched, (Mkaka ng'ombewa ufa)
749 Yeast, dried
745 Cheese, pasteurized process, cheddar or American, low sodium
742 Fish, salmon, chum (keta), poached
736 Lake sardine stew, with groundnutflour, (Usipa wotendera)
734 Cocoa, dry powder, unsweetened
734 Oat bran, raw
734 Cocoa, dry powder, unsweetened
734 Oat bran, raw
734 Sweets, cocoa, powder, unsweetened
734 Grains, oat bran, dry
734 Bột ca cao
733 Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, with honey, dry
733 Cereal, ready to eat, All Bran Buds, Kellogg's
732 Seeds, sesame butter, tahini, from roasted and toasted kernels (most common type)
730 Tahini, sesame seed pulp
730 Egg, powder
730 Milk, cow, powder, whole
730 Mustard powder
729 Cheese, parmesan, dry grated, reduced fat
729 Cheese, mexican, queso cotija
729 Cheese, dry, from goat's milk
729 Cheese, goat, hard type
729 Cheese, hard type, from goat’s milk
729 Cheese, parmesan, dry grated, reduced fat
729 Cheese, goat, hard, (less than 35% water, 36% M.F.)
728 Cocoa, dry powder, unsweetened, processed with alkali
728 Sweets, cocoa, powder, unsweetened, dutch process
726.316 Đậu tương, rang
725 Nuts, brazilnuts, dried, unblanched
725 Nuts, brazilnuts, dried, unblanched
725 Nuts, brazilnuts, dried, unblanched
724 Fish, salmon, chum (keta), raw
721 Puddings, coconut cream, dry mix, instant
721 Dessert, pudding, coconut, dry mix, instant, unprepared
720 Củ súng khô
717 Mola carplet, small whole fish, viscera, fins and scales removed, steamed (without salt)
709 Babyfood, baked product, finger snacks cereal fortified
706 Water Melon, Seed Kernel, Dry, Raw
705 Puddings, vanilla, dry mix, instant
705 Puddings, vanilla, dry mix, instant
705 Dessert, pudding, vanilla, dry mix, instant, unprepared
704 Soybeans, mature seeds, raw
704 Soybeans, dry, raw
703 Sesame seed, husked
702 Mushroom, dried, raw
701 Bran (average)
701 Soy meal, defatted, raw
701 Soy meal, defatted, raw
700 Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk Light, powder
700 Parmesan cheese topping, fat free
700 Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk Light, powder
700 Mola carplet, small whole fish, viscera, fins and scales removed, raw
700 Cheese, parmesan, dried, finely grated
696.935 Thịt lợn nạc vai, nướng
695 Processed cheese, around 8% fat, in wedges or cubes
694 Cheese, parmesan, hard
694 Cheese, parmesan, hard
690 Cocoa powder, without sugar, powder, instant
12 Oz/ 340gm
690 Sprat, blue, wild caught, flesh, skin & bones, fried, no added fat
690 Đậu tương (đậu nành), hạt
690 Sardine, Australian, whole, fried, no added fat
687.5 Hạt hướng dương rang
685 Breakfast cereal, wheat bran, pellets, added vitamins B1, B2 & folate, Fe & Zn
684 Fish, herring, Pacific, flesh, air-dried, packed in oil (Alaska Native)
684 Fish, herring, native, Pacific, air-dried, packed in oil
681 Comté cheese, from cow's milk
680 Biscuit, savoury, seed based
680 Melon seed, small, elongated, kernel only, dried, raw
680 Calabash nutmeg, seed, dried
680 Milk, cow, powder, whole, unfortified
678.545 cá quả khô
675 Pecorino cheese, from ewe's milk
675 Soy flour, low-fat
675 Flour, soya
675 Soy flour, low fat
674 Soy flour, defatted
674 Soy flour, defatted
673 Formulated bar, SLIM-FAST OPTIMA meal bar, milk chocolate peanut
673 Formulated bar, SLIM-FAST OPTIMA meal bar, milk chocolate peanut
670.172 Thịt ngan, nướng
670 Seed, sunflower, unsalted, dry, raw
667 Seeds, sesame seed kernels, dried (decorticated)
667 Seeds, sesame seed kernels, dried (decorticated)
667 Seeds, sesame seed kernels, dried, shelled
666 Infant formula, ABBOTT NUTRITION, SIMILAC, GO AND GROW, powder, with ARA and DHA
666 Seeds, sunflower seed butter, without salt
666 Seeds, sunflower seed butter, with salt added
666 Seeds, sunflower seed butter, with salt added (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program)
666 Seeds, sunflower seed butter, salted
666 Seeds, sunflower seed butter
660 Mimolette cheese, old, from cow's milk
660 Hạt hướng dương
660 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dried
660 Nut, brazil, raw or blanched, unsalted
660 Seeds, sunflower seed kernels, dried
658 Flour, soya, low fat
657.581 Thịt lợn nạc thăn, nướng
656 Cheese, mozzarella, nonfat
655.208 Vừng rang
654 Ruốc cá quả
651 Cornmeal, white, self-rising, bolted, with wheat flour added, enriched
651 Cornmeal, yellow, self-rising, bolted, with wheat flour added, enriched
650 Salmon, red (sockeye), filets with skin, smoked (Alaska Native)
650 Fish, salmon, chum, dried (Alaska Native)
650 Infant formula, MEAD JOHNSON, ENFAMIL, ENFAGROW, GENTLEASE, Toddler, LIPIL, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
650 Fish, salmon, red (sockeye), native, filets with skin, smoked
648 Cheese, parmesan, fresh, regular fat
643 Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk, powder
643 Beverages, ABBOTT, EAS whey protein powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
643 Protein supplement, milk based, Muscle Milk, powder
642 Seeds, flaxseed (linseed), whole and ground
642 Seeds, flaxseed
642 Seeds, flaxseed
641 Cheese, pasteurized process, American, fortified with vitamin D
641 Cheese, pasteurized process, American, without added vitamin D
641 Cheese, pasteurized process, American, without added vitamin D
637 Baker's yeast, dehydrated
637 Leavening agents, yeast, baker's, active dry
637 Leavening agents, yeast, baker's, active dry
637 Leavening agent, yeast, baker's, active, dry
636 Babyfood, cereal, rice, dry
635 Emmental cheese, grated, from cow's milk
634 Cheese, parmesan, grated
634 Groundnut flour, partially defatted
633 USDA Commodity, Bakery, Flour Mix Low-fat
632 Grains, rye flour, dark
631 Sesame seed, whole, dried, raw
630 Hard cheese (average)
630 Parmesan cheese, from cow's milk
630 Tea leaf
12 Oz/ 340gm
630 USDA Commodity, Bakery, Flour Mix
630 Babyfood, cereal, rice, with milk powder, dry
629 Seeds, sesame seeds, whole, dried
629 Egg, whole, dried
629 Hard cheese, emmental-type cheese, reduced fat
629 Vừng (đen, trắng)
629 Egg, chicken, dried, whole
628 Babyfood, cereal, mixed grain, with milk powder, dry
627 Oat bran
627 Sweetbread, calf, sautéed/pan-fried
627 Pancakes, plain, dry mix, incomplete (includes buttermilk)
627 Veal, variety meats and by-products, thymus, cooked, braised
627 Cheese, parmesan, grated
627 Pancakes, plain, dry mix, incomplete (includes buttermilk)
627 Veal, variety meats and by-products, thymus, cooked, braised
627 Cheese, Parmesan, dry grated
627 Pancake, plain (includes buttermilk), dry mix, incomplete, unprepared
627 Veal, thymus, braised
626.3 Instant breakfast, powder
626 Seeds, lotus seeds, dried
626 Seeds, lotus seeds, dried
625 Ant, flying, dried
623 Cornmeal, white, self-rising, degermed, enriched
623 Cornmeal, yellow, self-rising, degermed, enriched
623 Sausage, beef, grilled (without salt and fat)
620 Flour, wheat, white, self-raising
617.632 Cá chim, chiên giòn
617.632 Cá chim, chiên ngập dầu
614 Formulated bar, POWER BAR, chocolate
614 Formulated bar, POWER BAR, chocolate
611.494 Lòng đỏ trứng gà, rán
610 Emmental cheese, from cow's milk
610 Breakfast cereals, very rich in fibre, fortified with vitamins and chemical elements
609 Termite, Dry, Raw
609 Cheese, processed product, mozzarella, fat free, slices
608 Gruyere cheese, from cow's milk
607 Candies, halavah, plain
607 Candies, halavah (halvah), plain
606 Nấm hương khô
606 Nấm hương khô, nấu canh
605 Cheese, swiss, low sodium
605 Cheese, swiss, low fat
605 Cheese, gruyere
605 Cheese, Swiss, nonfat or fat free
605 Tép khô, nấu canh
605 Sesame seed
605 Cheese, swiss, low sodium
605 Cheese, gruyere
605 Cheese, swiss, low sodium
605 Tép khô, xào
605 Tép khô
605 Cheese, gruyere
603 Cheese, processed product, Swiss, fat free, slices
602 Bột đậu tương đã loại béo
601 Soya bean, Salintuya-1 variety, dry, raw (Ghana), n=1
600 Pancakes, plain, dry mix, complete (includes buttermilk)
600 Beans, kidney, dry, raw
600 Pancake, plain (includes buttermilk), dry mix, complete, unprepared
599.828 Thịt gà, ta, lườn, nướng
599.828 Thịt gà công nghiệp, lườn, nướng
596 Pancakes, special dietary, dry mix
596 Cheese food, pasteurized process, American, imitation, without added vitamin D
596 Paste, shrimp
596 Cheese food, imitation
595 Flaxseed
595 Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, self-rising, enriched
595 Grains, wheat flour, white, self-rising
593 Nuts, cashew nuts, raw
593 Cheese, processed product, cheddar, reduced fat, slices
593 Nuts, cashew nuts, raw
591.111 Lòng đỏ trứng gà luộc
591.111 Lòng đỏ trứng gà, chần
590 Processed cheese with fresh cream cheese and walnuts
590 Cheese, cheddar, natural, reduced fat (approximately 15%)
587 Sprat, blue, wild caught, flesh, skin & bones, raw
587 Mustard Seeds, Dry, Raw
586.75 Cá chim, nướng
586.129 Thịt lợn nạc mông, nướng
586 Game meat, dried, salted
586 Soybean, whole grain
585 Biscuits, plain or buttermilk, dry mix
585 Biscuit, plain/buttermilk, dry mix, unprepared
584.615 Lòng đỏ trứng gà, xào
584 Tsiswa (Termites)
583 Cheese, Mexican, blend, reduced fat
583 USDA Commodity, cheese, cheddar, reduced fat
583 Cheese, Mexican, blend, reduced fat
583 Cheese substitute, mozzarella
581 Beverages, Whey protein powder isolate
12 Oz/ 340gm
580 Beverages, coffee substitute, cereal grain beverage, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
580 Beverages, coffee substitute, cereal grain beverage, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
580 Coffee substitute, cereal grain beverage, powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
579.506 Cá chim, xào
578 Nut, cashew, dry, raw, unsalted
577 Soya bean, Anidaso variety, dry, raw (Ghana), n=1
577 Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, blanched
577 Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, blanched, salted
575 Nuts, pine nuts, dried
575 Nuts, pine nuts, dried
575 Cheese, edam
575 Nuts, pine nuts, pignolia, dried
575 Sardine, Australian, whole, raw
574 Cheese, swiss
574 Cheese, swiss
570 Abondance cheese, from cow's milk
570 Cheese, cheddar, natural, reduced fat (approximately 25%)
569 Flour, boiled soybean, (Ufa wa soya)
568 Caraway, seed
568 Spices, caraway seed
568 Spices, caraway seed
568 Firm cheese, around 14% fat, Maasdam-type cheese, reduced fat
568 Spices, caraway seed
567 Cheese, swiss (emmental)
566 Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Double Chocolate Nut Bar
566 Soya bean, Jenguma variety, dry, raw (Ghana), n=1
565.542 Cá chim, luộc
565.542 Cá chim, hấp
565 Cheese, Gouda, from cow’s milk
563.333 Thịt ngan, chiên, rán ngập dầu
563.333 Thịt ngan, chiên, rán giòn
563 Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST Shake Mix, high protein, whey powder, 3-2-1 Plan,
12 Oz/ 340gm
560 Flaxseed, brown
560 Nut, pine, raw, unsalted
559.7 Con trùng trục, luộc
559.7 Con trùng trục
559 Yardlong beans, mature seeds, raw
559 Beans, yardlong, mature seeds, raw
557 Amaranth grain, uncooked
557 Amaranth, raw
557 Grains, amaranth, raw
553 Crabs, boiled, (Nkhanu/Nkhalazowilitsa)
551.724 Thịt gà tây, nướng
551 Cod, salted, dried
550 Caribou, shoulder meat, dried (Alaska Native)
550 Lamb, New Zealand, imported, sweetbread, cooked, soaked and simmered
549 Whale, beluga, meat, dried (Alaska Native)
548 Parsley, freeze-dried
548 Cheese, mozzarella, low moisture, part-skim
548 Parsley, freeze-dried
547 Spices, celery seed
547 Spices, celery seed
547 Spices, celery seed
546.962 Thịt lợn nạc vai, rán
546 Firm cheese in wax casing
546 Cheese, gouda
546 Cheese, gouda
546 Gouda cheese, from cow's milk
546 Cheese, gouda
545.517 Thịt gà công nghiệp, đùi, nướng
543 Spices, dill weed, dried
543 Spices, dill weed, dried
541 Carp, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
540 Bột đậu tương rang chín
540 Coffee mix, with beverage whitener & sugar, dry powder
12 Oz/ 340gm
539.861 Thịt ngan, luộc
539.861 Thịt ngan, hấp
539 Babyfood, cereal, high protein, with apple and orange, dry
538 KFC, biscuit
537 Cheese, mozzarella, low moisture, part-skim, shredded
536 Soya bean, combined varieties, dry, raw (Ghana)
536 Edam cheese, from cow's milk
536 Cheese, edam
535 Trai, luộc
533 Cheese, mozzarella, low moisture, part-skim
533 Pork, cured, bacon, cooked, broiled, pan-fried or roasted, reduced sodium
533 Cereals ready-to-eat, RALSTON Enriched Wheat Bran flakes
533 Veal, variety meats and by-products, thymus, raw
533 Pork, cured, bacon, cooked, broiled, pan-fried or roasted, reduced sodium
533 Cheese, processed product, Swiss, slices
533 Pork, cured, bacon, reduced sodium, broiled, pan-fried or roasted
533 Veal, thymus, raw
532 Cheese, cheddar, from cow’s milk
532 Lòng đỏ trứng gà
531 Nuts, cashew nuts, oil roasted, without salt added
531 Nuts, cashew nuts, oil roasted, with salt added
531 Carp, roasted/baked
531 Nuts, cashew nuts, oil roasted
531 Nuts, cashew nuts, oil roasted, salted
531 Cheese, processed product, cheddar, slices
530 Imitation cheese, american or cheddar, low cholesterol
530 Asiago cheese, from cow's milk
530 Cashew nut, dry-grilled, unsalted
530 European pilchard or sardine, in olive oil, canned, drained
530 Nut, cashew, raw, unsalted
530 Incaparina, dry mix (corn and soy flours), unprepared
529.31 Thịt chim cút, nướng
527 Pine nuts
527 Soya flour
526 Cheese food, pasteurized process, swiss
526 Cheese, processed food, swiss, loaf
525 Nut, almond, with skin, raw, unsalted
524 Cheese, mozzarella, low sodium
524 Cheese, mozzarella, low sodium
524 Cheese, mozzarella, low sodium
523 Oats (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program)
523 Oat, raw
523 Cheese, cream, fat free
523 Oats
523 Cheese, cream, fat free
523 Cheese, cream, fat free
523 Grains, oats
521.4 Thịt lợn nửa nạc, nửa mỡ, nướng
520 Cheese, cheddar, reduced fat
520 Cheese, cheddar, reduced fat (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program)
520 Bean, red kidney, dried
519 Firm cheese, around 27% fat, Maasdam-type cheese
518 Chives, freeze-dried
518 Chives, freeze-dried
518 Laver (Porphyra sp.), dried or dehydrated
516.076 Thịt lợn nạc thăn, rán
515 Cheese, mozzarella
514 Đậu trắng (Đậu Tây), hạt
514 Mimolette cheese, from cow's milk
513 Nuts, walnuts, black, dried
513 Nuts, walnuts, black, dried
510 Cashew nut, grilled, unsalted
510 Tomme cheese, from mountain or Savoy
510 Seal, bearded (Oogruk), meat, partially dried (Alaska Native)
510 Almond, (with peel)
510 Pork, ham escalope, raw
510 Cheese, haloumi
510 Hạt dẻ, to, khô
508 Maize, bran, Zea mays, (Deya/Gaga)
508 Nuts, almond butter, plain, with salt added
508 Wheat, durum
508 Nuts, almond butter, plain, without salt added
508 Nuts, almond butter, plain, with salt added
508 Grains, wheat, durum
508 Nuts, almond butter, plain, salted
508 Nuts, almond butter, plain
506.8 Chả cá basa
506.8 Chả cá basa, rán
506 Pork, cured, bacon, cooked, baked
506 Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, dry fortified
506 Peanuts, virginia, oil-roasted, with salt
506 Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, dry fortified
506 Peanuts, virginia, oil-roasted, without salt
506 Peanuts, Virginia, oil-roasted, salted
506 Peanuts, Virginia, oil-roasted
506 Pork, cured, bacon, cooked, baked
505 Pyrénées cheese, from ewe's milk
504.203 Thịt gà, ta, lườn, chiên, rán ngập dầu
504.203 Thịt gà, ta, lườn, chiên, rán giòn
503 Nut, pistachio, raw, unsalted
503 Ready-to-use therapeutic food(RUTF), milk-free, soya, maize,sorghum (FSMS)
500 Spread, yeast, marmite
500 Bacon, shortcut, as purchased without rind, fried, no added fat
500 Beverage, instant breakfast powder, chocolate, sugar-free, not reconstituted
12 Oz/ 340gm
500 Beverages, chocolate powder, no sugar added
12 Oz/ 340gm
500 Cheese, tilsit
500 Carp, fillet, boiled (as part of a recipe)
500 Cheese, tilsit, with whole milk
499 Rye flour, dark
499 Spices, cumin seed
499 Spices, cumin seed
499 Rye flour, type 170
499 Spices, cumin seed
499 Cumin (cummin) seed, dried, ground
499 Bean, mung, whole, dried, uncooked
498 DENNY'S, golden fried shrimp
498 Semi-hard cheese, from ewe's milk
497 Beef, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, braised
497 Beef, liver, braised
497 Beef, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, braised
496.897 Thịt gà, ta,đùi, nướng
496.897 Thịt gà, ta, cánh, nướng
496.897 Thịt gà công nghiệp, cánh, nướng
496 Cheese, provolone, reduced fat
496 Provolone cheese, from cow's milk
496 Cheese, provolone
496 Cheese, provolone, reduced fat
496 Cheese, provolone
496 Cheese, provolone
496 Cheese, provolone, reduced fat
495 Lamb, variety meats and by-products, brain, cooked, pan-fried
495 Ham and cheese spread
495 Lamb, brain, pan-fried
494 Soy flour, full-fat, raw
494 Soy flour, full-fat, raw
493 Fruit-flavored drink, powder, with high vitamin C with other added vitamins, low calorie
12 Oz/ 340gm
493 Nuts, mixed nuts, dry roasted, with peanuts, salt added, PLANTERS pistachio blend
493 Wheat, soft red winter
493 Beverages, fruit-flavored drink, powder, with high vitamin C with other added vitamins, low calorie
12 Oz/ 340gm
493 Ready-to-use therapeutic food(RUTF), milk, maize, soya, sorghum(MSMS)
493 Grains, wheat, soft red winter
492.58 Cá chim, kho
492 Parsley, dried
492 Sausage, beef, raw
492 Ingokho (Fried Chicken)
491 Oats, raw, (Maotsi)
491 Oat bran, unprocessed, uncooked
491 Oats, rolled, raw
490 Bacon, middle rasher, separable lean, fried, no added fat
490 Nuts, cashew nuts, dry roasted, without salt added
490 Fish, sardine, Atlantic, canned in oil, drained solids with bone
490 Nuts, cashew nuts, dry roasted, without salt added
490 Fast foods, biscuit, with ham
490 Cheese, caraway
490 Fish, sardine, Atlantic, canned in oil, drained solids with bone
490 Nuts, pistachio nuts, raw
490 Nuts, cashew nuts, dry roasted, with salt added
490 Seed, linseed or flaxseed
490 Hạt dẻ cười
490 Fish, sardine, Atlantic, canned in oil, drained solids with bone
490 Nuts, cashew nuts, dry roasted, salted
490 Nuts, cashew nuts, dry roasted
490 Cheese, caraway
490 Fast foods, breakfast, biscuit with ham
490 Nuts, pistachio nuts, raw
489.605 Cá basa, phi lê, rán
489 Bread, cornbread, dry mix, enriched (includes corn muffin mix)
113 grams / 2 oz
489 Mothbeans, mature seeds, raw
489 Bread, cornbread, dry mix, unenriched (includes corn muffin mix)
113 grams / 2 oz
489 Bread, cornbread (also corn muffin mix), dry mix, unprepared
113 grams / 2 oz
489 Moth beans, raw
488 Beans, yellow, mature seeds, raw
488 Beans, yellow, raw
487 Fennel, seed
487 Spices, fennel seed
487 Cantal, Salers or Laguiole cheese, from cow's milk
487 Spices, fennel seed
485 Beef, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, pan-fried
485 Liver, young cow, cooked
485 Beef, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, pan-fried
485 False sesame seeds, dried, raw
485 Goat meat, lean, stewed (as part of a recipe)
485 Beef, liver, pan-fried
484.605 Cá điêu hồng, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
484.605 Cá điêu hồng, chiên giòn
484 Cheese, low-sodium, cheddar or colby
484 Cheese, low fat, cheddar or colby
484 Cheese, cheddar, nonfat or fat free
484 Cheese, low-sodium, cheddar or colby
484 Pikelet, plain, homemade
484 Flour, soya, full fat
484 Beef liver, stewed (as part of a recipe)
484 Cheese, cheddar or colby type, low fat (7% M.F.)
484 Cheese, cheddar or colby type, low sodium
483.194 Thịt gà công nghiệp, lườn, hấp
483.194 Thịt gà, ta, lườn, hấp
483.194 Thịt gà, ta, lườn, luộc
483.194 Thịt gà công nghiệp, lườn, luộc
483 Veal, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, pan-fried
483 Tofu, dried-frozen (koyadofu), prepared with calcium sulfate
483 Tofu, dried-frozen (koyadofu)
483 Veal, liver, pan-fried
483 Tofu, koyadofu, dried-frozen
483 Tofu, koyadofu, dried-frozen (prepared with calcium sulphate)
481 Nuts, almonds
481 Spices, coriander leaf, dried
481 Hạt hạnh nhân
481 Almond, peeled, unpeeled or blanched
481 Nuts, almonds, blanched
481 Nuts, almonds
481 Spices, coriander leaf, dried
481 Anchovy, in salt (semi-preserved)
481 Cereals ready-to-eat, GENERAL MILLS, CHEERIOS
481 Nuts, almonds, dried, blanched, unroasted
481 Nuts, almonds, dried, unblanched, unroasted
481 Spices, coriander leaf (cilantro), dried
480 Muffins, wheat bran, dry mix
113 grams / 2 oz
480 Lentil, green, dried
480 Salers cheese, from cow's milk
480 Caribou, rump meat, half dried (Alaska Native)
480 Muffin, wheat bran, dry mix, unprepared
113 grams / 2 oz
480 Nut, cashew, roasted, unsalted
479 Milkfish, aquacultured, flesh, grilled, no added fat
479 Bassa (basa), fillet, baked, no added fat
479 Bream, fillet, baked, no added fat
479 Silver perch, aquacultured, baked, no added fat
479 Tilapia, fillet, baked, no added fat
478.026 Cá chim trắng, chiên giòn
478.026 Cá chim trắng, chiên/rán ngập dầu (giòn)
478 Termites, dry, Macrotermessubhyanlinus, (Ngumbi)
478 Cheese, cheddar, natural, regular fat
478 Pistachio nut, grilled
478 Tomme cheese, from cow's milk
478 Egg substitute, powder
478 Cheese, cheddar, regular fat
478 Egg substitute, powder
477 Sunflower seed
477 Sweetbread, calf, raw
476 Cheese, processed product, mozzarella, slices
475 Cheese, dry white, queso seco
475 Snapper, fillet, baked, no added fat
475 Cheese, dry white, queso seco
474 Fast food, biscuit
474 Fast food, biscuit
474 Fast food, biscuit
474 Sardine, fillet, grilled (without salt or fat)
473 Cheddar cheese, from cow's milk
473 Cheese, cheddar
472 Soybean, dry, (Soya)
471 Nuts, almonds, dry roasted, with salt added
471 Nuts, almonds, dry roasted, without salt added
471 Nuts, almonds, dry roasted, without salt added
471 Almond, grilled, salted
471 Nuts, almonds, dry roasted, unblanched
471 Nuts, almonds, dry roasted, unblanched, salted
470 Sardine, canned in oil, drained, with bones
470 Biscuits, plain or buttermilk, refrigerated dough, higher fat
470 Nut, almond meal
470 CRACKER BARREL, farm raised catfish platter
470 Livarot cheese, from cow's milk
470 Biscuit, plain/buttermilk, refrigerated dough, higher fat
469.4 Cá chim
469 Nuts, pistachio nuts, dry roasted, without salt added
469 Nuts, pistachio nuts, dry roasted, with salt added
469 Hạt dẻ cười rang
469 Nut, almond, with or without skin, raw, unsalted
469 Nuts, pistachio nuts, dry roasted, salted
469 Flour, roasted soybean, (Ufa wasoya)
469 Nuts, pistachio nuts, dry roasted, without salt added
469 Nuts, pistachio nuts, dry roasted
468 Munster cheese, from cow's milk
468 Cheese, muenster
468 Cheese, muenster, low fat
468 Cheese, muenster
468 Soya bean, dry, raw
468 Cheese, muenster
467 Cheese, white, queso blanco
466 Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, lightly salted
466 Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, with salt added
466 Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, without salt added
466 Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, lightly salted
466 Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, unblanched
466 Hạt hạnh nhân rang
466 Nuts, almonds, oil roasted, unblanched, salted
465 Snack, BALANCE, original bar
464 Cheese, cheshire
464 BMS, follow-up formula, S-26 Promil2 powder
464 Cheese, cheshire
463.768 Thịt gà tây, chiên, rán ngập dầu
463.768 Thịt gà tây, chiên, rán giòn
463 Pork, chop, raw
462 Hibiscus seed, red, dried, raw
462 Hạt điều
461.224 Thịt thỏ rừng, nướng
460.375 Cá điêu hồng, nướng
460 Raclette cheese, from cow's milk
460 Thịt lợn nạc mông, rán
460 Veal, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, braised
460 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
460 Cheese, cheddar, sharp, sliced
460 Nut, cashew, roasted, salted
460 Veal, liver, braised
459 Lamb, New Zealand, imported, liver, cooked, soaked and fried
459 Babyfood, cereal, Oatmeal, dry, GERBER, SINGLE GRAIN, fortified
458.442 Gan lợn, luộc
458 Cheese, cheddar
458 Infant formula, powder, for 6 months, fortified
457.143 Thịt thỏ, nướng
457 Cheese, colby
457 Quinoa, raw
457 Quinoa, uncooked
457 Cheese, colby
457 Cheese, colby
457 Grains, quinoa, dry
456 Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, with peanuts, with salt added
456 Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, with peanuts, lightly salted
456 Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, with peanuts, without salt added
456 Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted with peanuts
456 Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted with peanuts, lightly salted
456 Nuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted with peanuts, salted
455 Cheese, cheddar
455 Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Chewy Chocolate Peanut Bar
455 Formulated bar, MARS SNACKFOOD US, SNICKERS MARATHON Energy Bar, all flavors
455 Flour, groundnut, Arachis hypogaea,(Nsinjilo)
455 Cheese, cheddar (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program)
455 Groundnut flour, with fat
454.75 Trai, hầm
454.691 Cá điêu hồng, xào
454.125 Cá chim trắng, nướng
454 Cheese (average)
453.448 Thịt gà rừng, nướng